Lista över Illinois High School Associations medlemskonferenser
Följande är en lista över Illinois High School Associations medlemskonferenser . Skolor som tillhör dessa konferenser tävlar med varandra på lokal nivå i friidrott och icke-idrottsaktiviteter. Från och med läsåret 2017-18 finns det 68 konferenser.
Aktuella konferenser
- Apollokonferensen
- Big Northern Conference
- Stora tolvkonferensen
- Black Diamond Conference
- Cahokia Conference (innehåller två divisioner)
- Central Illinois konferens
- Central State Eight Conference
- Central Suburban League (innehåller två divisioner)
- Chicago Catholic League (innehåller två divisioner)
- Chicago Prep Conference
- Chicago Public High School League (innehåller tio divisioner)
- DuPage Valley-konferens
- East Central Illinois-konferens
- East Suburban Catholic Conference
- Egyptiska Illini-konferensen
- Fox Valley konferens
- Katolska idrottskonferens för flickor
- Greater Egyptian Conference
- Heart of Illinois-konferens
- Illini Prairie Conference
- Independent School League
- Inter County Athletic Conference
- Interstate Eight Conference
- Kishwaukee River Conference
- Lake Shore Athletic Conference
- Lincoln Trail-konferens
- Lilla Illini-konferensen
- Little Okaw Valley konferens
- Lilla tio-konferensen
- Lincoln Prairie-konferens
- Metro Suburban Conference
- Metropolitan Prep Conference
- Mid-Illini-konferensen
- Midland Trail Conference
- Mid-Suburban League (innehåller två divisioner)
- Mississippi Valley konferens
- MSM-konferens
- National Trail Conference
- Noble Athletic Conference
- North Suburban Conference
- Northeastern Athletic Conference
- Northern Illinois Conference (NIC-10)
- Northern Lake County Conference
- Northwest Upstate Illini Conference (innehåller två divisioner)
- Pike County konferens
- Prairie State Conference
- Prairieland konferens
- River Valley konferens
- Sangamo konferens
- South Central Conference (Illinois)
- Sydegyptiska konferensen
- South Seven Conference
- South Suburban Conference
- Södra Illinois River-to-River-konferens (med Mississippi och Ohio River-divisioner)
- Southland Athletic Conference
- Southwest Prairie Conference
- Southwest Suburban Conference
- Sydvästra konferensen
- Three Rivers Conference
- Tomahawk Conference (Illinois)
- Tre länskonferens
- Upstate Eight-konferensen
- Vermilion Valley konferens
- West Central Conference
- West Suburban Conference (innehåller två divisioner)
- Western Big 6-konferens
- Western Illinois Valley Conference (innehåller två divisioner)
Tidigare konferenser
- Ambraw Valley Conference (1945-1955)
- Big 8 (1980-1995)
- Big Rivers Conference (endast för fotboll) (1999-2012)
- Bi-county Conference (1917-1919)
- Bi-county Conference (1970-1998)
- Blackhawk Conference (West) (1934-1990)
- Blackhawk Conference (North) (1947-1972)
- Bureau Valley Conference (1970-1990-tal)
- Capitol Conference (1964-1982)
- Cenois-konferensen (1963-1969)
- Centralkonferens (1956-1958)
- Central Egyptian Conference (1929-1940)
- Chicagoland Prep Conference (1961-1969)
- Kolbältskonferens (1946-1956)
- Cook County High School League (1889–1913)
- Corn Belt Conference (1950–2017)
- Des Plaines Valley Conference (1963-1985)
- East Okaw Conference (1981-1995)
- Eastern Illinois Conference (1952-1969)
- Four Rivers Conference (2000-2006)
- Fox Valley Conference (1952-1966)
- Gateway East Conference (1979-1983)
- Greater Midwestern Conference (1983-1986)
- Heartland Conference (Illinois) (1978-1982)
- Heart of Illinois Conference (1970-talet) (1972–1978)
- Illini centralkonferens (1985-1998)
- Illini 8-konferens (1966-1981)
- Illini Valley Conference (North Central) (1970-1972)
- Illini Valley Conference (South Central) (1928-1973)
- Illio-konferensen (1952-1975)
- Illowa-konferensen (1952-1974)
- Indian Valley Conference (1976-1994)
- Iroquois Conference (1970-1980-tal)
- Kane County Conference (????-1917)
- Kankakee Valley Conference (1950-1979)
- La Moine Valley-konferensen (1952-1967)
- Little 6 Conference (1952–1975)
- Little 7 Conference (1921–1995)
- Little 8 Conference (North Central) (1921–1975)
- Little 8 Conference (Far North) (1920-1980)
- Little 8 Conference (Northeast) (1919–19??)
- Little 8 Conference (Northwest) (1918–192?)
- Little 8 Conference (Sydväst) (????–????)
- Little Egypt Conference (1960-1970-talet)
- Little Five-konferensen (1923-1939)
- Little Four Conference (19-1948)
- Meridian Conference (Central Illinois) (1959-1993)
- Meridian Conference (Norra Illinois) (????-????)
- Metro Catholic Conference (1960-1965)
- Mid Northern Conference (1972-1995)
- Mid-South Conference (1983-2008)
- Mellanstatskonferens (1944-1997)
- Mid-State Six Conference (196?-2015)
- Midwest Conference (1948-1970)
- Mellanvästernkonferensen (1952-1970)
- Mississippi Valley Conference (1957-1968)
- Ny Salem-konferens
- North Central Illinois Conference (1929-2011)
- Norra Egyptens konferens (1938-2003)
- North Shore Conference (1904-1914)
- North Six Conference (1939-1946)
- Northern Illinois Big 12 Conference (2010–2018)
- Northwest Conference (1963-1974)
- Northwest Illinois Conference (NWIC) (1974-1996)
- Northwest 7 Conference (1972-1973)
- Northwest 8 Conference (1977-1990)
- Northwest Suburban Conference (1925-1997)
- Okaw Valley Conference (1950-2017)
- OS-konferens (1976-2010)
- PMSC-konferens (1961-1973)
- Quad Cities Metro Conference (1950-1977)
- River Trails Conference (1990-1995)
- Rock River (Valley) Conference (1924-1948)
- Route 72 Conference (1952-1972)
- Sangamon Valley Conference (1948-2021)
- SHARK Conference (1946-1982)
- SICA — (South Inter-Conference Association, upplöst 2006)
- Southeast Suburban Conference (1962-1972)
- Southern Illini-konferensen (1957-1974)
- Southern Illini-konferensen (1986-1993)
- Southwest Egyptian Conference (????-1993)
- Spoon River Conference (1959-1985)
- Stephenson County Conference (1958-1963) (omdöpt till "Northwest Illinois Conference" )
- Förorts katolska konferens (1960-1973)
- Förorts katolska konferens (2009-2015)
- Suburban League (1913–1975)
- Suburban Prairie Conference (1995–2005)
- SWANI-konferensen (1946-1953)
- Tollway Athletic Conference
- Banbrytarekonferens (1982-1984)
- Tre statskonferens (1932-1935)
- Two Rivers Conference (19??-1958)
- United Conference (1958-1963)
- Upstate Illini-konferensen (1974-1976)
- Upstate Illini-konferensen (1991-2000)
- US Grant Conference (1950-1958)
- Vermilion Valley Conference (1950-1981)
- Wauseca-konferensen (1928-1989)
- West Prairie Trail Conference
- Western Area Conference (1974-1996)
- Western Athletic Conference (1908-1921)
- Western Sun Conference (2006–2010)
- Western Suburban Athletic Conference (1903-1910)
- Western Suburban Catholic Conference (1974-1988)
- Wilco-konferensen (1959-1973)
- Wil-Ro-Kee Conference (1954-1959) (omdöpt till "Kankakee Valley Conference" 1960)