Great Public Schools Association of Queensland
Bildning | 1918 |
Huvudkontor | Brisbane , Queensland |
Medlemskap |
Anglican Church Grammar School Brisbane Boys' College Brisbane Grammar School Brisbane State High School Ipswich Grammar School St. Joseph's Nudgee College St. Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace Southport School Toowoomba Grammar School |
Officiellt språk |
engelsk |
generalsekreterare |
Nicole L'Efevre |
Great Public Schools Association of Queensland Inc. ( GPS ) är en sammanslutning av nio gymnasieskolor i sydöstra Queensland som grundades 1918. Med undantag för Brisbane State High School är GPS-skolorna helt manliga, privata skolor. Liknande föreningar finns i New South Wales ( AAGPS ) och Victoria ( APS ).
Nuvarande medlemsskolor
Det har varit kritiker av GPS-tävlingen för Brisbane State Highs medlemskap i GPS-tävlingen, främst för att det är den enda offentliga skolan i GPS-tävlingen. Dess medlemskap bibehålls dock trots tvist. Termen "Public Schools" i GPS-akronymen omfattar all offentlig utbildning inklusive Grammar Schools som verkligen själva är Public Schools. (Grammar Schools Act, 1860)
Skola | Plats | Inskrivning | Grundad | Valör | Dag/boarding |
År i tävlingen* |
Skolans färger | Skolans smeknamn |
Anglican Church Grammar School | Östra Brisbane | 1 800 | 1912 | anglikanska | Dag & ombordstigning | 1918 | Blått och grått |
Churchie |
Brisbane Boys' College | Toowong | 1 600 | 1902 | Förenande kyrka / presbyterian | Dag & ombordstigning | 1918 | Grönt, vitt och svart |
BBC eller College |
Brisbane Grammar School | Spring Hill | 1 700 | 1868 | Sekulär eller icke-konfessionell | Dag & ombordstigning | 1918 | Mörkblå och ljusblå |
Grammatik eller BGS |
Brisbane State High School | Södra Brisbane |
3 361 (ungefär 1 669 män) |
1913 | Sekulär | Dag | 1921 | Cerise och marinblå |
State High |
Ipswich Grammar School | Ipswich | 1 080 | 1863 | Icke-konfessionell | Dag & ombordstigning | 1918 | röd och vit |
Ipswich eller IGS |
St Joseph's College, Nudgee | Boondall | 1 750 | 1891 | katolik | Dag & ombordstigning | 1918 | Blå och vit |
Nudgee |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | Spring Hill | 1 691 | 1875 | katolik | Dag | 1918 | Röd svart |
Terrace eller Gregory Terrace |
Southport School | Southport | 1 305 | 1901 | anglikanska | Dag & ombordstigning | 1920 | Rödbrun, marin och vit |
TSS eller Southport |
Toowoomba Grammar School | Toowoomba | 1 258 | 1875 | Icke-konfessionell | Dag & ombordstigning | 1920 | Blått och guld |
Toowoomba eller TGS |
Tidigare medlemsskolor
Skola | Plats | Inskrivning | Grundad | Valör | Dag/boarding | Skolans färger |
St. Laurence's College | Södra Brisbane | 2000 | 1915 | katolik | Dag | Svart och guld |
Central Technical College High School, en statlig skola, var från början medlem från 1918 men slogs samman med Brisbane Junior State High School och High Top Wynnum State School 1921* för att bilda Brisbane State High School, som fortfarande är medlem i föreningen .
St. Laurence's College tvingades lämna GPS:en på 1920-talet eftersom den inte hade en cricketplan och en fotbollsoval. De tävlade åtminstone fram till och med friidrottskarnevalen den 23 september 1928. De är nu medlemmar i Associated Independent Colleges (AIC) Competition.
Fysisk rekreation
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig basketpremiärskap sedan 1986. En sammanfattning av First V-vinnare visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över premiärer per år, se .
Skola | Premierships | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 6 | 2 | 4 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 8 | 6 | 2 |
Brisbane State High School | 11 | 6 | 5 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 4 | 1 | 3 |
Southport School | 4 | 3 | 1 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 8 | 6 | 2 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 5 | 4 | 1 |
- Resultat till och med säsongen 2022.
- Brisbane State High School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-basket baserat på premierskap.
1986 Ipswich Grammar School
1987 Brisbane Boys' College
1988 Anglican Church Grammar School
1989 Anglican Church Grammar School
1990 Anglican Church Grammar School & Nudgee College (slips)
1991 Nudgee College & Ipswich Grammar School (oavgjort)
1992 Nudgee College & Ipswich Grammar School (oavgjort)
1993 Ipswich Grammar School
1994 Ipswich Grammar School
1995 Brisbane Boys' College
1996 Ipswich Grammar School
1997 Gregory Terrace
1998 Brisbane State High School & Nudgee College (oavgjort)
1999 Brisbane State High School
2000 Brisbane State High School & Gregory Terrace (slips)
2001 Nudgee College
2002 Brisbane State High School
2003 Nudgee College
2004 Brisbane State High School & Gregory Terrace (slips)
2005 Brisbane Boys' College
2006 Brisbane State High School
2007 Brisbane State High School
2008 Anglican Church Grammar School
2009 Southport School
2010 Brisbane State High School
2011 Brisbane State High School & Brisbane Boys' College (oavgjort)
2012 Southport School
2013 Anglican Church Grammar School
2014 Anglican Church Grammar School
2015 Ipswich Grammar School
2016 Brisbane State High School
2017 Brisbane Boys' College
2018 Ipswich Grammar School
2019 Gregory Terrace & Anglican Church Grammar School (slips)
2020 Anglican Church Grammar School
2021 Southport School
2022 Brisbane State High School, Toowoomba Grammar School & The Southport School (oavgjort)
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig cricketpremiärskap sedan 1919. En sammanfattning av First XI-vinnare visas nedan.
Skola | Premierskap | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 10 | 9 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 19 | 15 | 4 |
Brisbane State High School | 7 | 7 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Southportskolan | 22 | 17 | 5 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 13 | 12 | 1 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 12 | 10 | 2 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 18 | 14 | 4 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 6 | 4 | 2 |
- Ingen tävling hölls från 1942 till och med 1945 på grund av andra världskriget .
- Current Premiers (2022): Brisbane Grammar School
- Resultat till och med säsongen 2022.
- Southport School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS Cricket baserat på premierskap.
1919 Brisbane Grammar School
1920 Brisbane Grammar School & The Southport School (slips)
1921 Brisbane Grammar School
1922 Ipswich Grammar School & Nudgee College (oavgjort)
1923 Toowoomba Grammar School & The Southport School (slips)
1924 Toowoomba Grammar School
1925 Nudgee College
1926 Southport School
1927 Southport School
1928 Toowoomba Grammar School & The Southport School (slips)
1929 Church of England Grammar School & The Southport School (slips)
1930 Brisbane Grammar School
1931 Brisbane Grammar School & Church of England Grammar School (slips)
1932 Toowoomba Grammar School
1933 Toowoomba Grammar School
1934 Church of England Grammar School
1935 Church of England Grammar School
1936 Toowoomba Grammar School
1937 Ipswich Grammar School
1938 Nudgee College
1939 Nudgee College
1940 Church of England Grammar School
1941 Church of England Grammar School
1942 till 1945 Inga tävlingar (andra världskriget)
1946 Brisbane Grammar School
1947 Brisbane Boys' College
1948 Church of England Grammar School
1949 Brisbane State High School
1950 Church of England Grammar School
1951 Brisbane Grammar School
Gregory Terrace från 1952
1953 Ipswich Grammar School
1954 Brisbane Grammar School
1955 Brisbane Grammar School & Church of England Grammar School (slips)
1956 Brisbane Grammar School
1957 Ipswich Grammar School
1958 Ipswich Grammar School
1959 Church of England Grammar School
1960 Brisbane Grammar School
1961 Brisbane Grammar School
1962 Brisbane Boys' College & Church of England Grammar School (slips)
1963 Church of England Grammar School
1964 Nudgee College
1965 Brisbane Grammar School
1966 Brisbane State High School
1967 Church of England Grammar School
1968 Ipswich Grammar School
1969 Ipswich Grammar School
1970 Southport School
1971 The Southport School & Brisbane Grammar School (slips)
1972 Southport School
1973 Southport School
1974 Southport School
1975 Ipswich Grammar School
1976 Church of England Grammar School
1977 Brisbane State High School
1978 Brisbane Grammar School
1979 Brisbane State High School
1980 Southport School
1981 Southport School
1982 Southport School
1983 Brisbane Grammar School
1984 Church of England Grammar School
1985 Brisbane Boys' College
1986 Toowoomba Grammar School
1987 Toowoomba Grammar School
1988 Toowoomba Grammar School
1989 Ipswich Grammar School
1990 Toowoomba Grammar School
1991 Nudgee College
1992 Brisbane State High School
1993 Brisbane State High School
1994 Nudgee College
1995 Brisbane Boys' College
1996 Anglican Church Grammar School
1997 Anglican Church Grammar School]
1998 Nudgee College
1999 Anglican Church Grammar School
2000 Toowoomba Grammar School
2001 Nudgee College
2002 Brisbane State High School
2003 Brisbane Boys' College
2004 Gregory Terrace
2005 Toowoomba Grammar School
2006 Ipswich Grammar School
2007 Ipswich Grammar School
2008 Ipswich Grammar School
2009 Nudgee College
2010 Southport School
2011 Southport School
2012 Anglican Church Grammar School
2013 Brisbane Grammar School
2014 Southport School
2015 Southport School
2016 Ipswich Grammar school
2017 Southport School
2018 Southport School
2019 Southport-skolan
2020 Gregory Terrace & Brisbane Boys' College (oavgjort)
2021 Southport School
2022 Brisbane Grammar School
Cross Country
Skolorna har tävlat i ett årligt mästerskap i terränglopp sedan 1971. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över premiärer per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 4 | 3 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 17 | 15 | 2 |
Brisbane State High School | 1 | 1 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 9 | 7 | 2 |
Southport School | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 16 | 15 | 1 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 3 | 3 | 0 |
- Nuvarande Premiers (2022): Brisbane Boys' College
- Resultat till och med 2022 års tävling.
- Anglican Church Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan i Junior GPS Cross Country baserat på premierskap.
1971 Church of England Grammar School
1972 Church of England Grammar School
1973 Church of England Grammar School
1974 Brisbane Grammar School
1975 Brisbane Grammar School & Church of England Grammar School (slips)
1976 Church of England Grammar School
1977 Church of England Grammar School
1978 Church of England Grammar School
1979 Brisbane Grammar School
1980 Church of England Grammar School
1981 Brisbane Grammar School
1982 Brisbane Grammar School
1983 Church of England Grammar School
1984 Brisbane Grammar School
1985 Anglican Church of Grammar School
1986 Anglican Church of Grammar School
1987 Anglican Church of Grammar School
1988 Anglican Church of Grammar School
1989 Anglican Church of Grammar School
1990 Southport School
1991 Ipswich Grammar School
1992 Ipswich Grammar School
1993 Brisbane Grammar School
1994 Brisbane Grammar School
1995 Brisbane Grammar School
1996 Brisbane Grammar School
1997 Brisbane Grammar School
1998 Brisbane Grammar School
1999 Nudgee College
2000 Brisbane Grammar School
2001 Gregory Terrace
2002 Gregory Terrace
2003 Gregory Terrace
2004 Gregory Terrace & Ipswich Grammar School (slips)
2005 Nudgee College
2006 Brisbane Grammar School
2007 Anglican Church Grammar School & Ipswich Grammar School (oavgjort)
2008 Gregory Terrace
2009 Anglican Church Grammar School
2010 Gregory Terrace & Nudgee College (slips)
2011 Gregory Terrace
2012 Anglican Church Grammar School
2013 Gregory Terrace
2014 Gregory Terrace
2015 Nudgee College
2016 Brisbane Grammar School
2017 Brisbane Grammar School
2018 Brisbane Boys' College
2019 Brisbane Boys' College
2020 Brisbane State High School
2021 Brisbane State High School
2022 Brisbane Boys' College
Junior Cross Country
Skolorna har tävlat i ett årligt terrängmästerskap sedan 2014. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över premiärer per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 7 | 6 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Brisbane State High School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Southport School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Current Premiers (2022): Anglican Church Grammar School
- Resultat till och med 2022 års tävling.
- Nudgee College har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan i Junior GPS Cross Country baserat på premierskap.
2014 Anglican Church Grammar School
2015 Nudgee College
2016 Nudgee College
2017 Nudgee College
2018 Nudgee College
2019 Anglican Church Grammar School & Nudgee College (oavgjort)
2020 Nudgee College
2021 Nudgee College
2022 Anglican Church Grammar School
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig gymnastiktävling från 1915 till 2021, vilket gör den till den äldsta GPS-sporten, med anor innan GPS-föreningen bildades 1918. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över premiärer per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 16 | 16 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 5 | 4 | 1 |
Southport School | 6 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 64 | 63 | 1 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 6 | 5 | 1 |
- Ipswich Grammar School har aldrig tävlat i gymnastik. Anglican Church Grammar School, Toowoomba Grammar School och Nudgee College tävlar inte längre konsekvent i gymnastik (ibland har små lag/individer representerat dessa skolor vid mästerskapen).
- Även om Brisbane State High School aldrig är officiellt inblandad, har det ibland varit inblandat med få individer.
- Gymnastik tävlades mellan skolor 1915, 1916 och 1917, före grundandet av GPS:en 1918, med Brisbane Grammar School, Nudgee College och Brisbane Grammar School som vann under respektive år
- Ingen tävling 1924 eller från 1929 till och med 1932.
- Resultat till och med 2022 års tävling.
- Brisbane Grammar School 2012 vann division 3 med 0,5 poäng och division 1 med 0,1 poäng, samtidigt som de förlorade division 2 med över 20,0 poäng. Det har inofficiellt kallats ett av de största premiärskapen i GPS-historien.
- Brisbane Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-gymnastik baserat på premierskap.
- Brisbane Grammar School har över ett decennium långt premiärskap och vunnit alla mästerskap från 2011 och 2022.
- GPS Gymnastik har officiellt avbrutits efter GPS-mästerskapen 2020 den 5 september, och slutade med en 105-årig historia. Detta berodde på en fortsatt minskning av deltagande elever och livskraftig konkurrens i alla skolor, vilket gör GPS Gymnastik till en av tre sporter som kommer att avvecklas av GPS Association.
- GPS Gymnastics Foundation Cup har tävlats sedan 2021
Skolorna har tävlat i ett årligt Head of the River- roddmästerskap sedan 1918. En sammanfattning av vinnande åttaesättningar (fyra från 1918 till och med 1954) visas nedan. För individuella resultat, se GPS Head of the River - Queensland .
- Ipswich Grammar School och Toowoomba Grammar School deltar inte i roddtävling.
- Gregory Terrace tävlade först 1928 men tävlade inte igen förrän 1954.
- Nudgee College tävlade första gången 2002.
- Ingen tävling 1942 till och med 1945 på grund av andra världskriget .
- Det har blivit två oavgjorda förstaplatser - 1928 och 1965.
- Totalt har det blivit fem oavgjorda för en pallplats (1:a, 2:a eller 3:a); den senaste var för 3:a i loppet 2019.
- A "No Race" förklarades 1983 på grund av flera protester angående resultatet av loppet.
- Resultat till och med 2022.
- Brisbane Boys' College har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-rodd baserat på 1:a VIII premiärskap.
Skolorna har också tävlat om Old Boys Cup för bästa totala skola på Head of the River sedan 1988. En sammanfattning av vinnande skolor visas nedan. För individuella resultat, se GPS Head of the River - Queensland .
- Det har blivit en oavgjord första plats - 2012.
- Ej tilldelad 2010 på grund av dåliga väderförhållanden.
- Resultat till och med 2022.
- Anglican Church Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan i Old Boys' Cup.
Skolorna har tävlat i ett årligt rugbypremiärskap sedan 1918 (till en början spelade rugbyligan fram till 1928, då skolorna återgick till rugbyunionen).
Skola | Premierships | Rent ut | Delad |
St. Joseph's Nudgee College | 43 | 35 | 8 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 19 | 14 | 5 |
Brisbane State High School | 16 | 8 | 8 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 10 | 8 | 2 |
Southport School | 12 | 8 | 4 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 8 | 6 | 2 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 6 | 2 | 4 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 7 | 3 | 4 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Lista över GPS-rugby XV-premiärer
År | Premier League vinnare |
1918 | Ipswich Grammar School |
1919 | |
1920 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1921 | |
1922 | Southport School |
1923 | St Joseph's College, Nudge |
1924 | 2-vägs slips mellan; St Joseph's College, Nudgee och Toowoomba Grammar School |
1925 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1926 | Southport School |
1927 | St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace |
1928 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1929 | |
1930 | Toowoomba Grammar School |
1931 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1932 | 2-vägs slips mellan; St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace och Toowoomba Grammar School |
1933 | Southport School |
1934 | Ipswich Grammar School |
1935 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1936 | |
1937 | |
1938 | Southport School |
1939 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1940 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1941 | |
1942 | Officiell tävling avbruten på grund av andra världskriget |
1943 | |
1944 | |
1945 | |
1946 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1947 | Brisbane State High School |
1948 | Toowoomba Grammar School |
1949 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1950 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Anglican Church Grammar School och St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1951 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1952 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1953 | |
1954 | 4-vägs slips mellan; St Joseph's College, Nudgee, Anglican Church Grammar School, Toowoomba Grammar School och Brisbane Boys' College |
1955 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1956 | 3-vägs slips mellan; Brisbane Grammar School , Toowoomba Grammar School och St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace |
1957 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1958 | Brisbane Grammar School |
1959 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1960 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1961 | |
1962 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1963 | |
1964 | Brisbane State High School |
1965 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1966 | |
1967 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1968 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1969 | Brisbane State High School |
1970 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1971 | |
1972 | Brisbane Grammar School |
1973 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Brisbane Grammar School och Brisbane State High School |
1974 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Brisbane State High School och Anglican Church Grammar School |
1975 | Brisbane State High School |
1976 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Brisbane Grammar School och Brisbane State High School |
1977 | St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace |
1978 | |
1979 | |
1980 | |
1981 | |
1982 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
1983 | Brisbane State High School |
1984 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Ipswich Grammar School och Brisbane State High School |
1985 | Ipswich Grammar School |
1986 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1987 | |
1988 | Ipswich Grammar School |
1989 | |
1990 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1991 | |
1992 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Brisbane Grammar School och Brisbane State High School |
1993 | 3-vägs slips mellan; Ipswich Grammar School St Joseph's College, Nudgee och Brisbane State High School |
1994 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1995 | |
1996 | St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace |
1997 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
1998 | |
1999 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
2000 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
2001 | Southport School |
2002 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
2003 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Anglican Church Grammar School och Southport School |
2004 | St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace |
2005 | 2-vägs slips mellan; Anglican Church Grammar School och Brisbane State High School |
2006 | Southport School |
2007 | |
2008 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
2009 | Brisbane State High School |
2010 | 3-vägs slips mellan; Brisbane State High School, St Joseph's College, Nudgee och The Southport School |
2011 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
2012 | Brisbane Grammar School |
2013 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
2014 | Anglican Church Grammar School |
2015 | |
2016 | Brisbane State High School |
2017 | 2-vägs slips mellan; St Joseph's College, Nudgee och Southport School |
2018 | St Joseph's College, Nudgee |
2019 | Southport School |
2020 | Brisbane Boys' College |
2021 | Officiell tävling avbruten på grund av covid-19 |
2022 | 3-vägs slips mellan; Anglican Church Grammar School, St Joseph's College, Nudgee och The Southport School |
- Premier bestäms endast av vinst-förlustrekord och inte av bonuspoäng eller poängskillnad.
- St. Joseph's College, Nudgee har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS Rugby baserat på premierskap.
En årlig seglingstävling startade år 2000. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner |
Southport School | 9 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 4 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 5 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 3 |
- Brisbane State High School, Gregory Terrace, Nudgee College, Toowoomba Grammar School och Ipswich Grammar School tävlar inte i segling.
- Delas inte ut 2012 på grund av dåligt väder.
- Delas inte ut 2020 på grund av covid-19
- Till och med 2022.
- Southport School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-segling baserat på premierskap.
- GPS-segling har officiellt avbrutits efter GPS-mästerskapen 2020, vilket slutar med en 21-årig historia. Detta berodde på en fortsatt minskning av deltagande elever och livskraftig konkurrens mellan alla skolor, vilket gjorde GPS-segling till en av två sporter som kommer att avvecklas av GPS Association.
- GPS Sailing Foundation Cup har tävlats sedan 2021
2000 Brisbane Grammar School
2001 Anglican Church Grammar School
2002 Southport School
2003 Southport School
2004 Anglican Church Grammar School
2005 Brisbane Grammar School
2006 Brisbane Grammar School
2007 Brisbane Boys' College
2008 Brisbane Boys' College
2009 Anglican Church Grammar School
2010 Anglican Church Grammar School
2011 Brisbane Boys' College
2012 Delas inte ut då alla lopp inte genomfördes på grund av väder
2013 Brisbane Grammar School
2014 Southport School
2015 Southport School
2016 Southport School
2017 Southport School
2018 Southport School
2019 Southport School
2020 Delas inte ut eftersom mästerskapen ställdes in på grund av covid-19
2021 Southport School
2022 Brisbane Grammar School
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig fotbollstävling sedan 1991. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
Brisbane Grammar School | 6 | 4 | 2 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 7 | 5 | 2 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 5 | 5 | 0 |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 10 | 6 | 4 |
Brisbane State High School | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 1 | 1 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Southport School | 4 | 2 | 2 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 2 | 1 | 1 |
- Nuvarande premiärer (2022): St Joseph's Nudgee College
- Till och med 2022.
- St. Joseph's Nudgee College har varit de mest framgångsrika skolorna inom GPS-fotboll baserat på premierskap.
1991 Brisbane Boys' College
1992 Brisbane Grammar School
1993 Brisbane Boys' College
1994 Brisbane Grammar School
1995 St Joseph's Nudgee College
1996 Ipswich Grammar School
1997 St Joseph's Nudgee College
1998 Ipswich Grammar School & St Joseph's Nudgee College (oavgjort)
1999 Brisbane Grammar School & Ipswich Grammar School (oavgjort)
2000 Brisbane Grammar School
2001 St Joseph's Nudgee College
2002 Ipswich Grammar School
2003 St Joseph's Nudgee College
2004 Brisbane Boys' College
2005 Brisbane State High School
2006 Brisbane Grammar School & Brisbane State High School (oavgjort)
2007 Brisbane Grammar School
2008 Ipswich Grammar School
2009 Ipswich Grammar School
2010 Brisbane Boys' College
2011 Brisbane Boys' College
2012 Southport School
2013 St Joseph's Nudgee College & The Southport School (slips)
2014 St Joseph's Nudgee College & The Southport School (slips)
2015 Toowoomba Grammar School
2016 St Joseph' Nudgee College och Toowoomba Grammar School
2017 Ipswich Grammar School
2018 St Joseph's Nudgee College
2019 Anglican Church Grammar School
2020 Southport School
2021 St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace
2022 St Joseph's Nudgee College
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig simtävling sedan 1918. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 22 | 21 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 21 | 21 | 0 |
Brisbane State High School | 12 | 12 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 16 | 15 | 1 |
Southport School | 16 | 16 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 20 | 20 | 0 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Ingen tävling ägde rum 1932, 1938, 1942, 1951, 1966 eller 1967.
- Till och med 2022.
- Nudgee College har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-simning baserat på premierskap.
Gregory Terrace 1918
Gregory Terrace 1919
1920 Brisbane Grammar School
Gregory Terrace från 1921
1922 Southport School
1923 Nudgee College
1924 Brisbane Grammar School
1925 Brisbane Grammar School
1926 Brisbane Grammar School
1927 Brisbane Grammar School
1928 Brisbane Grammar School
1929 Brisbane Grammar School
1930 Church of England Grammar School
1931 Brisbane Grammar School
1932 Ingen tävling
1933 Brisbane State High School
1934 Brisbane Grammar School
1935 Toowoomba Grammar School
1936 Brisbane Grammar School
1937 Church of England Grammar School
1938 Ingen tävling
1939 Church of England Grammar School
1940 Church of England Grammar School
1941 Church of England Grammar School
1942 Ingen tävling
1943 Church of England Grammar School
1944 Church of England Grammar School
1945 Church of England Grammar School
1946 Church of England Grammar School
1947 Church of England Grammar School
1948 Church of England Grammar School
1949 Church of England Grammar School
1950 Church of England Grammar School
1951 Ingen tävling
Gregory Terrace från 1952
Gregory Terrace från 1953
1954 Nudgee College & Gregory Terrace (slips)
Gregory Terrace från 1955
1956 Church of England Grammar School
Gregory Terrace från 1957
Gregory Terrace från 1958
1959 Gregory Terrace
1960 Church of England Grammar School
1961 Church of England Grammar School
1962 Church of England Grammar School
1963 Church of England Grammar School
1984 Church of England Grammar School
1965 Church of England Grammar School
1966 till 1967 Ingen tävling
1968 Brisbane State High School
1969 Brisbane State High School
Gregory Terrace från 1970
1971 Brisbane Grammar School
1972 Brisbane Grammar School
1973 Brisbane Grammar School
1974 Brisbane Grammar School
1975 Brisbane Grammar School
1976 Brisbane Grammar School
1977 Brisbane Grammar School
1978 Brisbane State High School
1979 Brisbane State High School
1980 Brisbane State High School
1981 Brisbane State High School
1982 Brisbane State High School
1983 Brisbane State High School
1984 Brisbane State High School
1985 Brisbane State High School
1986 Brisbane State High School
1987 Gregory Terrace
1988 Gregory Terrace
1989 Gregory Terrace
1990 Gregory Terrace
1991 Gregory Terrace
1992 Nudgee College
1993 Nudgee College
1994 Nudgee College
1995 Nudgee College
1996 Nudgee College
1997 Nudgee College
1998 Nudgee College
1999 Nudgee College
2000 Nudgee College
2001 Nudgee College
2002 Nudgee College
2003 Nudgee College
2004 Southport School
2005 Southport School
2006 Nudgee College
2007 Southport School
2008 Southport School
2009 Nudgee College
2010 Nudgee College
2011 Nudgee College
2012 Nudgee College
2013 Southport School
2014 Anglican Church Grammar School
2015 Southport School
2016 Southport School
2017 Brisbane Grammar School
2018 Brisbane Grammar School
2019 Nudgee College
2020 Nudgee College
2021 Nudgee College
2022 Brisbane Grammar School
Junior simning
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig simtävling sedan 2014. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Brisbane State High School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Southportskolan | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 1 | 1 | 0 |
- Till och med 2022.
- Anglican Church Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom junior GPS-simning baserat på premierskap.
2014 Anglican Church Grammar School
2015 Anglican Church Grammar School
2016 Southport School
2017 Brisbane Boys College
Gregory Terrace 2018
2019 Nudgee College
2020 Anglican Church Grammar School
2021 Anglican Church Grammar School
2022 Nudgee College
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig tennistävling sedan 1918. En sammanfattning av First IV-vinnare visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 10 | 7 | 3 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 11 | 11 | 0 |
Brisbane State High School | 5 | 4 | 1 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 7 | 5 | 2 |
Southport School | 9 | 8 | 1 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 6 | 3 | 3 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 11 | 11 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 42 | 37 | 5 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 13 | 10 | 3 |
- Ingen tävling ägde rum från 1945 till och med 1945 på grund av andra världskriget .
- Till och med 2022.
- Brisbane Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-tennis baserat på premierskap.
1918 Brisbane Grammar School
1919 Brisbane Grammar School
1920 Brisbane Grammar School
1921 Brisbane Grammar School, Ipswich Grammar School, Southport School (oavgjort)
1922 Brisbane Grammar School
1923 Brisbane Grammar School
1924 Southport School
1925 Brisbane Grammar School
1926 Southport School
1927 Toowoomba Grammar School
1928 Brisbane Grammar School
1929 Ipswich Grammar School
1930 Southport School
1931 Brisbane Grammar School
1932 Toowoomba Grammar School
1933 Brisbane Grammar School
1934 Brisbane Boys' College, Brisbane Grammar School, Southport School (slips)
1935 Nudgee College
1936 Nudgee College
1937 Toowoomba Grammar School
1938 Toowoomba Grammar School
1939 Toowoomba Grammar School
1940 Toowoomba Grammar School
1941 Church of England Grammar School, Ipswich Grammar School (oavgjort)
1942 till 1945 Inga tävlingar
1946 Toowoomba Grammar School
1947 Toowoomba Grammar School
1948 Church of England Grammar School, Toowoomba Grammar School (slips)
1949 Toowoomba Grammar School
1950 Brisbane Grammar School
1951 Brisbane Grammar School
1952 Toowoomba Grammar School
1953 Brisbane Grammar School
1954 Brisbane State High School
Gregory Terrace från 1955
1956 Southport School
1957 Church of England Grammar School, Toowoomba Grammar School (slips)
1958 Church of England Grammar School
1959 Brisbane State High School
1960 Church of England Grammar School
1961 Church of England Grammar School
1962 Church of England Grammar School
1963 Brisbane Grammar School
1964 Brisbane Grammar School
1965 Brisbane Grammar School
1966 Brisbane Grammar School
1967 Brisbane Grammar School
1968 Brisbane Grammar School
1969 Brisbane Grammar School
1970 Brisbane Grammar School
1971 Brisbane Grammar School
1972 Brisbane Grammar School & Brisbane State High School (oavgjort)
1973 Brisbane State High School
1974 Brisbane Grammar School
1975 Brisbane Grammar School
1976 Brisbane Grammar School
1977 Brisbane Grammar School
1978 Brisbane Grammar School
1979 Brisbane Grammar School
1980 Brisbane Grammar School
1981 Brisbane Grammar School
1982 Brisbane Grammar School
1983 Brisbane Boys' College
1984 Brisbane State High School
1985 Brisbane Grammar School
1986 Brisbane Grammar School
1987 Brisbane Boys' College
1988 Nudgee College
1989 Nudgee College
1990 Nudgee College
1991 Brisbane Grammar School
1992 Gregory Terrace
1993 Nudgee College
1994 Nudgee College
1995 Gregory Terrace
1996 Anglican Church Grammar School
1997 Anglican Church Grammar School
1998 Gregory Terrace
1999 Gregory Terrace
2000 Southport School
2001 Southport School
2002 Ipswich Grammar School & Gregory Terrace (slips)
2003 Brisbane Grammar School, Gregory Terrace, Nudgee College (oavgjort)
2004 Anglican Church Grammar School
2005 Anglican Church Grammar School
2006 Brisbane Boys' College
2007 Brisbane Boys' College
2008 Brisbane Boys' College
2009 Brisbane Grammar School & Ipswich Grammar School (oavgjort)
2010 Ipswich Grammar School
2011 Brisbane Boys' College, Brisbane Grammar School och Nudgee College (oavgjort)
2012 Brisbane Grammar School
2013 Brisbane Boys' College, Brisbane Grammar School och Nudgee College (oavgjort)
2014 Brisbane Boys' College
2015 Brisbane Boys' College
2016 Brisbane Boys' College
2017 Brisbane Boys' College
2018 The Southport School, Brisbane Boys' College (oavgjort)
2019 Brisbane Boys' College
2020 Brisbane Boys' College
2021 Brisbane Grammar School
2022 Brisbane Grammar School
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig friidrottstävling sedan 1918. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 21 | 20 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 21 | 19 | 2 |
Brisbane State High School | 14 | 14 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Southport School | 5 | 3 | 2 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 24 | 24 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 14 | 13 | 1 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 6 | 6 | 0 |
- Till och med 2022
- Ipswich Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS Track & Field baserat på premierskap.
1918 Southport School
1919 Southport School & Nudgee College (slips)
1920 Nudgee College
1921 Nudgee College
1922 Southport School
1923 Church of England Grammar School
1924 Brisbane Grammar School
1925 Brisbane Boys' College
1926 Brisbane Grammar School
Gregory Terrace från 1927
1928 Brisbane Grammar School
1929 Southport School & Church of England Grammar School (slips)
Gregory Terrace från 1930
1931 Nudgee College
1932 Brisbane Grammar School
1933 Southport School
Gregory Terrace från 1934
1935 Brisbane Grammar School & Church of England Grammar School (slips)
1936 Brisbane Grammar School
1937 Brisbane Grammar School
1938 Brisbane Grammar School
1939 Brisbane Boys' College
1940 Nudgee College
1941 Brisbane Grammar School
1942 Brisbane Boys' College
1943 Church of England Grammar School
1944 Church of England Grammar School
1945 Toowoomba Grammar School
1946 Brisbane State High School
1947 Brisbane State High School
1948 Brisbane Grammar School
1949 Church of England Grammar School
Gregory Terrace från 1950
Gregory Terrace från 1951
1952 Church of England Grammar School
1953 Church of England Grammar School
1954 Church of England Grammar School
1955 Nudgee College
1956 Church of England Grammar School
1957 Church of England Grammar School
1958 Church of England Grammar School
1959 Church of England Grammar School
1960 Church of England Grammar School
1961 Church of England Grammar School
1962 Church of England Grammar School
1963 Church of England Grammar School
1964 Church of England Grammar School
1965 Church of England Grammar School
1966 Brisbane State High School
1967 Brisbane State High School
1968 Brisbane State High School
1969 Nudgee College
1970 Nudgee College
1971 Toowoomba Grammar School
1972 Toowoomba Grammar School
1973 Church of England Grammar School
1974 Church of England Grammar School
1975 Brisbane State High School
1976 Brisbane State High School
1977 Brisbane State High School
1978 Brisbane State High School
1979 Brisbane State High School
1980 Brisbane State High School
1981 Brisbane State High School
1982 Brisbane State High School
1983 Brisbane State High School
1984 Ipswich Grammar School
1985 Ipswich Grammar School
1986 Ipswich Grammar School
1987 Ipswich Grammar School
1988 Brisbane Grammar School
1989 Brisbane Grammar School
1990 Ipswich Grammar School
1991 Ipswich Grammar School
1992 Ipswich Grammar School
1993 Nudgee College
1994 Brisbane Grammar School
1995 Brisbane Grammar School
1996 Nudgee College
1997 Nudgee College
1998 Ipswich Grammar School
1999 Ipswich Grammar School
2000 Ipswich Grammar School
2001 Ipswich Grammar School
2002 Ipswich Grammar School
2003 Ipswich Grammar School
2004 Ipswich Grammar School
2005 Ipswich Grammar School
2006 Nudgee College
2007 Ipswich Grammar School
2008 Ipswich Grammar School
2009 Ipswich Grammar School
2010 Nudgee College
2011 Ipswich Grammar School
2012 Ipswich Grammar School
2013 Nudgee College
2014 Nudgee College
2015 Nudgee College
2016 Brisbane Boys' College
2017 Brisbane Boys' College
2018 Brisbane Boys' College
2019 Ipswich Grammar School
2020 Ipswich Grammar School
2021 Nudgee College
2022 Ipswich Grammar School
Friidrott för juniorer
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig friidrottstävling sedan 2014. En sammanfattning av vinnarna visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 6 | 6 | 0 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Brisbane State High School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Southport School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 1 | 1 | 0 |
- Till och med 2022
- Nudgee College har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan i Junior GPS Track & Field baserat på premierskap.
2014 Anglican Church Grammar School
2015 Nudgee College
2016 Brisbane Boys College
2017 Nudgee College
2018 Anglican Church Grammar School
2019 Nudgee College
2020 Nudgee College
2021 Nudgee College
2022 Nudgee College
Skolorna har tävlat i en årlig volleybollpremiärskap sedan 1994. En sammanfattning av förstalagets vinnare visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över vinnare per år, se .
Skola | Vinner | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 2 | 1 | 1 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 5 | 4 | 1 |
Brisbane State High School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 8 | 3 | 5 |
Southportskolan | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 14 | 10 | 4 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 6 | 5 | 1 |
- Till och med 2022
- Southport School deltar inte i volleyboll
- Brisbane Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-volleyboll baserat på premierskap.
1994 Brisbane Boys' College
1995 Brisbane Boys' College
1996 Brisbane Boys' College & Gregory Terrace (slips)
1997 Gregory Terrace
1998 Anglican Church Grammar School
1999 Brisbane Boys' College
2000 Brisbane Grammar School & Gregory Terrace (slips)
2001 Brisbane Boys' College
2002 Ipswich Grammar School & Nudgee College (oavgjort)
2003 Brisbane Grammar School
2004 Brisbane Grammar School
2005 Brisbane Grammar School
2006 Brisbane Grammar School
2007 Brisbane Grammar School
2008 Brisbane Grammar School
2009 Brisbane Grammar School
2010 Brisbane Grammar School & Gregory Terrace (slips)
2011 Brisbane Grammar School
2012 Brisbane Grammar School
2013 Brisbane Grammar School
2014 Gregory Terrace
2015 Brisbane Grammar School & Gregory Terrace (slips)
2016 Anglican Church Grammar School
2017 Anglican Church Grammar School
2018 Anglican Church Grammar School
2019 Brisbane Boys' College
2020 Anglican Church Grammar School, Brisbane Grammar School och Gregory Terrace (slips)
2021 Gregory Terrace
2022 Nudgee College
Tidigare sporter
- Shooting (övergiven 1974)
Akademiska evenemang
Skolorna har tävlat i ett årligt schackpremiärskap sedan 1995. En sammanfattning av förstalagets vinnare visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över premiärer per år, se .
Skola | Premierships | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 14 | 13 | 1 |
Brisbane State High School | 2 | 2 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Southport School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 13 | 11 | 2 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Resultat till och med säsongen 2022.
- Anglican Church Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-schack baserat på premierskap.
1995 Brisbane Grammar School
1996 Brisbane Grammar School
1997 Anglican Church Grammar School
1998 Anglican Church Grammar School
1999 Anglican Church Grammar School
2000 Anglican Church Grammar School
2001 Anglican Church Grammar School
2002 Anglican Church Grammar School
2003 Brisbane Grammar School
2004 Brisbane State High School
2005 Brisbane State High School
2006 Brisbane Grammar School & Toowoomba Grammar School (slips)
2007 Brisbane Grammar School
2008 Anglican Church Grammar School
2009 Brisbane Grammar School
2010 Anglican Church Grammar School & Brisbane Grammar School (oavgjort)
2011 Brisbane Grammar School
2012 Brisbane Grammar School
2013 Brisbane Grammar School
2014 Brisbane Grammar School
2015 Anglican Church Grammar School
2016 Brisbane Grammar School
2017 Anglican Church Grammar School
2018 Anglican Church Grammar School
2019 Brisbane Grammar School
2020 Anglican Church Grammar School
2021 Anglican Church Grammar School
2022 Anglican Church Grammar School
Skolorna har tävlat i ett årligt debatterande premiärskap sedan 2002. En sammanfattning av förstalagsvinnare visas nedan. För en fullständig lista över premiärer per år, se .
Skola | Premierships | Rent ut | Delad |
St Joseph's Nudgee College | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Anglican Church Grammar School | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Brisbane State High School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace | 4 | 2 | 2 |
Southport School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ipswich Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Toowoomba Grammar School | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Brisbane Grammar School | 15 | 13 | 2 |
Brisbane Boys' College | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- Resultat till och med 2022
- Brisbane Grammar School har varit den mest framgångsrika skolan inom GPS-debatt baserat på premierskap.
2002 St Joseph's Gregory Terrace & Brisbane Grammar School (slips)
2003 Brisbane Grammar School
2004 Brisbane Grammar School
2005 Brisbane Grammar School & St Joseph's Gregory Terrace (slips)
2006 St Joseph's Gregory Terrace
2007 Anglican Church Grammar School
2008 Brisbane Grammar School
2009 Brisbane Grammar School
2010 Brisbane Grammar School
2011 Brisbane Grammar School
2012 Anglican Church Grammar School
2013 Brisbane Grammar School
2014 Brisbane Grammar School
2015 Brisbane Grammar School
2016 Brisbane Grammar School
2017 Brisbane Grammar School
2018 Brisbane Grammar School
2019 St Joseph's Gregory Terrace
2020 Anglican Church Grammar School
2021 Brisbane Grammar School
2022 Anglican Church Grammar School
GPS Music Showcase
GPS-tävlingen håller en årlig musikshowcase där medlemsskolor presenterar en fast repertoar som bestäms av skolan som är värd för just det året. Eleverna repeterar sedan inför en sista konsert som 2019 hölls i Queensland Performing Arts Center (QPAC). Evenemanget hyllar den kreativa talangen hos elever på alla nio medlemsskolorna.
Dessutom fanns det tidigare GPS-skytte som togs bort på grund av säkerhetsrisker. Toowoomba Grammar School hade väldigt många premierskap under den tiden det var en GPS-tävling. När GPS:en tillät dig att anmäla 3 lag vann Toowoomba Grammar School 1:a, 2:a och 3:a.
Se även
- Utbildning i Australien
- Queensland Girls' Secondary Schools Sports Association
- Associerade oberoende högskolor
- De associerade skolorna
- Athletic Association of the Great Public Schools of New South Wales
- Associated Public Schools of Victoria
- Hawkins, T. Max (1965). Queensland Great Public Schools - A History . Brisbane: Jacaranda Press.