Theodore Seio Chihara
Theodore Seio Chihara (född 1929) är en matematiker som arbetar med ortogonala polynom som introducerade al-Salam-Chihara-polynom , Brenke-Chihara-polynom och Chihara-Ismail-polynom . Hans bror är kompositören Paul Chihara .
- Chihara, Theodore Seio (1978), An introduction to ortogonal polynomials , Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 13, New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, ISBN 978-0-677-04150-6 , MR 0481884 , omtryckt av Dover 2011
- Chihara, Theodore Seio (2001), "45 years of ortogonal polynomials: a view from the wings", Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications (Patras, 1999), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , 133 (1): 13–21, doi : 10.1016/S0377-0427(00)00632-4 , ISSN 0377-0427 , MR 1858267
- Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad EH; Van Assche, Walter (2001), "Ted Chihara and his work on ortogonal polynomials", Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications (Patras, 1999), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 133 ( 1 ) ): 1–11, doi : 10.1016/S0377-0427(00)00631-2 , ISSN 0377-0427 , MR 1858266
- Theodore Seio Chihara vid Mathematics Genealogy Project