Sussex Stakes

Sussex Stakes
Grupp 1 ras
Chief Singer.jpg

Chief Singer , målad av Bob Demuyser olja på duk
Goodwood Racecourse W. Sussex , England
Invigd 1841
Typ av ras Platt / Fullblod
Sponsor Qatar Energi
Hemsida Bra trä
Race information
Distans 1 mil (1 609 meter)
Yta Torva
Spår Högerhänt
Kompetens Tre år och uppåt
9 st 2 lb (3 år); 9 st 10 lb (4yo+)

Tillägg 3 lb för ston och ston
Handväska 1 000 000 £ (2022)
1: a: 567 100 £
Sussex Stakes
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Royal blue Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap
Baaeed Moderna spel Alkoholfri
Tidigare år
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap White, purple stripe, check cap White, dark blue cross belts, sleeves and cap
Alkoholfri Poetisk bloss Snölykta
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Dark blue, light blue cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, white cap Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves
Mohaather Cirkus Maximus Siskin
Pink, grey sash Dark blue, light blue cross belts, diabolo on sleeves, white cap Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap
För jävligt varmt Cirkus Maximus Jag kan flyga
Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Dark blue and pink diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, pink cap, dark blue diamond
Blixtspjut Expert Eye Lord Glitters
Pink, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves, quartered cap Royal blue Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel
Här kommer när Ribchester Blixtspjut
Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Royal blue
Gurkhan Galileo guld Ribchester
Royal blue, white seams, sleeves and cap Claret, gold braid, claret sleeves, claret cap, gold tassel Grey, beige star, grey sleeves, beige stars and stars on cap
Så låg En stav Gabriel
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Silver, gold braid, maroon cap, gold tassel Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap
Kingman Toronado Darwin
Grey, maroon epaulets Royal blue Dark blue
Toronado Dawn Approach Krigsförklaring
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Royal blue Grey, beige star, grey sleeves, beige stars and stars on cap
Frankel Farhh Gabriel
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Orange, black triple diamond, black cap, orange diamonds Royal blue
Frankel Canford Cliffs Rio De La Plata
Orange, black triple diamond, black cap, orange diamonds Dark blue Orange, black diamond, halved sleeves
Canford Cliffs Rippa Van Winkle Premium Loco
Dark blue Maroon, grey diamond Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Rippa Van Winkle Paco Boy Ghanaati
Dark Blue White, dark green chevron, cuffs on sleeves and quartered cap. purple, yellow stars, yellow sleeves, purple armlets, purple cap, yellow star.
Henrythenavigator Raven's Pass Major Cadeaux
Royal blue Dark blue Emerald Green, Light Blue cross belts and armlets, quartered cap
Ramonti Utmärkt konst Jeremy
Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap White, large black spots, black cap Red, red and Royal blue check cap
Hofmästerverk Sovjetisk sång Rob Roy
Emerald green, black chevrons on sleeves White, large black spots, black cap Dark blue
Tillkännagivande Sovjetisk sång Ad Valorem
White, large black spots, black cap Royal Blue and Light Blue diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, Royal Blue cap, Light Blue star Blue, Silver yoke and cuffs, Yellow collar, Yellow cap,blue button
Sovjetisk sång Nayyir Le Vie Dei Colori
Royal blue, red star, red sleeves, royal blue stars, royal blue cap, red stars Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap
Reel Buddy Frihetsgudinnan nordisk dansare
Red, white stars on sleeves Royal blue Royal blue, red star, red sleeves, royal blue stars, royal blue cap, red stars
Rock Of Gibraltar Noverre Reel Buddy
Royal blue Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap Dark Blue
Noverre Ingen ursäkt behövs Svart Minnaloushe
Dark Blue Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Red, white sash, royal blue cap
Giant's Causeway Dansili Läkare
Royal blue Red and yellow (halved), chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap White, emerald green stripe, green and red quartered cap
Aljabr Docksider Almushtarak
Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap White, emerald green stripe, green and red quartered cap Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap
Bland män Almushtarak Låna ut en hand
White, yellow stripes on body, black cap Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Royal blue
Ali-Royal Starborough Allierade styrkor
Chocolate, Gold braid and sleeves, quartered cap Royal blue Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Första ön Charnwoodskogen Alhaarth
Royal blue, red epaulets, striped cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Royal blue
Sayyedati Bahri Darnay
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Apricot
Avlägsen vy Barathea Grand Lodge
Royal Blue, Light Blue cap Royal blue, red epaulets, striped cap Black and White (halved), sleeves reversed, Red cap
Bigstone Sayyedati Inchinor
Yellow, dark blue sleeves, black cap White, Emerald green Hoop, White Sleeves, White Cap Blue, yellow sash, spots on sleeves, quartered cap
Marling Selkirk Andra uppsättningen
Blue, yellow sash, spots on sleeves, quartered cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Royal blue, yellow chevron and armlets, black cap
Andra uppsättningen Shadayid Priolo
Dark green, white chevron and sleeves, white cap, green star Green, red armlets and cap Apricot
Avlägsen släkting Green Line Express Shavian
Royal blue, white chevron, white cap, blue star Green, red armlets and cap Brown, beige chevrons, brown sleeves and cap
Zilzal Green Line Express Markofdistinction
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Yellow, maroon epaulets, quartered cap Black and White (halved), sleeves reversed, Red cap
Varning Sedan igen Mest Välkommen
Blue and white stripes, quartered cap Yellow, Black and Yellow striped sleeves, White cap Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap
Efisio Hadeer Star Cutter
Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Red, white sash, royal blue cap Dark blue, light blue cross belts, striped sleeves, white cap
Sonic Lady Skotsk rulle Pennine Walk
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Black, gold cross and stripe on cap
Rousillon Bairn Kung av klubbar
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap Cerise, white cross belts, black cap, white star Yellow, black epaulets
Chefssångare Creag-an-Sgor Wassl
Light blue, pink cross-belts and sleeves, quartered cap Red and white hoops, green sleeves, red cap Yellow, black epaulets
Noalkoholist Tolomeo Wassl
Black and White (halved), sleeves reversed, Red cap Yellow, dark blue sleeves and cap Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots
På huset Sandhurst Prince Uppnått
Dark green, black halved sleeves, green cap Yellow, green diamond, green cap Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star
King's Lake Till-Agori-Mou Noalto
Black, red sleeves, black cap, red spots Cherry, cornflower blue sash and cap Yellow, dark green diamond, hooped cap
Posse Sista strået Star Way
Apricot Blue, white spots on body, black cap White, black spots, yellow sleeves
Kris schweizisk hembiträde Varna
Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots White, black spots, yellow sleeves Dark green, yellow hoop, white sleeves and cap
Jaazeiro Radetzky Formidabel
Yellow, white spots, yellow cap Cherry, black sleeves and cap Beaver brown, maple leaf green cross belts and cap
Artaius Fri stat Relkino
Red and white hoops, green sleeves, red cap Cherry, black sleeves and cap Wine, french grey hoop on cap
Wollow Fri stat Tjuvskyttens måne
Red and white hoops, green sleeves, red cap Green, scarlet sash, yellow sleeves Royal blue, light blue cap
Bolkonski Rose skål Lianga
Light and dark green check, light green sleeves, white cap Dark blue, yellow hoop, armlets and spots on cap Royal blue, light blue cap
Ess av Ess Habat Mount Hagen
Emerald green, white sash, orange cap White, red sleeves and sash, check cap Pale Blue, White and Yellow check cap
Halmtak Hyacint Solprins
Pale Blue, White and Yellow check cap Red, royal blue spots, striped cap Turquoise, gold sleeves, red and black quartered cap
Sallust Hög topp Sparkler
Violet, cerise spots, violet sleeves, cerise cap Royal blue, light blue cap White, green sash and armlets, red and green quartered cap
Brigad Gerard Fjärran son Joshua
Light blue, black spots, blue cap Champagne, turquoise cross-belts and sleeves, grey cap White, green sash and armlets, red and green quartered cap
Ödmjuk plikt Guldstav Joshua
Royal blue, yellow sleeves, blue cap, yellow spots Green, white stripe and sleeves, orange cap Primrose, Black hoop, armlets and cap
Jimmy Reppin Dutch Delight Murrayfield
Royal blue, white hoop on body, striped cap White, Robertson tartan sash and cap Light blue, chocolate striped sleeves, hooped cap
Petingo världscupen Rökelse

The Sussex Stakes är en grupp 1 platt hästkapplöpning i Storbritannien öppen för hästar som är tre år eller äldre. Det körs på Goodwood över en sträcka av 1 mil (1 609 meter), och den är planerad att äga rum varje år i slutet av juli eller början av augusti.


Den första versionen av evenemanget, en 6-furlong race för två-åringar, etablerades 1841. Det fortsatte intermittent i trettiosju år, men det var obestridt vid tjugofem tillfällen inklusive fjorton walkovers .

Sussex Stakes blev ett 1-milslopp för treåringar 1878. Den tidigare versionen hade hamnat i skuggan av både Goodwood Cup och Stewards' Cup, men i sin modifierade form blev det det mest prestigefyllda loppet på Goodwood.

Evenemanget öppnades för fyraåringar 1960 och för hästar från fem år eller äldre 1975.

Loppet hålls för närvarande på den andra dagen av det fem dagar långa Glorious Goodwood-mötet.


Mest framgångsrika hästen (2 vinster):

Ledande jockey (8 segrar):

  • Sir Gordon Richards Marconigram (1928), Corpach (1936), Pascal (1937), Radioterapi (1946), Combat (1947), Krakatao (1949), Le Sage (1951), Agitator (1952)

Ledande tränare (7 segrar):

  • Sir Henry Cecil Bolkonski (1975), Wollow (1976), Kris (1979), Distant View (1994), Ali-Royal (1997), Frankel (2011, 2012)

Ledande ägare (7 segrar):

  • Sue Magnier Among Men (1998), Giant's Causeway (2000), Rock of Gibraltar (2002), Henrythenavigator (2008), Rip Van Winkle (2009), The Gurkha (2016)
  • Khalid Abdullah Rousillion (1985), Warning (1988), Distant View (1994), Frankel (2011, 2012), Kingman (2014)


År Vinnare Ålder Jockey Tränare Ägare Tid
1878 Clocher 3 John Osborne Jr L Delatre
1879 Rayon d'Or 3 J Goater Tom Jennings Frédéric de Lagrange
1880 Mask 3 Tom Cannon C Blanton Prins Soltykoff
1881 Kalksten 3 Fred Archer T Wadlow 3:e jarlen av Bradford
1882 komte Alfred 3 George Fordham Tom Jennings CJ Lefevre
1883 Ossian 3 Charles Wood R Sherrard Sir G Chetwynd
1884 Eremitaget 3 F Webb Tom Jennings CJ Lefevre
1885 Paradox 3 Fred Archer John Porter William Broderick Cloete
1886 Chelsea 3 J Goater W Goater G Lambert
1887 Reve d'Or 3 Charles Wood Alec Taylor Sr. 8:e hertigen av Beaufort
1888 Zanzibar 3 George Barrett CW Golding Hertiginnan av Montose
1889 Entusiast 3 Billy Warne James Ryan Douglas Baird
1890 St Serf 3 John Watts George Dawson 6:e hertigen av Portland
1891 Orvieto 3 Tom Cannon James Ryan JH Houldsworth
1892 Eller mig 3 George Barrett John Porter 1:e hertigen av Westminster
1893 Förebud 3 Mornington Cannon James Ryan Douglas Baird
1894 Tändsticksask 3 John Watts Richard Marsh Maurice de Hirsch
1895 Troon 3 John Watts George Dawson 6:e hertigen av Portland
1896 Ångra 3 Mornington Cannon John Porter 1:e hertigen av Westminster
1897 Ardeshir 3 Charles Wood J Waugh Herr Theobalds
1898 Dieudonne 3 John Watts Richard Marsh 8:e hertigen av Devonshire
1899 Kajman 3 Mornington Cannon J Huggins Lord W Beresford
1900 Flotten 3 Lester Reiff FW-dagen Abe Bailey
1901 Energisk 3 Otto Madden James Ryan JH Houldsworth
1902 Royal Lancer 3 W Lane William Waugh J Blundell Maple
1903 Stephanas 3 Herbert Jones Richard Marsh Arthur James
1904 Mousqueton 3 H Aylin H Enoch Douglas Baird
1905 Trast 3 Herbert Randall E Robson J Orr-Ewing
1906 Troutbeck 3 Herbert Jones William Waugh 2:e hertigen av Westminster
1907 Ulllindare 3 William Halsey H Enoch Edward Baird
1908 White Eagle 3 William Higgs Atty Persse William Hall-Walker
1909 Minoru 3 Herbert Jones Richard Marsh Edvard VII
1910 Winkipop 3 Herbert Jones William Waugh Waldorf Astor
1911 Stedfast 3 Frank Wootton George Lambton 17:e Earl of Derby
1912 Tracery 3 Danny Maher John Watson August Belmont Jr.
1913 Sun Yat 3 Frank Wootton Charles Morton Jack Barnato Joel
1914 Black Jester 3 Steve Donoghue Charles Morton Jack Barnato Joel
1919 Glanmerin 3 Steve Donoghue Samuel Pickering Lord H Vane-Tempest
1920 Braishfield 3 Frank Bullock Alec Taylor Jr. GH Deane
1921 Sunblaze 3 Brownie Carslake Atty Persse L Robinson
1922 Flit 3 Fred Lane Alfred Sadler 5:e Earl of Lonsdale
1923 Skynda iväg 3 Brownie Carslake Atty Persse 2:e hertigen av Westminster
1924 Burslem 3 Michael Beary Atty Persse Abe Bailey
1925 Munken 3 Harry Wragg Walter Earl Solomon Joel
1926 Plimsol 3 Bobby Jones Alec Taylor Jr. 2:a Viscount Astor
1927 Rosalia 3 Harry Wragg JH Crawford Victor Sassoon
1928 Marconigram 3 Gordon Richards Fred Darling 1:e baron Dewar
1929 Le Phare 3 Michael Beary Dick Dawson Aga Khan III
1930 Paradin 3 Bobby Jones Joseph Lawson W Cazalet
1931 Inglesant 3 Bobby Jones Joseph Lawson S Tattersall
1932 Dastur 3 Michael Beary Frank Butters Aga Khan III
1933 Abboten 3 Joe Childs Willie Jarvis Georg VI
1934 Badruddin 3 Freddie Fox Frank Butters Aga Khan III
1935 Hairan 3 Richard Perryman Frank Butters Aga Khan III
1936 Corpach 3 Gordon Richards Joseph Lawson 2:a Viscount Astor
1937 Pascal 3 Gordon Richards Fred Darling Henry Morriss
1938 Färöarna 3 Richard Perryman Högskoleledare 17:e Earl of Derby
1939 Olein 3 Tommy Lowrey Basil Jarvis Lord Glanely
1941 Eastern Echo* 3 Michael Beary Joseph Lawson Lord Glanely
1946 Strålbehandling 3 Gordon Richards Fred Templeman Vera Lilley
1947 Bekämpa 3 Gordon Richards Fred Darling John Arthur Dewar
1948 Min Babu 3 Charlie Smirke Sam Armstrong Maharaja av Baroda
1949 Krakatao 3 Gordon Richards Noel Murless 3:e jarlen av Feversham
1950 Palestina 3 Charlie Smirke Marcus Marsh Aga Khan III
1951 Le Sage 3 Gordon Richards T Carey S Sangar
1952 Agitator 3 Gordon Richards Noel Murless John Arthur Dewar
1953 Kung av Tudorerna 3 Charlie reservdelar William Stephenson Frank Dennis
1954 Landå 3 William Snaith Noel Murless Drottning Elizabeth II
1955 Mitt kungadöme 3 Doug Smith Harry Wragg Walter Nightingall
1956 Lucero 3 Manny Mercer Harry Wragg Gerry Oldham
1957 Quorum 3 Alexander Russell W Lyde T Farr
1958 Större delen 3 Eph Smith Ted ledare Jim Joel
1959 Petite Etoile 3 Lester Piggott Noel Murless Prins Aly Khan
1960 Våga 3 George Moore Alec Head Aga Khan IV
1961 Le Levanstell 4 Bill Williamson Seamus McGrath Joseph McGrath
1962 Romulus 3 Wally Swinburn F Johnson Houghton Charles Engelhard
1963 Drottningens husar 3 Ron Hutchinson Thomas Corbett 6:e jarlen av Carnarvon
1964 Roan Rocket 3 Lester Piggott George Todd T Frost
1965 Carlemont 3 Ron Hutchinson Paddy Prendergast L Gelb
1966 Paveh 3 Ron Hutchinson T Ainsworth Peter AB Widener III
1967 Reformera 3 Scobie Breasley Gordon Richards Michael Sobell
1968 Petingo 3 Lester Piggott Sam Armstrong Marcos Lemos
1969 Jimmy Reppin 4 Geoff Lewis John Sutcliffe Mrs Sidney Bates
1970 Ödmjuk plikt 3 Duncan Keith Peter Walwyn Jean, Lady Ashcombe
1971 Brigad Gerard 3 Joe Mercer Dick Hern Jean Hislop 1:41,11
1972 Sallust 3 Joe Mercer Dick Hern Sir Michael Sobell 1:37,60
1973 Halmtak 3 Lester Piggott Vincent O'Brien Jack Mulcahy 1:39,20
1974 Ess av Ess 4 Jimmy Lindley Maurice Zilber Nelson Bunker Hunt 1:41,82
1975 Bolkonski 3 Gianfranco Dettori Henry Cecil Carlo d'Alessio 1:39,56
1976 Wollow 3 Gianfranco Dettori Henry Cecil Carlo d'Alessio 1:39,74
1977 Artaius 3 Lester Piggott Vincent O'Brien Mrs George Getty II 1:39,51
1978 Jaazeiro 3 Lester Piggott Vincent O'Brien Robert Sangster 1:40.30
1979 Kris 3 Joe Mercer Henry Cecil Lord Howard de Walden 1:41,75
1980 Posse 3 Pat Eddery John Dunlop Ogden Mills Phipps 1:41,63
1981 Kings Lake 3 Pat Eddery Vincent O'Brien Fru Jean-Pierre Binet 1:39,38
1982 På huset 3 John Reid Harry Wragg Sir Philip Oppenheimer 1:37,65
1983 Noalkoholist 6 George Duffield G. Pritchard-Gordon William du Pont III 1:37,51
1984 Chefssångare 3 Ray Cochrane Ron Sheather Jeff Smith 1:38,21
1985 Rousillon 4 Greville Starkey Guy Harwood Khalid Abdullah 1:41,07
1986 Sonic Lady 3 Walter Swinburn Michael Stoute Sheikh Mohammed 1:39,65
1987 Sovjetisk stjärna 3 Greville Starkey André Fabre Sheikh Mohammed 1:38,83
1988 Varning 3 Pat Eddery Guy Harwood Khalid Abdullah 1:39,83
1989 Zilzal 3 Walter Swinburn Michael Stoute Mana Al Maktoum 1:36,77
1990 Avlägsen släkting 4 Willie Carson Barry Hills Wafic Saïd 1:36,06
1991 Andra uppsättningen 3 Frankie Dettori Luca Cumani Richard L. Duchossois 1:40,53
1992 Marling 3 Pat Eddery Geoff Wragg Sir Edmund Loder 1:36,68
1993 Bigstone 3 Dominique Boeuf Élie Lellouche Daniel Wildenstein 1:40,19
1994 Avlägsen vy 3 Pat Eddery Henry Cecil Khalid Abdullah 1:35,71
1995 Sayyedati 5 Brett Doyle Clive Brittain Mohamed Obaida 1:36,17
1996 Första ön 4 Michael Hills Geoff Wragg Möllers Racing 1:37,75
1997 Ali-Royal 4 Kieren Fallon Henry Cecil Greenbay Stables Ltd 1:37,98
1998 Bland män 4 Michael Kinane Sir Michael Stoute Tabor / Magnier 1:40,23
1999 Aljabr 3 Frankie Dettori Saeed bin Suroor Godolphin 1:35,66
2000 Giant's Causeway 3 Michael Kinane Aidan O'Brien Magnier / Tabor 1:38,65
2001 Noverre 3 Frankie Dettori Saeed bin Suroor Godolphin 1:37,12
2002 Rock of Gibraltar 3 Michael Kinane Aidan O'Brien Ferguson / Magnier 1:38,29
2003 Reel Buddy 5 Pat Eddery Richard Hannon Sr. Speedlith Group 1:40.00
2004 Sovjetisk sång 4 Johnny Murtagh James Fanshawe Elitracingklubben 1:36,98
2005 Tillkännagivande 3 Michael Kinane Jeremy Noseda Prinsessan Haya av Jordanien 1:40,16
2006 Hofmästerverk 6 Jimmy Fortune Ed Dunlop Gainsborough Stud 1:36,10
2007 Ramonti 5 Frankie Dettori Saeed bin Suroor Godolphin 1:37,62
2008 Henrythenavigator 3 Johnny Murtagh Aidan O'Brien Sue Magnier 1:38,46
2009 Rippa Van Winkle 3 Johnny Murtagh Aidan O'Brien Magnier / Tabor / Smith 1:37,16
2010 Canford Cliffs 3 Richard Hughes Richard Hannon Sr. Heffer / Roy / Instance 1:37,44
2011 Frankel 3 Tom Queally Sir Henry Cecil Khalid Abdullah 1:37,47
2012 Frankel 4 Tom Queally Sir Henry Cecil Khalid Abdullah 1:37,56
2013 Toronado 3 Richard Hughes Richard Hannon Sr. Joan Al Thani 1:36,29
2014 Kingman 3 James Doyle John Gosden Khalid Abdullah 1:41,75
2015 Så låg 5 Maxime Guyon Freddy Head Wertheimer och Frère 1:39,18
2016 Gurkhan 3 Ryan Moore Aidan O'Brien Magnier / Tabor / Smith 1:37,35
2017 Här kommer när 7 Jim Crowley Andrew Balding Fitri Hay 1:46,11
2018 Blixtspjut 7 Oisin Murphy David Simcock Qatar Racing 1:39,89
2019 För jävligt varmt 3 Frankie Dettori John Gosden Lord Lloyd-Webber 1:38,57
2020 Mohaather 4 Jim Crowley Marcus Tregoning Hamdan Al Maktoum 1:38,75
2021 Alkoholfri 3 Oisin Murphy Andrew Balding Jeff Smith 1:42,83
2022 Baaeed 4 Jim Crowley William Haggas Shadwell Estate 1:37,74
Det var inget lopp 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944 och 1945. 1941 års lopp kördes på Newmarket .

Se även

  • Paris-Turf:
    • "1981" . , "1983" . , "1984" . , "1985" . , "1986" . , "1987" .
  • Racing Post :