Rosaleen Love
Rosaleen Love (född 1940) är en australisk vetenskapsjournalist och författare. Hon har en doktorsexamen i vetenskapens historia och filosofi från University of Melbourne . Hon har skrivit verk om Stora barriärrevet och andra vetenskaps- eller bevarandeämnen. Hon har också skrivit science fiction, som har uppmärksammats för sin användning av ironi och feminism . Hon har nominerats till Ditmar Award sex gånger och vann Chandler Award 2009.
- The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories (1989)
- Evolution Annie and Other Stories (1993)
- Secret Lives of Books (2014)
- The Traveling Tide (2005)
Kort skönlitteratur
- "Livets lagar" (1985) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Trickster" (1986) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Alexia and Graham Bell" (1986) i Aphelion Science Fiction Magazine , sommaren 1986/1987 (red. Peter McNamara)
- "No Resting Place" (1987) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "The Sea-Serpent of Sandy Cape" (1987) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Power Play" (1987) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "The Invisible Woman" (1988) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "If You Go Down to the Park Today" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "The Total Devotion Machine" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Bat Mania" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Tanami Drift" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Delfiner och djupa tankar" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "The Bottomless Pit" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Var är de?" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Barnen lämnar inte hemmet mer" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "The Tea Room Tapes" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "Tremendous Potential for Tourism" (1989) i The Total Devotion Machine and Other Stories
- "The Heavenly City, Perhaps" (1990) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Hovering Rock" (1990) i Aurealis #2 (red. Stephen Higgins, Dirk Strasser)
- "Turtle Soup" (1990) i Eidolon (australisk tidskrift) , våren 1990 (red. Jeremy G. Byrne)
- "Cosmic Dusting" (1991) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Evolution Annie" (1991) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Själens palats" (1991) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Strange Things Grow at Chernobyl" (1991) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Blue Venom" (1991) i Eidolon (australisk tidskrift) , våren 1991 (red. Jeremy G. Byrne)
- "Holiness" (1992) i Intimate Armageddon (red. Bill Congreve )
- "Mortal Remains" (1993) i Crank! , hösten 1993 (red. Bryan Choltin)
- "Starbaby" (1993) i Overland Summer 1993
- "A Pattern to Life" (1993) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Darius döttrar" (1993) i Evolution Annie and Other Stories
- "Bubblor i den kosmiska kastrullen" (1993) i The Traveling Tide
- "Sex and Death" (1995) i Eidolon (australisk tidskrift) , vintern 1995 (red. Jeremy G. Byrne)
- "The Reef Builders" (1997) med Karen Joy Fowler och Maureen F. McHugh och Terry Bisson i Omni Online , maj 1997 (red. Ellen Datlow )
- "Alexander's Feats" (1997) i Eidolon (australisk tidskrift) , nummer 25/26 (red. Jeremy G. Byrne, Richard Scriven)
- "Real Men" (1998) i Dreaming Down-Under (red. Jack Dann , Janeen Webb )
- "Två recept för magiska bönor" (1998) i Dreaming Down-Under (red. Jack Dann , Janeen Webb )
- "The Worst Thing in the World" (1999) i Ghosts and Ghoulies (red. Paul Collins , Meredith Costain)
- "The Gate of Heaven" (2003) i Forever Shores (red. Margaret Winch, Peter McNamara)
- "In the Shadow of the Stones" (2003) i Southern Blood: New Australian Tales of the Supernatural (red. Bill Congreve)
- "The Raptures of the Deep" (2003) i Gathering the Bones (red. Ramsey Campbell , Jack Dann , Dennis Etchison )
- " Once Giants Roamed the Earth " (2005) i Daikaiju! Giant Monster Tales (red. Robin Pen, Robert Hood ) och The Traveling Tide
- "GoGo" (2005) i The Traveling Tide
- "Wanderer 8" (2005) i The Elastic Book of Numbers (red. Allen Ashley)
Antologier redigerade
- If Atoms Could Talk (1987)
- Reefscape: Reflections on the Great Barrier Reef (2000)
- Ursula K. le Guin och Therolinguistics (1998)
- Onion Skin Theory of Identity, Paint Pot Theory of Gender och Blu-Tack Theory of Position (1999)
- Star Drover (2001)
- In Tribulation and with Jubilee: On Pilgrimage with Bridie King (2005)