Robert Michael (historiker)

Robert Michael (1936–2010) var professor emeritus i europeisk historia vid University of Massachusetts Dartmouth . Han är far till singer-songwritern Avi Jacob .



  •   A History of Catholic Antisemitism: The Dark Side of the Church (2008), Palgrave Macmillan ISBN 0230603882
  •   Heligt hat: kristendom, antisemitism och förintelsen (2006) Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1403974721
  •   A Concise History of American Antisemitism: (2005). Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. ISBN 0742543137
  •   Dictionary of Antisemitism: From the Earliest Times to the Present (2007). Greenwood Press. ISBN 0810858622
  •   Nazi Deutsch/Nazi German: An English Lexicon of the Language of the Third Reich [medförfattare] (2002) Greenwood Press ISBN 031332106X
  •   The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Picture [medförfattare] (1998) Publications International, Ltd. ISBN 0765759845
  •   The Holocaust: A Chronology and Documentary (1998) Jason Aronson Publishers ISBN 0765759845
  •   The Houghton -Mifflin Guide to the Internet for History (1996) Houghton-Mifflin ISBN 0395814545
  •   Fatal Image (1992) Ginn Press ISBN 0-536-58138-X
  •   Fatal Vision: The History of Christian Theological antisemitism and the nature of the Holocaust (1990) Ginn Press ISBN 0536578893
  •   The Radicals and Nazi Germany (1982) University Press of America ISBN 0819124222


  Antisemitism and the Church Fathers kapitel i Marvin Perry och Frederick Schweitzers' Jewish-Christian Encounters Through the Centuries: Symbiosis, Prejudice, Holocaust, Dialogue (1994) ISBN 0820420824

  Antisemitism: Hade Förintelsen sitt ursprung i antisemitismen på 1800-talet? History in Dispute, Vol. 11: The Holocaust (2002) ISBN 9781558624559

"Antisemitism: Har Förintelsen sitt ursprung i antisemitismen på 1800-talet?" i History in Dispute, Vol. 11: Förintelsen, red. Tandy McConnell. (Gale Publishing, 2002)”

"Sub Species Aeternitatis: Teaching After Teaching," Chronicle of Higher Education (november 2002)

"Kishinev, 1903-2003," Menorah Review (hösten 2002)

"Peter Bertocci," Boston University College of Arts and Sciences (hösten 2002)

"Emeritus," Chronicle of Higher Education Review (sommaren 2002)

"The Present and Future of the Internet for Scholars," On Campus (1997)

"Antisemitism and the Church Fathers", kapitel i Marvin Perry och Frederick Schweitzer, Jewish-Christian Encounters Through the Centuries: Symbiosis, Prejudice, Holocaust, Dialogue (New York 1995).

"Religiös antisemitism och amerikansk immigrationspolitik under förintelsen," Australian Journal of Jewish Studies vol. 7, nr. 1 (1993), sid. 9-40.

"Christian Antisemitism, Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust" (Del II), Menorah Review (Vinter 1993-1994), s. 2–5.

"Christian Antisemitism, Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust" (Del I), Menorah Review (Hösten 1993)

"Fakta och felaktigheter om judisk-kristna relationer," Menorah Review (hösten 1992)

"I livbåten tillsammans: amerikanska protestanter och judar," Menorah Review (Virginia Commonwealth University)

"Christian Theological Antisemitism: Jewish Values ​​Turned Upside-Down", Menorah Review (våren 1992), s. 3–5.

"Christian Antisemitism and Richard Wagner: A Reexamination," Patterns of Prejudice (december 1991-januari 1992).

"Puzzling Over Evil," Judaica Book News (höst/vinter 1990-1), s. 29–30, 32.

"Dreyfus and French Catholicism", Menorah Review, Virginia Commonwealth University (sommaren 1990), s. 3–5.

"Theologia Gloriae och Civilt Cattolicas attityder till förintelsens judar," Encounter: Creative Theological Scholarship, Vol. 50, nr 2, våren, 1989, s. 151–66.

"Theological Myth, German Antisemitism, and the Holocaust: The Case of Martin Niemoeller," omtryckt i Michael Marrus, red., The Nazi Holocaust (Westport, CT. och London: Meckler 1988).

"Review of Exile in the Fatherland: Martin Niemoellers Letters," Holocaust and Genocide Studies: An International Journal, Vol. 3, nr 2 (1988), sid. 229-31.

"The Persistence of Theologia Gloriae in Modern Antisemitism: Voltaire, Wagner, Hitler," Remembering for the Future: Jews and Christians Under and After the Holocaust (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1988), Vol. 1, s. 720–35.

"Theological Myth, German Antisemitism, and the Holocaust: The Case of Martin Niemoeller," Holocaust and Genocide Studies: An International Journal, Vol. 2, nr 1 (1987), sid. 105–22.

"Luther, Luther Scholars, and the Jews," Encounter (hösten 1985), s. 339–56.

”Förintelsen i natt och dimma”, Cineaste (december 1984), s. 36–7.

"Förintelsen i historiskt, moraliskt och teologiskt perspektiv", Encounter: Creative Theological Scholarship (sommaren 1984), s. 259–70.

"Radikala partiets utrikespolitik, 1933-1939", Tredje republiken/Troisieme Republique (våren 1984), s. 1–92.

"Konfrontera och överskrida förintelsen: är det möjligt?" Judaica Book News (hösten 1982), s. 23–8.

Andra publikationer

"Surviving the Holocaust" och "Martyrdom & Resistance as a Guide to History of the Holocaust", i Harvey Rosenfeld och Eli Zborowski, red., A Legacy Recorded (New York 1994), s. 86–89, 146–149.

"Good and Evil", Liberal Judaism (elektronisk publikation), 1 januari 94.

"Review of Memory Offended," Martyrdom and Resistance (1993), s. 2, 4.

"America's, Britain's Failure to Rescue Jews", Martyrdom and Resistance (november–december 1991), s. 7, 15.

"Utrikesdepartementet sa nej till räddning. . . But Only When It Concerned Jews,” Martyrdom and Resistance (september–oktober 1991), s. 3, 12.

"American Literary Antisemitism: Twentieth Century", i Midstream (augusti–september 1991), s. 27–29.

"The Miracle of Jewish Resistance", Martyrdom and Resistance (mars–april 1989), s. 7, 12.

"The Jews in Medieval Art," New England Historical Association Bulletin (hösten 1988)

"Den brittiska regeringens attityder till judisk immigration under förintelsen", Martyrskap och motstånd (november–december 1987)

"The Jew as Antihero: Christian Images of the Jew in Medieval Art," Proceedings of the Seventh Medieval Forum (1986)

"Teologisk myt, kristen antisemitism och handelsmannen i Venedig", Martyrskap och motstånd (januari–februari 1986)

"America and the Holocaust," Midstream (februari 1985)

"American Antisemitism and the Holocaust," The South African Jewish Spectator Annual (hösten 1984)

"Teologisk myt, kristen antisemitism och förintelsen" Midstream (mars 1984)

"Tysk och amerikansk antisemitism under förintelsen: en teologisk tolkning," The Jewish Review (UK) (januari 1984)

"The Holocaust: Some Reflections," National Catholic Reporter (januari 1984)

"Surviving the Holocaust: Some Reflections," Martyrdom and Resistance (november–december 1983)

"Fientliga myter, tysk kristen antisemitism," Martyrskap och motstånd (september–oktober 1983)

"Paralleller Between Medieval and Modern Antisemitic Myths," Proceedings of the Fourth Medieval Forum (1983)

"Theological Causes of the Holocaust," Martyrdom and Resistance (maj–juni 1982)

"The Terrible Flaw of Night and Fog," Martyrdom and Resistance (september–oktober 1981)


Egal Feldman, Dual Destinies: The Jewish Encounter with Protestant America,” Martyrdom and Resistance (maj/juni 1991), 2-3.

Michael Dobkowski och Isidor Wallimann, red., Radical Perspectives on the Rise of Fascism in Germany, 1919-1945,” Revue Etudes Internationales (Universite Laval) (december 1990), 885-87.

Collection de Droit International, le Proces de Nuremberg: Consequences et Actualisation, Revue Etudes Internationales (maj 1990).

Robert Herzstein, Roosevelt & Hitler: Prelude to War, Martyrdom and Resistance (april–maj 1990)

Gottfried-Karl Kindermann, Hitlers nederlag i Österrike, 1933-1934: Europas första inneslutning av nazistisk expansionism,” Revue Etudes Internationales (december 1989), vol. 20, nej. 4, 914-16.

"A Bibliography of Jewish-Christian Relations," Judaica Book News (hösten 1989).

Charles Maier, The Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust, and German National Identity,” Shofar: Journal of Jewish Studies, Vol. 7, nr 3, våren 1989, Purdue University Jewish Studies s. 101-4.

Arno Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Tremble, The International Society for Yad Vashem: Martyrdom and Resistance (maj–juni 1989), 2, 14.

Stanislav J. Kirschbaum och Anne CR Roman, red., Reflections on Slovak History,” Revue Etudes Internationales (Universite Laval), Vol. 19, nr 4 (december 1988), s. 744–6.


Bidragande redaktör Menorah Review 1989-2009

VCU Center for Judaic Studies

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