Lista över låtar inspelade av Trivium

Trivium som uppträder 2017. Från vänster till höger: Corey Beaulieu , Alex Bent , Matt Heafy och Paolo Gregoletto .

Trivium är ett amerikanskt heavy metal- band från Orlando, Florida . Gruppens första inspelningsuppsättning bildades 1999 och inkluderade sångaren och gitarristen Matt Heafy , basisten Brent Young och trummisen Travis Smith . Efter ett par demos släppte bandet sitt debutstudioalbum Ember to Inferno 2003, som helt och hållet skrevs av Heafy. Gitarristen Corey Beaulieu anslöt sig efter albumets inspelning, och året därpå ersatte Paolo Gregoletto Young. Bandet släppte Ascendancy 2005, som innehöll låtskrivarkrediter för Beaulieu och producenten Jason Suecof . Albumet följdes nästa år av The Crusade , skriven av Heafy med Beaulieu och Gregoletto. Även 2006 spelade bandet in en coverversion av Metallicas " Master of Puppets " för Kerrang! släpp Remastered: Metallica's Master of Puppets Revisited .

Shogun släpptes 2008, krediterad till hela bandet. Bandet täckte också "Iron Maiden", ursprungligen av bandet med samma namn , för Kerrang! hyllningsalbum Maiden Heaven: A Tribute to Iron Maiden samma år. 2010 Nick Augusto Smith och var med och skrev och uppträdde på "Shattering the Skies Above" för samlingen God of War: Blood & Metal , följt av 2011 års In Waves och 2013 års Vengeance Falls . Han lämnade 2014, med bandets tidigare trumtekniker Mat Madiro som tog hans plats för 2015 års album Silence in the Snow, återigen krediterat hela bandet. I slutet av 2015 Paul Wandtke med i bandet för att ersätta Madiro. Trivium spelade in ytterligare ett Iron Maiden-omslag för 2016 års uppföljning till Maiden Heaven , och bidrog med spåret "For the Greater Good of God" till gratisprogrammet Kerrang! medföljande album.

I december 2016 släppte Trivium en lyxutgåva av debutalbumet Ember to Inferno med undertexten Ab Initio , som innehöll både tidiga demos såväl som 2004 års Flavus -demo. Efter tillskottet av den nya trummisen Alex Bent släppte bandet The Sin and the Sentence i oktober 2017, som skrevs av Heafy, Beaulieu och Gregoletto.


Triviums frontman Matt Heafy leder vanligtvis bandets låtskrivarprocess, inklusive att skriva de flesta av texterna.
Trummisen Travis Smith bidrog till bandets fyra första album, från 2003 års Ember to Inferno till 2008 års Shogun .
Gitarristen Corey Beaulieu gick med i bandet 2003 och har uppträtt på alla Trivium-album sedan Ascendancy .
2004 tillkom basisten Paolo Gregoletto , som först krediterades för låtskrivandet på 2006 års The Crusade .
Trivium-cover " Master of Puppets " för Metallica -hyllningsalbumet Remastered: Metallica's Master of Puppets Revisited , släppt av Kerrang! under 2006.
Bandet har bidragit med covers av Iron Maiden -låtarna "Iron Maiden" och "For the Greater Good of God" till hyllningsalbum under 2008 respektive 2016.
Nick Augusto ersatte Smith på trummor 2010 och uppträdde i 2011 års In Waves och 2013 Vengeance Falls .
Bandet täckte Sepulturas " Slave New World " och släppte den på specialutgåvor av In Waves .
Den störda frontmannen David Draiman producerade bandets sjätte album Vengeance Falls .
Specialutgåvor av Vengeance Falls har en coverversion av " Losing My Religion " av REM (överst) och ett medley av Misfits -låtarna "Skulls" och "We Are 138", båda skrivna av Glenn Danzig (nederst).
Mat Madiro gick med i bandet 2014 efter Augustos avgång och uppträdde på 2015 års Silence in the Snow .
Den norske musikern Ihsahn skrev "Snøfall" på Silence in the Snow .
Paul Wandtke ersatte Madiro i slutet av 2015 och blev kvar i ett år.
Song released as a single or promotional single Indikerar låt släppt som singel eller reklamsingel
Song credited as being written by the full band Indikerar låt som krediteras som skriven av hela bandet
Låt Krediterade författare Släpp År Ref. Anteckningar
"En grå så mörk"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Ett skott mot huvudet av bävan"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Jason Suecof
Dominans 2005
"A Skyline's Severance"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"En syn på brinnande imperier" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Och sorg kommer att bränna" Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Anthem (We Are the Fire)"Song released as a single or promotional single
Matt Heafy Paolo Gregoletto
Korståget 2006
"Som jag exploderar"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Dominans" Matt Heafy Dominans 2005
"Aska" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"I slutet av detta krig"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Skönhet i sorgen"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Att bli draken"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Under solen"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Förrädare"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Beyond Oblivion"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Svart"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Blind leder den blinda"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Blinding Tears Will Break the Skies"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy "Blinding Tears Will Break the Skies" 2005
"Brave This Storm"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Andas in lågorna"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Broken One" Matt Heafy "Anthem (We Are the Fire)" 2006
"Byggt för att stupa"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Kassera havet"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Frätande är banden som binder"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Sluta all din eld"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Kaos råder"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Förakt föder kontaminering" Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Döda och borta"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Deklaration" Matt Heafy Dominans 2005
"Demon" Matt Heafy Caeruleus 2003
Matt Heafy Jason Suecof
Dominans 2005
"Detonation"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Ner från himlen"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Drunknade och sönderrivna"
Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu
Dominans 2005
"Drunkna i slow motion"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Skymning demonterad"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Dö i dina armar"Song released as a single or promotional single
Matt Heafy Jason Suecof
Dominans 2005
"Ember to Inferno" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Oändlig natt"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Fånga solen"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Ingången till branden"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Falling to Grey" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"För Guds större bästa" Steve Harris
Maiden Heaven 2: En All-Star- hyllning till Iron Maiden
"Forsake Not the Dream"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Fuga (en uppenbarelse)" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Han som skapade furierna"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Om jag kunde kollapsa massorna" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Tändning" Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"I vågor"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Inception of the End"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Inception: The Bleeding Skies" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Incineration: The Broken World"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"In i helvetets mun vi marscherar"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Järnjungfru" Steve Harris
Maiden Heaven: A Tribute to Iron Maiden
"Kirisute Gomen"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Sjö av eld"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy Ruber 2001
"Att lämna den här världen bakom sig"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Som Callisto till en stjärna i himlen"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Som ljus för flugorna"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Jason Suecof
Dominans 2005
"Förlorar min religion"Song released as a single or promotional single

Michael Stipe Peter Buck Mike Mills Bill Berry
Vengeance Falls 2013
" Mästare på Puppets "

James Hetfield Lars Ulrich Cliff Burton Kirk Hammett

Remastrad: Metallicas Master of Puppets Revisited
"Mitt hat" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Inget hopp för mänskligheten"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Inget sätt att läka"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Av alla dessa gårdagar"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"Om Prometheus och krucifixet"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Andra världar"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Smärta" Matt Heafy Ruber 2001
"Pillars of Serpents"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Giftet, kniven eller snaran"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Dra hårdare i din martyrs strängar"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Jason Suecof
Dominans 2005
"Dra mig från tomrummet"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu
Dominans 2005
"Requiem" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Rise Above the Tides"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Skär av handen"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Shatting the Skies Above"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
God of War: Blood & Metal 2010

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Tystnad i snön"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Skulls... We Are 138" Glenn Danzig Vengeance Falls 2013
"Slav New World"

Max Cavalera Igor Cavalera Andreas Kisser Paulo Pinto Jr. Evan Seinfeld
I vågor 2011
"Snöfall" Vegard Sverre Tveitan Tystnad i snön 2015
"Kiv"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Kvävande syn" Matt Heafy Dominans 2005
"Svuren" Matt Heafy Caeruleus 2003

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Korsståget" Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Mitt sinnes mörker"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Den bedragna"
Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu
Dominans 2005
"Slutet på allt"
Matt Heafy Jason Suecof
Dominans 2005
"Spöket som förföljer dig"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Hjärtat från ditt hat"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Den stigande"Song released as a single or promotional single
Matt Heafy Paolo Gregoletto
Korståget 2006
"Synden och meningen"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Stormen"Song released as a single or promotional single Matt Heafy Caeruleus 2003
"Det som dödar mig"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Det eländiga inombords"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Den här världen kan inte slita isär oss" Matt Heafy Korståget 2006
"Trots av fördärv"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Genom blod och smuts och ben"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Kastas in i elden"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto
Synden och meningen 2017
"Sticka" Matt Heafy Ruber 2001
"Att tro"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Att bränna ögat" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003
"Till råttorna"
Matt Heafy Paolo Gregoletto
Korståget 2006
"Riven mellan Scylla och Charybdis"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Beträda översvämningarna"
Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu
Korståget 2006
Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu
Korståget 2006
"Tills världen blir kall"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Mat Madiro Song credited as being written by the full band
Tystnad i snön 2015
"Upon the Shores"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Travis Smith Song credited as being written by the full band
Shogun 2008
"Hämnd" Matt Heafy "Anthem (We Are the Fire)" 2006
"Vengeance Falls"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Villainy trivs"Song released as a single or promotional single

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Vaken (slutet är nära)"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
Vengeance Falls 2013
"Tvätta bort mig i tidvattnet" Matt Heafy "Blinding Tears Will Break the Skies" 2005
"Se världen brinna"

Matt Heafy Corey Beaulieu Paolo Gregoletto Nick Augusto Song credited as being written by the full band
I vågor 2011
"När allt ljus dör" Matt Heafy Ember till Inferno 2003


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