Lista över humorforskningspublikationer
Den här artikeln listar publikationer inom humorforskning, med korta kommentarer. Listan innehåller böcker och vetenskapliga tidskrifter som regelbundet täcker artiklar inom humorforskning .
Den här listan är inte avsedd för humoristiska böcker och skämtsamlingar som inte har någon vetenskaplig analys av humor.
Tidiga publikationer
- Henri Bergson : hans bok med tre essäer från 1900, Skratt , skrevs på franska; dess ursprungliga titel är Le Rire. Essai sur la signification du comique ("Skratt, en uppsats om seriens betydelse").
Sigmund Freud : hans bok från 1905 om skämt och omedvetet har översatts till många språk, inklusive flera översättningar på engelska
- Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious , Översatt av James Strachey , 1963, WW Norton & Company, ISBN 0-393-00145-8
Skämtet och dess förhållande till det omedvetna, översatt av Joyce Crick
- 2002, Penguin, ISBN 0-14-118554-6
- 2003, Penguin Classics, ISBN 0-14-243744-1
Max Eastman
- The Sense of Humor , New York: Scribners, 1921
- The Enjoyment of Laughter , New York: Simon och Schuster, 1936
- Dramlitsch, Thomas, The Origin of Humor , 2018, ISBN 978-1720264637
- Minchew, Sue S.; Hopper, Peggy F. Clearing House, maj/juni 2008, vol. 81 Issue 5, sid 232-236, 5p; (AN 32193154)
- Igor Krichtafovitch, Humorteori. Skrattets formler . Outskitspress, 2006, ISBN 978-1-59800-222-5
- Bruce Friend Adams (2005) Tiny Revolutions in Russia: Twentieth Century Soviet and Russian History in anecdotes , Routledge, ISBN 0-415-35173-1
- Alexander, Richard J (1997) Aspects of Verbal Humor på engelska
- Apte, ML (1985). Humor och skratt: ett antropologiskt tillvägagångssätt. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, ISBN 0-8014-9307-2
Salvatore Attardo
- (1994) Linguistic Theories of Humor, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-014255-4
(2001) Humorous Texts: A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-017068-X
- I denna bok avslutar Attardo den allmänna teorin om verbal humor (GTVH) som föreslogs av honom och Victor Raskin 1991, känd för vissa tid under namnet semantisk skriptteori om humor (SSTH)
Arthur Asa Berger
- An Anatomy of Humor , 1993, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-7658-0494-8
- Blind Men and Elephants: Perspectives on Humor , 1995, Transaction Publishers
- The Art of Comedy Writing, 1997, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1-56000-324-3
- Peter L. Berger (1997) Redeeming Laughter: The Comic Dimension of Human Experience, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-015562-1
- Francis H. Buckley (2003) The Morality of Laughter, University of Michigan Press , ISBN 0-472-09818-7
- Delia Chiaro ISBN 0-415-03090-0 (1992) The Language of Jokes: Analyzing Verbal Play, Routledge,
- Cohen, Sarah Blacher (red) (1992) Comic Relief: Humor in Contemporary American Literature, Detroit: Wayne State University Press
- Lisa Colletta (2003) Dark Humor and Social Satire in the Modern British Novel, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 1-4039-6365-7
- Cohen, Ted (1999) Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-11230-6
- Critchley, Simon (2002) On Humor , Routledge, ISBN 0-415-25121-4
- Christie Davies (1998) Skämt och deras relation till samhället, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-016104-4
- Jessica Milner Davis (2002) Farce, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-7658-0887-0
- Arthur Roy Eckardt (1995) How to Tell God from the Devil: On the Way to Comedy, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1-56000-179-8
- Evan Esar (2006) The Humor of Humor: The Art And Techniques of Popular Comedy, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1-4128-0616-X
- Marc Galanter (2005) Lowering the Bar: Lawyer Jokes and Legal Culture, University of Wisconsin Press , ISBN 0-299-21350-1
- Gantar, Jure (2005) The Pleasure of Fools: Essays in the Ethics of Laughter, McGill-Queen's Press, ISBN 0-7735-2892-X
- Ingvild Saelid Gilhus ISBN 0-415-16197-5 (1997) Laughing Gods, Weeping Virgins: Laughter in the History of Religion, Routledge,
- Rupert DV Glasgow (1995) Madness, Masks, and Laughter: An Essay on Comedy , Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, ISBN 0-8386-3559-8
- JC Gregory (1999) The Nature of Laughter, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-21129-8
- Charles R. Gruner
- Understanding Laughter: The workings of Wit and Humor, Chicago: Nelson Hall
- (1999) The Game of Humor: A Comprehensive Theory of Why We Laugh, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-7658-0659-2
- Hempelmann, Christian F. (2010) Incongruity and Resolution of Medieval Humorous Narratives, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller , ISBN 3-639-22342-X
- Carl Hill (1993) The Soul of Wit: Joke Theory from Grimm to Freud, U of Nebraska Press, ISBN 0-8032-2369-2
- Jan Hokenson (2006) The Idea of Comedy: History, Theory, Critique, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, ISBN 0-8386-4096-6
- Holland, N. (1982) Laughing: A psychology of humor, Cornell University Press
- M. Conrad Hyers (1996) The Spirituality of Comedy: Comic Heroism in a Tragic World, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1-56000-218-2
- Koller, MR (1988) Humor and society: Explorations in the sociology of humor, Houston: Cap and Gown
- Robert L. Latta (1999) The Basic Humor Process: A Cognitive-Shift Theory and the Case against Incongruity, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-016103-6 ( Humor Research nr. 5)
- Gershon Legman , skälet till det smutsiga skämtet
Paul Lewis
- Cracking Up: American Humor in a Time of Conflict, University of Chicago Press, 2006. ISBN 0-226-47699-5
- Comic Effects: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Humor in Literature, State University of New York Press, 1989.
- John Marmysz (2003) Laughing at Nothing: Humor As a Response to Nihilism, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-5839-3
- Rod A. Martin [1] (2007) The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach , Elsevier , ISBN 0-12-372564-X
- James Mendrinos (2004) The Complete Idiot's Guide to Comedy Writing, Alpha Books, ISBN 1-59257-231-6
- John Morreall
- (1983) Taking Laughter Seriously, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-87395-642-7
- (1999) Comedy, Tragedy, and Religion, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-4205-5
- Dianna C. Niebylski (2004) Humorerande motstånd: skratt och den överdrivna kroppen i samtida latinamerikansk kvinnolitteratur, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-7914-6123-8
- Neal R. Norrick (1993) Conversational Joking, Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-34111-6
- Dallin D. Oaks (2010) Structural Ambiguity in English: An Applied Grammatical Inventory, 2 vols. London: Kontinuum.
Elliott Oring
- (1992) Jokes and Their Relations, University Press of Kentucky, ISBN 0-8131-1774-7
- (2003) Engaging Humor, University of Illinois Press, ISBN 0-252-02786-8
- Jerry Palmer (1994) Take Humor Seriously, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-10266-9
- Robert R. Provine (2000) Skratt. En vetenskaplig undersökning. Viking.
- Leon Rappoport (2005) Punchlines: The Case for Racial, Ethnic and Gender Humor, Praeger/Greenwood, ISBN 0-275-98764-7
- Raskin, V. (1985) Humors semantiska mekanismer. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.
- Mary Ann Rishel (2002) Writing Humor: Creativity and the Comic Mind, Wayne State University Press, ISBN 0-8143-2960-8
- Graeme D. Ritchie (2004) The Linguistic Analysis of Jokes, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-30983-2
- Roukes, Nicholas (2003) Artful Jesters: Innovators of Visual Wit and Humor, Ten Speed Press, ISBN 1-58008-266-1
- Allan J. Ryan (1999) The Trickster Shift: Humor and Irony in Contemporary Native Art, UBC Press, ISBN 0-7748-0704-0
- Alison Ross (1998) The Language of Humor, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-16912-7
- Willibald Ruch (1998) The Sense of Humor: Explorations of a Personality Characteristic, Walter de Gruyter, ISBN 3-11-016207-5
- Barry Sanders (1995) Sudden Glory: Laughter as Subversive History, Beacon Press, ISBN 0-8070-6205-7
- Scott Cutler Shershow (1986) Laughing Matters: The Paradox of Comedy, University of Massachusetts Press, ISBN 0-87023-509-5
- Warren Shibles (1998) Humor Referensguide: A Comprehensive Classification and Analysis, ISBN 0-8093-2097-5
- Paul Simpson (2003) On the Discourse of Satire: Towards a Stylistic Model of Satirical Humor, John Benjamins Publishing Company, ISBN 90-272-3333-0
- Andrew Stott (2005) Komedi, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-29933-0
- Westwood, RI och Rhodes, C. (red.) (2007) Humor, arbete och organisation. Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-38412-4
- Wickberg, Daniel (1998) The Senses of Humor: Self and Laughter in Modern America, Cornell University Press, ISBN 978-0-801-43078-7
- Dean L. Yarwood (2004) When Congress Makes a Joke: Congressional Humor Then and Now, Rowman & Littlefield, ISBN 0-7425-3043-4
Tillämpningar av humor
- Ronald A. Berk
- (2002) Humor as an Instructional Defibrillator: Evidence-Based Techniques in education and assessment, Stylus Publishing, LLC, ISBN 1-57922-063-0
- (2003) Professors Are from Mars, Students Are from Snickers: How to Write och, Stylus Publishing, LLC, ISBN 1-57922-070-3
- Elcha Shain Buckman (1994) The Handbook of Humor: Clinical Applications in Psychotherapy, Krieger Publishing Company, ISBN 0-89464-369-X
- Rumena Bužarovska (2012) What's Funny: Theories of Humor Applied to the Short Story, Blesok, 2012, ISBN 978-9989-59-377-2
- Louis R. Franzina (2002) Kids Who Laugh: How to Develop Your Child's Sense of Humor, Square One Publishers, ISBN 0-7570-0008-8
- Amelia J. Klein (2003) Humor in Children's Lives: A Guidebook for Practitioners, Praeger/Greenwood, ISBN 0-89789-892-3
- Karen J. Kolberg, Diana Loomans (2002) The Laughing Classroom: Everyone's Guide to Teaching with Humor and Play, HJ Kramer, ISBN 0-915811-99-5
- Herbert M. Lefcourt (2001) Humor: The Psychology of Living Buoyantly, Springer, ISBN 0-306-46407-1
- Lefcourt, HM, & Martin, RA (1986). Humor och livsstress: Motgift mot motgångar. New York: Springer/Verlag.
- Paul E. McGhee (1989) Humor and Children's Development: A Guide to Practical Applications, Haworth Press, ISBN 0-86656-681-3
- CW Metcalf, Roma Felible (1999) Lighten Up: Survival Skills for People Under Pressure, Basic Books, ISBN 0-201-62239-4
- David M. Jacobson (2018) 7 1/2 vanor för att hjälpa dig att bli mer humoristisk, gladare och hälsosammare humor, Horizons Publishing, ISBN 9781543050981
Komedi och humors historia
- R. Howard Bloch (1986) The Scandal of the Fabliaux, University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-05975-8
- Pamela Allen Brown (2003) Better a Shrew Than a Sheep: Women, Drama, and the Culture of Jest in Early Modern England, Cornell University Press, ISBN 0-8014-8836-2 , en recension
- Chris Holcomb (2001) Mirth Making: The Retorical Discourse on Jesting in Early Modern England, U of South Carolina Press, ISBN 1-57003-397-8
- Brian Joseph Levy (2000) The Comic Text: Patterns and Images in the Old French Fabliaux, Rodopi, ISBN 90-420-0429-0 en recension
- Laurie O'Higgins (2003) Women and Humor in Classical Greece, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-82253-X
- Lisa Renée Perfetti (2003) Women and Laughter in Medieval Comic Literature, University of Michigan Press, ISBN 0-472-11321-6
- Manfred Pfister (2002) A History of English Laughter: Laughter from Beowulf to Beckett and Beyond, Rodopi, ISBN 90-420-1288-9
- Robson, James (2006) Humor, obscenitet och Aristophanes, Gunter Narr Verlag, ISBN 3-8233-6220-8
- Mary Jane Stearns Schenck (1987) Fabliaux - Tales of Wit and Deception, John Benjamins Publishing Company, ISBN 90-272-1734-3
- Michael West (2000) America's Romantic Punsters and the Search for the Language of Nature, Ohio University Press, ISBN 0-8214-1324-4
- Alison Williams (2000) Tricksters and Pranksters: Roguery in French and German Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Rodopi, ISBN 90-420-1512-8 en recension
- Salvatore Attardo, red. (2014). Encyclopedia of Humor Studies . SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4129-9909-0 .
Etnisk humor
Christie Davies
- (1990) Ethnic Humor Around the World: A Comparative Analysis, Indiana University Press, ISBN 0-253-31655-3
(2002) The Mirth of Nations, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 0-7658-0096-9
- En social och historisk studie av skämt från de viktigaste engelsktalande länderna, som debatterar befintliga teorier om humor
- Emil A. Draitser (1998) Ta pingviner till filmerna: Etnisk humor i Ryssland, Wayne State University Press, ISBN 0-8143-2327-8
- (på tyska) Karin Keding, Anika Struppert (2006) Ethno-comedy im deutschen Fernsehen: Inhaltsanalyse und Rezipientenbefragung zu "Was guckst du?!", Frank & Timme GmbH, ISBN 3-86596-084-7
- (på portugisiska) Adilson José Moreira (2018) O Que É Racismo Recreativo?, Editora Letramento, ISBN 9-788595-301313
Judisk komedi och humor
- Altman, Sig (1971) Comic Image of the Jew: explorations of a pop culture phenomenon, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, ISBN 0-8386-7869-6
- Arthur Asa Berger (2006) The Genius of the Jewish Joke, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1-4128-0553-8
- Cohen, Sarah Blacher (1991) Jewish Wry: Essays on Jewish Humor, Detroit: Wayne State University Press
- Elliott Oring (1981) Israeli Humor: The Content and Structure of the Chizbat of the Palmah, SUNY Press, ISBN 0-87395-512-9
- Richard Raskin (1992) Livet är som ett glas te. Studier av klassiska judiska skämt. Aarhus Universitetspress. ISBN 87-7288-409-6 .
- Asscher Omri (2010) "En modell för hebreisk översättning av brittisk humor: Amplification and overstatement", Target 22:2. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Avner Ziv (1998) Jewish Humor, Transaction Publishers, ISBN 1-56000-991-8
- Boken är hämtad från den första internationella konferensen om judisk humor, Tel Aviv University .
- Joanne R. Gilbert (2004) Performing Marginality: Humor, Gender, and Cultural Critique, Wayne State University Press, ISBN 0-8143-2803-2
- Hengen, Shannon Eileen (1998) Performing Gender and Comedy: Theories, Texts and Contexts , Routledge, ISBN 90-5699-540-5
- Suzanne Lavin (2004) Women and Comedy in Solo Performance: Phyllis Diller, Lily Tomlin, and Roseanne , Routledge, ISBN 0-415-94858-4
- John Limon (2000) Stand-Up Comedy in Theory, Or, Abjection in America , Duke University Press, ISBN 0-8223-2546-2
- Robert A. Stebbins (1990) The Laugh-Makers: Stand-up Comedy as Art, Business, and Life-Style , McGill-Queen's University Press, ISBN 9780773562325
- Rutter, Jason (1997). "Stand-up som interaktion: Performance and Audience in Comedy Venues" (PDF) . Sociologiska institutionen. KÄRNA . University of Saford: Institutet för social forskning . Hämtad 8 mars 2019 .
Samlingar av vetenskapliga verk om humor
- JH Goldstein och PE McGhee (red), The Psychology of Humor: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Issues, New York: Academic Press, 1972
- AJ Chapman och HC Foot, (red.),
- Humor och skratt: teori, forskning och tillämpningar,
- London: John Wiley and Sons, 1976
- Transaktionsutgivare. 1996.
- It's a Funny Thing, Humor Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1977
- Humor och skratt: teori, forskning och tillämpningar,
- J. Bremmer och H. Roodenburg, (red.), A Cultural History of Humor, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1997
- McGhee, PE och Goldstein, JH (red), Handbook of Humor Research, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1983
- "Humor och samhälle: Explorations in the Sociology of Humor." Houston. 1988.
- John Parkin (Ed.)(1999) French Humor: Papers Based on a Colloquium Hald in the French Department of University of Bristol, 30 november 1996, Rodopi, ISBN 90-420-0586-6
- Paton, GEC, Powell, C., Wagg, S. (Eds) The Social Faces of Humor: Practices and Issues, Aldershot, England: Arena
- Raskin, Victor. (Red.) 2008. The Primer of Humor Research. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Loizou, E. & Recchia, S. (Red.) (2019). Forskning om små barns humor: teoretiska och praktiska konsekvenser för tidig barndomsutbildning. Schweiz: Springer
Tidskrifter och bokserier
- European Journal of Humor Research
- Humor (alias Humor: International Journal of Humor Research , International Journal of Humor Research )
- Humor & Health Journal (tidigare Humor & Health Letters ), en varannan månad av Humor & Health Institute
- Humorforskning
- Israeli Journal of Humor Research : En internationell tidskrift
- Studier i amerikansk humor
- Symposium On Humor and the Law BYU Law Review , vol 1992, #2