Lista över historiska bensinstationer
Detta är en lista över historiska bensinstationer och bensinstationer, inklusive några däckservicestationer som inte hade bensinpumpar. Ett antal av dessa i USA är listade i National Register of Historic Places .
De är av olika arkitektoniska typer inklusive "hus" typer.
Förenta staterna
- John Osterman bensinstation , Peach Springs
- Cave Creek Service Station , Cave Creek
- JH Smith livsmedelsbutik och bensinstation, Dragoon
- Copeland & Tracht Service Station , Phoenix
- Harvey's Grocery and Texaco Station , i Camden, Arkansas
- Allen Tire Company and Gas Station , Prescott
- Texaco Station nr 1 , Paragould
- Wittsburg butik och bensinstation , Wittsburg
- Ferguson bensinstation , Marshall
- Jameson-Richards bensinstation , Bald Knob
- Walter Patterson bensinstation , Clinton
- Roundtop tankstation , Sherwood
- Langdon bensinstation , Hot Springs
- Magnolia Company Filling Station , Fayetteville (NRHP-listad 1978)
- Magnolia Petroleum Company Filling Station , Kingsland (NRHP-listad 2019)
- Ellis Building , Fayetteville
- Marathon Oil Service Station , Fordyce
- Gulf Oil Company bensinstation , Paragould
- Henry W. Klotz, Sr., bensinstation , Russell
- Mount Ida Cities Service Bensinstation , Mount Ida
- Wallace Adams bensinstation , Texarkana
- Lee bensinstation , Damaskus
- Prisproduktion och bensinstation , Springdale
- Rison Cities bensinstation , Rison
- Rison Texaco Service Station , Rison
- Samuel P. Taylor bensinstation , Little Rock
- Troy Lasater Service Station , New Blaine
- Murfreesboro Cities Service Station , Murfreesboro
- Gulf Oil Company Bensinstation , frimärken
- Shell bensinstation , La Grange
District of Columbia
- Embassy Gulf Service Station , Washington
- Atlantic Gas Station , Miami
- Standard Oil Service Station , Plant City
- Pure Oil Service Station (Hartwell, Georgia)
- Pure Oil Service Station (Lavonia, Georgia)
- Gulf Oil Company bensinstation, Douglasville, i Tudor Revival , från 1920-talet, i [[Douglasville Commercial Historic District]
4. 1940 Sinclair Service Station Lavonia, GA
- Ambler's Texaco Bensinstation , Dwight
- Pure Oil Station , Genève
- Belvidere Café, Motell och bensinstation, Litchfield
- Soulsby Service Station , Mount Olive
- Standard Oil Bensinstation (Odell, Illinois)
- Standard Oil Bensinstation (Plainfield, Illinois)
- Shea's Gas Station Museum , Springfield
- Hy-Red Bensinstation , Greentown
- Firestone Tire and Rubber Store , Evansville, IN (ska verifieras om tillhandahållande av bilservice eller inte)
- Bedford Oil Company Station , Bedford
- Kreinbring Phillips 66 bensinstation , Lowden
- Master Service Station (Waterloo, Iowa)
- Pioneer Oil Company tankstation , Grinnell
- Henry och Johanna Van Maren House-Diamond Tankstation, Pella
- Wolters bensinstation , Davenport
- Hughes Conoco bensinstation , Topeka
- Westside Service Station och Riverside Motel , Eureka
- Baxter Springs oberoende olje- och bensinstation, Baxter Springs
- Deerfield Texaco Service Station , Deerfield
- EW Norris Service Station , Glen Elder
- Spur bensinstation , Cynthiana
- Standard Oil Company bensinstation , Bowling Green
- mer Mileage Bensinstation , Jennings
- Colonial Beacon Bensinstation , Stoneham
- AC Smith & Co. bensinstation , Quincy
- Tuomy Hills Service Station , Ann Arbor
- Lindholm Oil Company Service Station , Cloquet
- Lundring Service Station , Canby
- Midway Service Station , Kenna
- New Ulm Oil Company Service Station , New Ulm
- Gardner och Tinsley tankstation , New Cambria
- Royal Tyre Service Inc. Building , St. Louis, MO (ska verifieras om tillhandahållande av bilservice eller inte)
- Dave's Texaco , Chinook, Montana
- Continental Oil Company bensinstation , Kalispell
- Hale's bensinstation och livsmedelsbutik, Bainville
- H. Earl Clack Service Station , Saco
- Gloe Brothers bensinstation , Wood River
- Standard Oil Red Crown Service Station , Ogallala
- Weyl Service Station , Trenton
- Shady Bend bensinstation, livsmedelsbutik och matställe, Grand Island
- Warners bensinstation och hus , Genève
New Mexico
- Roy T. Hermans garage och bensinstation , Thoreau
- Huning Highlands Conoco Service Station , Albuquerque
- Otero's 66 Service , Los Lunas
- Charley's Automotive Service , Grants
- Grants-Milan Flight Service Station , Grants
New York
- Bensinstation för ren olja, Saratoga Springs
- Liebler-Rohl bensinstation , Lancaster
norra Carolina
- Shell Service Station (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
- Beam's Shell Service Station and Office, (tidigare) , Cherryville
norra Dakota
- Westland oljetankstation , Minot
- Foyil tankstation , Foyil, i Rogers County
- Marland bensinstation , Hominy
- McDougal bensinstation , Vinita
- Seabas bensinstation , Chandler
- Threatt Tankstation , Luther
- Narcissa DX bensinstation , Miami
- Avant's Cities bensinstation , El Reno
- Bridgeport Hill Service Station , Geary
- Bristow Firestone Service Station , Bristow
- Knud Bensinstation , Knut
- Cities Service Station , Afton
- Städer Bensinstation No. 8 , Tulsa
- Jackson Conoco bensinstation , El Reno
- Magnolia Service Station , Texola
- Miami Marathon Oil Company bensinstation , Miami
- Provine bensinstation , Hydro
- Sayre Champlin bensinstation , Sayre
- Sinclair Service Station (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
- Spraker Service Station , Vinita
- Texaco Service Station (Bristow, Oklahoma)
- Y Bensinstation och café , Clinton
- Bristow Tire Shop , Bristow, OK, som är en tidigare bensinstation som hade bensinpumpar
- Randall Tyre Company , Vinita, OK
- St. Johns Signal Tower Bensinstation , Portland
- Peck Bros. och Bartle Tyre Service Company Building , Portland, Oregon, som servade bilar men som inte verkar ha haft bensinpumpar
- Lee Tyre and Rubber Company , Conshohocken, PA (ska verifieras om tillhandahållande av bilservice eller inte)
Rhode Island
- Art's Auto (1927), Pawtucket
South Carolina
- ESSO Club , Clemson
South Dakota
- Spearfish Tankstation , Spearfish
- Spring Street Service Station , McMinnville
- Servicestation för flygplan , Knoxville
- Ellis Service Station Garage , Nashville
- Old Sinclair Station , Bryan, Texas
- Schauer bensinstation , Houston
- Jenkins-Harvey Super Service Station and Garage , Tyler
- Texas Company bensinstation , Victoria
- 1928 Phillips 66 Service Station, Turkiet, Texas (se bilden ovan för beskrivning)
- Utah Parks Company Service Station , Bryce Canyon
- River Heights Sinclair Station , River Heights
- Bensinstation vid Bridge and Island Streets , Rockingham
- Central bensinstation , Rosalia
- Teapot Dome Service Station , Zillah
västra Virginia
- Weaver's Antique Service Station , Burlington
- Trapp tankstation , Hartland
- Oatman tankstation , Eau Claire
- Freitag's Pure Oil Service Station , Monroe
- Wadhams bensinstation , West Allis
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