- Abington
- Social Library Association of Abington
- Barkhamsted
- Barkhamsted Library (uppskattat 1797)
- Berlin
- Kensington Parish Library, Berlin (uppskattat ca 1788)
- Bristol
- First Society i Bristol (uppskattat 1792)
- Brooklyn
- Union Library, Brooklyn (uppskattat 1774)
- Chatham
- Republican Library Company, Chatham (uppskattad 1795)
- Chelsea
- T. Hubbards cirkulerande bibliotek, Chelsea
- Cheshire
- Cheshire Library Society (uppskattat 1792)
- Bibliotek i Salem Society, Cheshire (uppskattat 1783)
- Bibliotek i Society of Columbia, Cheshire (uppskattad 1793)
- Cornwall
- United Proprietors Library, Cornwall (ca. 1799-1804)
- Danbury
- Franklin Library, Danbury (1770–1833)
- Bibliotek i Bethel Society, Danbury (uppskattat 1793)
- Durham
- Book Company of Durham (1733–1856)
- Ethosian Society, Durham (1787–1793)
- New Library Company, Durham (uppskattat 1788)
- East Haddam
- Hadlyme Society, East Haddam (est.179)
- East Hartford
- First Library Company, East Hartford (uppt. 1794)
- Union Library, East Hartford (uppskattat 1791)
- East Haven
- Union Library, East Haven (est.1796)
- East Windsor
- Federal Library, East Windsor (uppskattat ca. 17890
- Social Library i East Windsor (uppskattat 1791)
- Farmington
- Bibliotek i First Society, Farmington (uppskattat 1795)
- Northington Public Library, Farmington (1789-ca.1799)
- Franklin
- Franklin Library, Franklin (est.1790)
- Griswold
- North Preston Parish Library, Griswold (uppt. 1761)
- Union Circle of Friends, Griswold (1795–1821)
- Guilford
- Library of Killingworth, Lyme, Saybrook och Guilford (est.1737; beläget i Guilford)
- Library of Saybrook, Lime och Guilford
- Library in First Society, Guilford (est.1790)
- Hadlyme
- Hadlyme Library (est.1789)
- Hartford
- Harwinton
- Episcopalian Society Library, Harwinton (uppskattat 1793)
- Juvenile Library, Harwinton (uppskattad 1797)
- Union Harwinton Library (1798–1857)
- Libanon
- Philogrammatican Society, Libanon
- Litchfield
- St. Paul's Lodge Library, Litchfield (uppskattat 1781)
- Madison
- Farmer's Library, Madison (uppskattat 1793)
- Mansfield
- Proprietors Library North Society, Mansfield (uppskattat 1795)
- Proprietors Library South Society, Mansfield (uppskattat 1795)
- Middletown
- Library Company i Middletown (uppskattat 1765)
- Middletown bibliotek
- Milford
- Associate Library, Milford (1761–1820)
- Milford Library (uppskattat 1745)
- Naugatuck
- Library i Salem Society, Naugatuck (est.1783)
- New Haven
- Mechanic Library Society of New-Haven (uppt.1793)
- New Haven Library Company
Yale College Library
- New London
- S. Green's Circulating Library, New London
- New Milford
- Union Library, New-Milford (est.1796)
- Newington
- Bokföretag i Newington (uppskattat 1752)
- Charity Library, Newington (uppskattat 1787)
- North Haven
- Northill Library, North Haven (uppskattat 1792)
- Northington
- Northington Public Library
- Norwich
- Franklin Library Company, Norwich
- Library i First Society, Norwich (uppskattad 1796)
- Norwich Library Company (uppskattat 1793)
- John Trumbulls cirkulerande bibliotek, Norwich (uppskattad 1796)
- Samuel Trumbulls cirkulerande bibliotek, Norwich
- Pomfret
- Social Library of Abington i Pomfret (est.1793)
- United English Library for the Propagation of Christian and Useful Knowledge, Pomfret (1739–1805)
- Saybrook
- Library of Second Society, Saybrook (uppskattat 1795)
- Southington
- Union Library Society, Southington (1797–1847)
- Stonington
- Stonington Point Library (uppskattat 1793)
- Suffield
- Suffield Library (uppskattat 1791)
- Tolland
- Tolland Proprietary Library (uppskattat 1787)
- Torrington
- Public Library of Torrington and Winchester (est.1787; beläget i Torrington)
- Warren
- Gratis Mason Lodge Library, Warren (uppskattat 1799)
- Public Library i Warren (uppskattat 1770)
- Warren bibliotek
- Waterbury
- Bibliotek i First Society, Waterbury (uppskattat 1771)
- Union Library, Waterbury (uppskattat ca 1797)
- Watertown
- Union Library Society, Watertown (uppskattat 1799)
- West Simsbury
- Friendship Library, West Symsbury (uppskattat 1793)
- Weston
- North Fairfield Library, Weston (uppskattat ca 1790)
- Wethersfield
- Social Library i Stepney Parish, Wethersfield (uppt. 1794)
- Union Library Society of Wethersfield (1783–1850)
- Winchester
- Society of Winsted, Winchester (est.1799)
- Windham
- Library Company i Skottland, Widham (1791–1830)
- Library in First Society, Windham (ca. 1795-1798)
- Wolcott
- Library i Farmingbury, Wolcott (uppskattat 1779)
- Woodbridge
- Library i Woodbridge (uppskattat 1787)
- Woodbury
- Union Library, Woodbury (uppskattat 1772)
- Woodstock
- Library of First Society, Woodstock (uppskattad 1797)
- United Lyon Library of Woodstock, även kallat: United Lynn Library (est.1768)