Ken Goodman
Kenneth Goodman (23 december 1927 - 12 mars 2020) var professor emeritus, språkläsning och kultur vid University of Arizona. Han är mest känd för att ha utvecklat teorin bakom läskunnighetsfilosofin för hela språket .
Goodman började undervisa vid Wayne State University 1962. Hans forskning fokuserade på läsning i offentliga skolor. På Wayne State University utvecklade Goodman felanalys, en process för att bedöma elevernas läsförståelse baserat på prover av muntlig läsning. En av hans forskningsassistenter inom misscue-analys var Rudine Sims Bishop . Goodman undervisade vid Wayne State University i 15 år innan han flyttade till University of Arizona.
Efter att ha publicerat en inflytelserik bok om ämnet helt språk, började Goodman skapa en psykolingvistisk och sociolingvistisk läsningsmodell inspirerad av Noam Chomskys arbete . Goodman beslutade att läsprocessen liknade processen att lära sig ett språk som konceptualiserades av Chomsky, och att läskunnighet utvecklades naturligt som en konsekvens av erfarenheter med tryck, precis som språkförmågan utvecklades naturligt som en konsekvens av erfarenheter med språk. Goodman drog slutsatsen att försök att lära barn regler (" phonics ") för att avkoda ord var olämpliga och sannolikt inte att lyckas.
Efter att ha utvecklat och undersökt Whole Language-modellen presenterade Goodman sitt arbete för konferensen American Educational Research Association (AERA) och publicerade en artikel i Journal of the Reading Specialist, där han berömt skrev att läsning är ett " psyklingvistiskt gissningsspel". Han gick i pension från University of Arizona i augusti 1998.
Goodmans koncept för skriftspråksutveckling ser det som parallellt med muntlig språkutveckling. Goodmans teori låg till grund för hela språkrörelsen , som vidareutvecklades av Yetta Goodman, Regie Routman, Frank Smith m.fl. Hans koncept av läsning som en analog till språkutveckling har studerats av hjärnforskare som Sally Shaywitz , som förkastade teorin med motiveringen att läsning inte utvecklas naturligt i frånvaro av undervisning. Trots detta fortsätter teorin att få stöd från vissa forskare. Goodmans teori och starka övertygelser gjorde honom till en ikon för hela språkrörelsen och en blixtledare för kritik från dem som inte håller med om den. Hans bok What's Whole in Whole Language sålde över 250 000 exemplar på sex språk.
Goodman tjänstgjorde i flera viktiga funktioner, bland annat som ordförande för International Reading Association , ordförande för National Conference on Research in Language and Literacy och ordförande för Center for Expansion of Language and Thinking. Han arbetade också mycket med National Council of Teachers of English . Han fick ett antal utmärkelser, inklusive James Squire-priset från NCTE för bidrag till yrket och NCTE (2007). Goodman har publicerat över 150 artiklar och bokkapitel samt ett antal böcker. Förutom What's Whole in Whole Language skrev han även Ken Goodman om Reading and Phonics Phacts ; alla publicerades av Heinemann. Hans bok Scientific Realism in Studies of Education , publicerades av Taylor och Francis 2007. Hans sista bok var "Reading- The Grand Illusion: How and Why People Make Sense of Print" med bidrag från lingvist, Peter H. Fries och neurolog, Steven L. Strauss och publicerades av Routledge 2016.
Goodman valdes in i Reading Hall of Fame 1989.
1. "A Communicative Theory of the Reading Curriculum," Elementary English, Vol. 40:3, mars 1963, s. 290–298.
2. och Yetta M. Goodman, "Stavningsförmåga hos en självlärd läsare," The Elementary School Journal, Vol. 64:3, december 1963, s. 149–154.
3. "The Linguistics of Reading," The Elementary School Journal, Vol. 64:8, april 1964, s. 355–361.
Även i Durr, (red.), Readings on Reading, Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1968.
Även i Frost, (red.), Issues and Innovations in the Teaching of Reading, Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1967.
4. "A Linguistic Study of Cues and Miscues in Reading," Elementary English, Vol. 42:6, oktober 1965, s. 639–643.
Även i Wilson och Geyer, (red.), Reading for Diagnostic and Remedial Reading, Merrill, 1972, s. 103–110.
Även i Gentile, Kamil och Blanchard, (red.), Reading Research Revisited, Columbus: Charles Merrill, 1983, s. 129–134.
Även i Singer och Ruddell, (red.), Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, 3:e upplagan, Newark: IRA, 1985.
5. "Dialekthinder för läsförståelse," Elementary English, Vol. 42:8, s. 852–60, december 1965. Även i Linguistik och läsning, NCTE, 1966.
Även i Dimensions of Dialect, NCTE, 1967.
Även i Kosinski, (red.), Readings on Creativity and Imagination in Literature and Language, NCTE, 1969.
Även i Teaching Black Children to Read, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, 1969.
Även i Kise, Binter och Dalabalto, (red.), Readings on Reading, Int. Book Co., s. 241–51.
Även i Caper, Green, Baker, Listening and Speaking in the English Classroom, Macmillan, 1971. Also in Shores, Contemporary English: Change and Variation, Lippincott, 1972.
Även i Ruddell, (red.), Resources in Reading Language Instruction, Prentiss Hall, 1972.
Även i DeStefano, redaktör, Language, Society and Education, Jones Co., Worthington, Ohio, 1973.
6. och Yetta Goodman, "References on Linguistics and the Teaching of Reading," Reading Teacher, Vol. 21:1, oktober 1967, s. 22–23.
7. "Word Perception: Linguistic Bases," Education, Vol. 87, maj 1967, s. 539–543.
8. "Reading: A Psycholinguistic Guessing Game," Journal of the Reading Specialist, Vol. 6:4, maj 1967, s. 126–135.
Även i Singer, H. och Ruddell, RB, Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, IRA, 1970, s. 259–272.
Även i Gunderson, D., Language and Reading, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, 1970. Även i Harris, AJ och Sipay, ER, Readings on Reading Instruction, David McKay, 1972.
Även i Karlin, Robert, Perspectives on Elementary Reading, Harcourt.
Also in Comprehension and the Use of Context, Open University Press, London, s. 30–41, 1973. Även i Johnson, Nancy, (red.), Current Topics in Language, Winthrop, 1976, s. 370–83
Även i Reading Development, Open University Press, London, 1977.
Även i The English Curriculum: Reading I, London: The English and Media Centre, 1990, s. 21–24.
9. "Linguistic Insights Teachers May Apply," Education, Vol. 88:4, april–maj 1968, s. 313–316.
Även i What About Linguistics and the Teaching of Reading, Scott, Foresman, 1968.
10. "Reading Disability: A Challenge", The Michigan English Teacher, oktober–november, 1968.
11. "Linguistics in a Relevant Curriculum", Utbildning, april–maj, 1969, s. 303–307.
Även i Savage, Linguistics For Teachers, SRA, 1973, s. 92–97.
12. "Att bygga på barns språk", Betygsläraren, mars 1969, s. 35–42.
13. "Let's Dump the Up-Tight Model in English," Elementary School Journal, oktober 1969, s. 1–13.
Även i Education Digest, december 1969, s. 45–48.
Även i lingvistik för lärare: Selected Readings, SRA.
Även i Burns, Elementary School Language Arts, Selected Readings, 2nd Edition, Rand McNally. Även i Harris, J., Handbook of Standard and Non-Standard Communication, Alabama Assistance Center, University of Alabama, 1976.
14. "Språket och den etnocentriska forskaren", SRIS Quarterly, sommaren, 1969.
Även i The Reading Specialist, våren, 1970.
15. "What's New In Curriculum: Reading," Nations Schools, 1969.
*16. "Analysis of Oral Reading Miscues: Applied Psycholinguistics," Reading Research Quarterly, hösten, 1969, s. 9–30.
Även i Smith, Frank, Psycholinguistics and Reading, Holt, 1972, s. 158–176.
Även i Emans och Fishbein, Competence in Reading, SRA, 1972.
Tysk översättning i Hofer, A., Lesenlernen: Theorie and Unterricht, Schwann: Dusseldorf, 1976, s. 298-320.
Även i Current Comments, Vol. 21:6, 6 februari 1989, sid. 20. (Citerad som "Classic Citation" i samhällsvetenskapliga sammanfattningar)
17. "A Psycholinguistic Approach to Reading. Implications for the Mentally Retarded," The Slow Learning Child, (Australien), sommaren 1969. Även i Simon och Schuster, Selected Academic Readings.
18. "On Valuing Diversity in Language: Overview," Childhood Education, 1969, s. 123–126.
Även i Triplett och Funk, Language Arts in the Elementary School, Lippincott.
Holländsk översättning i Kleuterwereld som "Het Belag Van De Verscheidenbled in de Tall", april 1973, s. 170–171.
Även i Harris, J., A Handbook of Standard and Non-Standard Communication, Alabama Assistance Center, 1976.
19. och Carolyn L. Burke, "When a Child Reads: A Psycholinguistic Analysis," Elementary English, januari 1970, s. 121–129.
Även i Harris och Smith, Individualizing Reading Instruction, Holt, 1972, s. 231–243.
Även i Ruddell et al., Resources in Reading-Language Instruction, Prentiss Hall, 1973.
20. "Psycholinguistic Universals in the Reading Process", Journal of Typographic Research, våren 1970, s. 103–110.
Även i Pimslear och Quinn, (red.), Papers on the Psychology of Second Language Learning, Cambridge University Press, 1971, s. 135–42.
Även i Smith, F., Psycholinguistics and Reading, Holt, 1972, s. 21–27.
21. "Dialect Rejection and Reading: A Response," Reading Research Quarterly, sommaren 1970, s. 600–603. Även i Selected Academic Readings, Simon och Schuster.
22. och Frank Smith, "On the Psycholinguistic Method of Teaching Reading," Elementary School Journal, januari, 1971, s. 177–181.
Även i Ekwell, Psychological Factors in the Teaching of Reading, Merrill, s. 303–308.
Även i Fox and DeStefano, Language and the Language Arts, Little Brown, Boston, 1973, s. 239–43.
Även i Smith, F., Psycholinguistics and Reading, Holt, 1973, s. 177–182.
Tysk översättning i A. Hofer, Lesenlernen: Theorie und Unterricht, Schwann: Dusseldorf, 1976, s. 232-237.
23. "Promises, Promises," The Reading Teacher, januari 1971, vol. 24:4, s. 356–367.
Även i Fox, Language and the Language Arts, Little Brown, 1972.
Även i Malberger et al., Learning, Shoestring Press, 1972.
24. "Vem gav oss rätt?", The English Record, April, 1971, Vol. xxi, 4, s. 44–45.
25. och D. Menosky, "Läsinstruktion: Let's Get It All Together", Instruktör, mars 1971, s. 44–45.
26. "Avkodning -- från kod till vad?" Journal of Reading, april 1971, vol 14:7, s. 455–462.
Även i Fox and DeStefano, Language and the Language Arts, Little Brown, 1973, s. 230–236. Även i Berry, Barrett och Powell, Editors, Elementary Reading Instruction Selected Materials II, Allen & Bacon, 1974, s. 15–23.
27. "Oral Language Miscues," Viewpoints, Vol. 48:1, januari 1972, s. 13–28.
28. "Reading: The Key Is in Children's Language," The Reading Teacher, Vol. 25, mars 1972, s. 505–508.
Även i Reid, Jesse och Harry Donaldson, (red.), Reading: Problems and Practices, 2nd edition, London: Ward Lock Educational Limited, 1977, s. 358–362.
29. "Orthography in a Theory of Reading Instruction," Elementary English, december, 1972, vol. 49:8, s. 1254–1261.
30. "Up-Tight Ain't Right," School Library Journal, oktober 1972, vol. 19:2, s. 82–84.
Även i Trends and Issues in Children's Literature, New York: Xerox, 1973.
31. "The 13th Easy Way to Make Learning to Read Difficult," A Reaction to Gleitman and Rozin, Reading Research Quarterly, Summer, 1973, VIII:4.
32. med Catherine Buck, "Dialect Barriers to Reading Comprehension Revisited," Reading Teacher, oktober 1973, vol. 27:1, s. 6–12.
Även i Mental Health Digest, december, 1973, vol. 5:12, s. 20–23.
Även i Johnson, Nancy, (red.), Current Topics in Language, Winthrop, 1976, s. 409–417.
Återtryckt som klassisk artikel i Läsläraren, volym 50, nr 6, mars 1997, s. 454–459.
33. och Yetta M. Goodman och Carolyn L. Burke, "Language in Teacher Education," Journal of Research and Development in Education, höst, 1973, vol. 7:1, s. 66–71.
34. "Military-Industrial Thinking Finally Captures the Schools," Educational Leadership, februari 1974, s. 407–411.
35. "Effektiva lärare i läsning vet språk och barn," Elementary English, september 1974, vol. 51:6, s. 823–828.
Även i Education Digest, december 1974.
Även i NJEA Review.
36. "Reading: You Can Get Back to Kansas Anytime You're Ready, Dorothy," English Journal, November, 1974, Vol. 63:8, s. 62–64.
Även i Reading in Focus, NCTE Newsletter, Australien, oktober 1976.
37. "Måste du vara smart för att läsa? Måste du läsa för att vara smart?" Läslärare, april 1975, s. 625–632.
Även i Education Digest, Sept., 1975, Vol. 41, s. 41–44.
Även i ABH Reading Pacesetter, Manila, Filippinerna, 1975.
Även spansk översättning i Enfoques Educacionales, Chile, nr 5, 1979, s. 40–47.
38. "Influence of the Visual Peripheral Field in Reading," Research in Teaching of English, hösten 1975, vol. 9:2, s. 210–222.
39. "A Bicentenniel Revolution in Reading," Georgia Journal of Reading, Vol. 2:1, s. 13–19, hösten 1976.
40. "From the Strawman to the Tin Woodman, A Response to Mosenthal," Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. XII:4, s. 575–85.
41. "And a Principled View from the Bridge", Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. XII:4, sid. 604.
42. och Yetta M. Goodman, "Lesenlernen - ein funktionaler Ansatz" i Die Grundschule, Vol. 9:6, juni 1977, s. 263–67.
43. och Y. Goodman, W. McGinnitie, Michio Namekawa, Eikkchi Kurasawa, Takashiko Sakamoto, "Tokubetsu Zadankai: Eizo Jidai ni okero Dokusho Shido" (Läsinstruktion in the Era of Visual Imagery) Sogo Kyuiku Gijutso (Unified Educational Theory), Vol. 31.11, s. 116–25, december 1976, Tokyo.
44. och Yetta M. Goodman, "Learning about Psycholinguistic Processes by Analyzing Oral Reading," Harvard Educational Review, Vol. 40:3, 1977, s. 317–33.
Även i Constance McCullough, Redaktör, Inchworm, Inchworm Persistent Problems in Reading Education, IRA, 1980, s. 179–201.
Also in Thought and Language/Language and Reading, (red.), Harvard University Press, 1980.
45. "Att förvärva läskunnighet är naturligt: Vem skicklig Cock Robin?", Theory Into Practice, december 1977, vol. xvi:5, s. 309–314.
Även i 25th Anniversary Issue, Theory Into Practice, december 1987, s. 368–373.
46. "And Good Luck to Your Boy," Arizona English Bulletin, oktober 1977, vol. 20, s. 6–10.
47. "Öppet brev till president Carter", SLATE, 3:2, mars 1978.
Kondenserad i Ohio Reading Teacher, januari 1979;
Även i Michigan English Teacher, maj 1978;
Även i Wisconsin Reading Teacher, maj 1979; Wisconsin Administration Bulletin, maj 1979.
48. "Minimum Competencies: A Moral View", i International Reading Association, Minimum Competency Standards, Three Points of View, 1978.
49. "What is Basic About Reading", i Eisner, Elliot W., (red.), Reading, The Arts and the Creation of Meaning, National Art Education Association, 1978, s. 55–70.
50. "Commentary: Breakthroughs and Lock-outs," Language Arts, november–december, 1978, vol. 55:8, s. 911–20. Även i Connecticut Council of Teachers of English Newsletter, XII:2, december 1978.
51. "The Know-More and Know-Nothing Movements in Reading: A Personal Response," Language Arts, September, 1979, Vol. 56:8, s. 657–63.
Även i Georgia Journal of Reading, Vol. 5:2, Våren, 1980, s. 5–12.
Översättning på danska i Laesepaedogogen 1981 och som Laese Rapport 4 under titeln "Laesning efter mening-eller laesning som teknik," odaterad.
52. och Yetta M. Goodman, "Learning to Read is Natural", i LB Resnick och PA Weaver, (red.), Theory and Practice of Early Reading, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1979, s. 137–55.
Översättning på franska i Apprentissage et Socialisation, Vol. 3:2, 1980, s. 107–23.
Översättning på spanska i Enfoques Educasionales, Chile, 1980.
53. "Revisiting Research Revisited," Reading Psychology, Summer, 1980, s. 195–97.
Även i Gentile, Kamil och Blanchard, Editors, Reading Research Revisited, Columbus: Merrill, 1983.
54. "On The Ann Arbor Black English Case," English Journal, Vol. 69:6, september 1980, sid. 72.
55. och Frederick V. Gollasch, "Word Omissions: Deliberate and Non-Deliberate," Reading Research Quarterly, XVI:1, 1980, s. 6–31. (Se även enstaka tidningar.)
56. med Yetta Goodman, "Twenty Questions about Teaching Language," Educational Leadership, March 1981, Vol. 38:6, s. 437–42.
57. "A Declaration of Professional Conscience for Teachers" Childhood Education, mars–april 1981, s. 253–55.
Även i Learning from Children, av Edward Labinowicz, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1984.
Även i Goodman, KS, Bird, L. och Goodman, Y., (red.), The Whole Language Catalog, Santa Rosa, CA: American School Publishers, 1991, inuti främre omslaget.
Även i Kaufmann, FA (red.), Council-Grams, vol. 54:4, Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1991, sid. 8.
Även i Society for Developmental Education News, Vol. 2:2, hösten 1992, sid. 6.
Also in Into Teachers' Hands, D. Sumner, (red.)Peterborough, NH: Society for Developmental Education, 1992, inuti främre omslaget.
Även i Whole Teaching, Society for Developmental Education Sourcebook, 6:e upplagan, Peterborough, NH: Society for Developmental Education, 1993, inuti främre omslaget.
58. och YM Goodman, "To Err is Human," NYU Education Quarterly, Summer, 1981, Vol. XII:4, s. 14–19.
59. "Response to Stott," Reading-Canada-Lecture, april, 1981, vol. I:2, s. 18–120.
60. "Lukemisprosessi: monikielinen, kehityksellinen nakokulma" i Jasenlehti, nr 3, (Finland)1981, s. 8–9.
61. "Revaluing readers and reading," Topics in Learning and Learning Disabilities, Vol. I:4, januari 1982, s. 87–93.
62. och Yetta Goodman, "Reading and Writing Relationships: Pragmatic Functions," Language Arts, maj 1983, s. 590–99.
Även i J. Jensen, (red.), Composing and Comprehending, Urbana, IL: NCRE/ERIC, 1984, s. 155–64.
63. "Lösningen är risken: ett svar på rapporten från National Commission on Excellence in Education," SLATE, Vol. 9:1, september 1983.
64. och L. bird, "On the Wording of Texts: A Study of Intra-text Word Frequency," Research in Teaching English, Vol. 18:2, maj 1984, s. 119–45.
65. Growing into Literacy" Prospects, Education Quarterly of UNESCO, Vol. XV:I, 1985. (Även i franska, spanska, arabiska och ryska översättningar).
66. Kommentar: "On Being Literate in an Age of Information," Journal of Reading, Vol. 28:5, februari 1985, s. 388–92.
Även i Jean M. Eales, Language, Communication and Education, London: Open University och Croom Helm, november 1986.
67. Introduktion till: "A Glimpse At Reading Instruction In China" av Shanye Jiang, Bo Li, The Reading Teacher, Vol. 38:8, april 1985, s. 762–66.
68. "Kommentar: Chicago Mastery Learning Reading: A Program with 3 Left Feet", Education Week, 9 oktober 1985, sid. 20.
69. "Un programma olistico per l'apprendimento e lo sviloppo della lettura," Educazione e Scuola, (Italien) Vol.IV:15, september, 1985, s. 11–24. (Se även enstaka papper nr 1 nedan).
70. "Response to Becoming a Nation of Readers," Reading Today, oktober 1985.
71. "Basal Readers: A Call for Action," Language Arts, april 1986.
72. och Mira Beer-Toker, "Frågor om barns språk och läskunnighet: en intervju med Kenneth S. Goodman," Mother Tongue Education Bulletin, (Quebec, Kanada) Vol. l:2, Vår och höst, 1986, s. 19–22.
73. "You and the Basals: Ta ansvar för ditt klassrum," Learning 87, Vol. 16:2, september 1987, s. 62–65.
Även i Manning, G. och M., (red.), Whole Language: Beliefs and Practices, K-8, NEA: Washington, DC, 1989, s. 217–19.
74. "Determiners in Reading: Miscues on a Few Little Words," Language and Education, Vol. 1:l, 1987, s. 33–58.
75. "Vem kan vara en helt språklärare?," Teachers Networking, Vol.1:1, april 1987, sid. 1.
76. "To My Professional Friends in New Zealand," Reading Forum NZ, juni, 1987.
77. "Läsprocessen: Ken Goodmans kommentarer," ARA Today, augusti, 1987.
78. "Titta vad de har gjort med Judy Blume!: The `Basalization' of Children's Literature," The New Advocate, Vol. I:1, 1988, s. 29–41.
79. "Reflections: An Interview with Ken and Yetta Goodman," Reading - Kanada - Lecture, Vol. 6:1, Våren, 1988, s. 46–53.
80. Om att skriva 'Reading Miscues - Windows on the Psycholinguistic Guessing Game'," Current Comments, Vol. 21:6, 6 februari 1989, s. 20.
81. "Whole Language is Whole: A Response to Heymsfeld," Educational Leadership, Vol. 46:6, mars 1989, s. 69–71.
82. "The Whole Language Approach: A Conversation with Kenneth Goodman," Writing Teacher, Vol. III:1, augusti–september, 1989, s. 5–8.
83. "Access to Literacy: Basals and Other Barriers," Theory Into Practice, Guest Editors, Patrick Shannon och Kenneth S. Goodman, Vol. XXXVIIII:4, Hösten, 1989, s. 300–306.
84. "Latinamerikansk konferens är framgångsrik," Reading Today, Vol. 7:3, december 1989.
85. och Ira E. Aaron, Jeanne S. Chall, Dolores Durkin, Dorothy S. Strickland, "The Past, Present, and Future of Literacy Education: Comments from a Panel of Distiguished [ sic ? ] Educators, Part I," The Reading Teacher, Vol. 43:4, januari 1990, s. 302–15.
86. "Hela språkforskning: grunder och utveckling," Elementary School Journal, Vol. 90:2, november 1989, s. 207–21.
Japansk översättning av Takashi Kuwabara i Journal of Language Teaching, Vol. XVII, s. 99–116, 1990.
87. "Managing the Whole Language Classroom," Instructor, Vol. 99:6, februari 1990, s. 26–29.
88. "A Rebuttal to Priscilla Vail," WLSIG Newsletter, Spring, 1990, sid. 4.
89. "El Linguaje Integral: Un Camino Facil para el Desarrollo del Lenguaje," Lectura Y Vida, Vol. IX:2, juni 1990, s. 5–13.
90. och Dorothy F. King "Hela språket: Att älska elever och deras språk," LSHSS, Vol. 21:4, oktober 1990.
91. "An Open Letter to President Bush," Whole Language Umbrella Newsletter, Summer, 1991, sid. 1-4.
92. och Yetta M. Goodman, "About Whole Language," Japanese (First Language) Education Research Monthly, nr 233, oktober 1991, s. 64–71.
93. och Diane de Ford, Irene Fountas , Yetta Goodman, Vera Milz och Sharon Murphy "Dialogue on Issues in Whole Language," Orbit, (Canada) Vol. 22:4, december 1991, s. 1–3.
94. och Richard J. Meyer, "Whole Language: Principles for Principals," SAANYS Journal, Vol. 22:3, Vinter, 1991–92, s. 7–10.
95. "Why Whole Language is Today's Agenda in Education," Language Arts, Vol. 69:5, september 1992, s. 354–363.
96. "I Didn't Found Whole Language," The Reading Teacher, Vol. 46:3, november 1992, sid.
Även i The Education Digest, oktober 1993, vol. 59, nr 2, s. 64–67.
97. "Gurus, Professors, and the Politics of Phonics," Reading Today, december 1992/januari 1993, s. 8–10.
98. "Phonics Phacts," Nebraska Language Arts Bulletin, Vol. 5:2, januari 1993, s. 1–5.
99. med Lisa Maras och Debbie Birdseye "Titta! Titta! Vem stal bilderna från bilderboken?" The New Advocate, volym 7, nr 1, vintern 1994, s. 1–24.
100. "Standarder, inte!" Commentary, Education Week, 7 september 1994, s. 39 & 41.
Även i The Council Chronicle, Volume 4, Number 2, November 1994, s. back and 17.
101. "Deconstructing the retoric of Moorman, Blanton and McLaughlin: A response," Reading Research Quarterly, Vol. 29, nr 4, okt/nov/dec 1994, s. 340–346.
102. "Är helspråksundervisning det bästa sättet att lära ut läsning?, CQ Researcher, 19 maj 1995, volym 5, nr 19, s. 457-461.
103. "Forced Choices in a Non-Crisis, A Critique of the Report of the California Reading Task Force" Education Week, Vol. XV, nummer 11, november 1995, s. 39 & 42.
104. med Elizabeth Noll "Using a Howitzer to Kill a Butterfly": Teaching Literature with Basals, The New Advocate, Volym 8, nummer 4, hösten 1995, s. 243–254.
105. med Yetta M. Goodman, Rev. av "Possible Lives: The Promise of Public Education in America,"Mike Rose, Rhetoric Review, Volym 14:2, Våren, 1996, s. 420-424.
106. "Ett öppet brev till Richard Riley och Bill Clinton", Reading Today, volym 13, nr 6, juni/juli, 1996, s. 39.
107. "The Reading Derby: An Open Letter to Wisconsin Teachers" WSRA Journal, volym 40, nr 3, sommar/höst 1996, s. 1–5.
108. "Educar, como se ense�aa vivir" Intervju med Ken och Yetta Goodman, Para Ti, nr 3844, 11 mars 1996, s. 92–93.
109. "Ken and Yetta Goodman: Exploring the Roots of Whole Language" Intervju med Ken och Yetta Goodman, av Jerome Harste och K. Short, Language Arts, volym 73, nummer 7, november, 1996, s. 508–519.
111. "The Reading Process: Insights from Miscue Analysis" En sammanfattning anpassad från The 1996-97 Dean's Forum, The Advancement of Knowledge and Practice in Education Proceedings, University of Arizona, Tucson, januari 1997.
112. "California, Whole Language, and the NAEP" CLIPS, volym 3, nummer 1, våren, 1997, s. 53–56.
113. "Fånga 'America Reads' för en större agenda?" Utbildningsveckan, volym XVII, nummer 4, september 1997, s. 34–35.
114. "Putting Theory and Research in the Context of History" Language Arts, volym 74, nummer 8, december, 1997, s. 595–599.
115. "Parental Choice bill kräver en statligt mandat läroplan" Gästkommentar, Arizona Daily Star, 20 februari 1998, avsnitt A, sid. 11.
116. "Goda nyheter från ett dåligt test: Arizona, Kalifornien och den nationella bedömningen" Arizona Reading Journal, Vol XXV, nr 1 vår/sommar, 1998, s. 13–23.
117. "The Phing Points, volym 11, nummer 2, april/maj, 2000, s. 18-19.
126. "Teaching Amid the Rocket's Red Glare" Minnesota English Journal, hösten 2000, s. 107–110.
127. "Defending Teachers and Learners from Mandates" Minnesota English Journal, höst, 2000, s. 111–114.
128. Med Paulson, Eric J., "Influential Studies in Eye-Movement Research," Reading Online, International Reading Association's Electronic Journal. December 1998.
129. "Om läsning" (6) The Science of Reading, Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Reading Association, Vol Juli, 2000, Japanese Translation, (Yokota,Rayco-översättare), s. 73–82.
130. "On Reading" (7) The Science of Reading, Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Reading Association, Vol. 44, nr 3, oktober 2000, japansk översättning, (Yokota, Rayco-översättare), s. 83–104.
131 "Aims" Tucson, AZ: Arizona Daily Star, söndagen den 28 oktober 2001 (Gäståsikt), pB-11.
132. "Om läsning" (8) The Science of Reading, Tokyo, Japan: The Japan Reading Association, Vol. 45, nr 3, oktober 2001, japansk översättning, (Yokota, Rayco-översättare), s. 103–125.
133. "A Declaration of Professional Conscience for Teacher Educators" Practically Primary, Vol. 8, nummer 3, oktober 2003, Australian Literacy Educators' Association, s. 5–6.
134. "Introduktion," Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, Special Issue on Literacy Processes, Number 6, Sept. 2004, sid. 4-5.
135. "Perspectiva transaccional sociopsyicolinguistica de la lectura y la escritura," Revista Lectura y Vida, Textos en Contexto, nr 2, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Asociacion Internacional de Lectura, december, 2004.
136. "Making Sense of Written Language: A Lifelong Journey", Journal of Literacy Research Vol 37 nr 1 våren 2005
Böcker och monografier
1. med Hans Olsen, Cynthia Colvin, Louis Vanderlinde, Choosing Materials to Teach Readings, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1966. Andra upplagan, 1973.
2. (red.), The Psycholinguistic Nature of the Reading Process, Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1968. Andra tryckningen, 1973.
Bly artikelöversättning på tyska, A. Hofer, Lesenlernen: Theorie und Unterricht, Schwann: Dusseldorf, 1976, s. 139-51.
3. och J. Fleming, (red.), Psycholinguistics and the Teaching of Reading, Newark, International Reading Association, 1969.
4. och Olive Niles, Reading: Process and Program, Champaign, IL: NCTE, 1969, (monografi).
Utdrag i Reading: Today and Tomorrow, London: Open University, 1972.
Även i Singer och Ruddell, Theoretical Models and Processes in Reading, andra upplagan, Neward, DE: IRA, 1976.
Även i tysk upplaga av Theoretical Models, M. Angermaier.
5. med E. Brooks Smith och Robert Meredith, Language and Thinking in the Elementary School, Holt, Rinehart och Winston, 1970.
Kapitel återgivet i "Resources in Reading-Language Instruction", Ruddell, (red.), Prentice Hall, 1973. 2:a upplagan av Language and Thinking in School, 1976.
3:e upplagan, med EB Smith, R. Meredith och Y. Goodman, Language and Thinking in School, A Whole-Language Curriculum, New York: Richard C. Owen, 1987.
6. och Yetta M. Goodman, Annotated Bibliography on Linguistics, Psycholinguistics and the Teaching of Reading, Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1972. 3:e upplagan, 1980.
7. redaktör, Miscue Analysis: Applications to Reading Instruction, NCTE-ERIC, 1973.
Utdrag i: Plackett, E. (red.), The English Curriculum: Reading 2, Slow Readers, London: The English Centre, 1990, s. 79–83.
8. Läsning: A Conversation with Kenneth Goodman, Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1976.
Sammanfattning i TSI Repeater-Cable, Telesensory Systems, Palo Alto, september, 1977.
9. med Yetta Goodman och Barbara Flores, Reading in the Bilingual Classroom: Literacy and Biliteracy, National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, Rosslyn, Virginia, 1979.
10. Reading and Readers, (The 1981 Catherine Molony Memorial Lecture), New York, City College School of Education, Workshop Center for Open Education, 1981.
11. Language and Literacy, The Selected Writings of Kenneth S. Goodman, Volym 1: Process, Theory, Research, (red.), Frederick V. Gollasch, Boston & London: Routledge och Kegan Paul, 1982.
12. Language and Literacy, The Selected Writings of Kenneth S. Goodman, Volym II: Reading, Language and the Classroom Teacher, (red.), FV Gollasch, Boston och London Routledge och Kegan Paul, 1982.
13. What's Whole in Whole Language, Richmond Hill, Toronto: Scholastic Lmtd., 1986, och Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Educational.
Spansk upplaga, Lenguaje Integral, Editorial Venezolana CA, 1989;
Fransk upplaga, Le Comment et Pourqois de la Language Integre, Scholastic, 1989;
Japansk utgåva Kyoku e no atarashi vald: Eigo ken ni okeri zentai gengo kyoiku, Tokyo: Ozora Sha, 1990.
Spansk upplaga, El lenguaje integral, Aique Grupo Editor, SA: Libro De Edici�n Argentina, 1995.
Portugisisk upplaga, Linguagem Integral, Traducao: Marcos AG Domingues, Porto Alegre: Artes Medicas, 1997.
14. med Patrick Shannon, Yvonne Freeman och Sharon Murphy, Report Card on Basal Readers, Katonah, NY: RC Owen, 1988.
15. med Yetta Goodman och Wendy Hood, The Whole Language Evaluation Book, Portsmouth, NH: Heineman, 1989.
16. med Yetta Goodman och Wendy Hood, Organizing for Whole Language, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991.
17. med Lois Bird och Yetta Goodman, The Whole Language Catalog, American School Publishers, januari 1991.
18. Eminent Scholar Conversation #15 av Rudine Sims Bishop, Ohio State University: Martha L. King Language and Literacy Center, 1991, s. 1–35.
19. med Lois B. Bird och Yetta Goodman, The Whole Language Catalog: Authentic Assessment Supplement, Santa Rosa, CA: American School Publishers, maj 1992.
20. Ken Goodman Phonics Phacts, Richmond Hill, Ontario: Scholastic Canada, Ltd (Kanada) och Heinemann (USA) Portsmouth, NH, 1994.
21. med Lois Bird och Yetta Goodman, The Whole Language Catalog: Forms for Authentic Assessment, New York, NY: SRA Division McMillan/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Company, 1994.
22. med Patrick Shannon, Basal Readers, A Second Look, Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen, 1994
23. Ken Goodman On Reading, Richmond Hill, Ontario: Scholastic Canada, Ltd. (Kanada) och Heinemann (USA) Portsmouth, NH, 1996.
24. med Joel Brown och Ann M. Marek, Studies in Miscue Analysis: An Annotated bibliography, Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1996.
25. In Defense of Good Teaching, Kenneth S. Goodman (red.), York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1998.
26. Reflections and Connections: Essays in Honor of Kenneth S. Goodman's Influence on Language Education, Marek, Ann M. & Carole Edelsky (red.), Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc., 1998
27. On the Revolution of Reading, The Selected Writings of Kenneth S. Goodman (Alan D. Flurkey och Xu, Jingguo (Eds.), Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2003.
28. med. Shannon, P., Goodman, Y. och Rapoport, R. (red.), Saving Our Schools, Berkeley, CA: RDR Books, 2004.
29 . Undersöker DIBELS, Vermont Society for the Study of Education i press
1. "A Psycholinguistic View of Reading Comprehension," New Frontiers in College-Adult Reading, 15th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, Milwaukee, 1966.
2. "Elementary Education," Foundations of Education, reviderad upplaga, George Kneller, (red.), New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1967, s. 493–521.
3. "Is the Linguistic Approach an Improvement in Reading Instruction: Pro," Nila Banton Smith, (red.), Current Issues in Reading, Newark, DE: IRA, 1969, s. 268–276.
4. "Words and Morfhemes in Reading," Psycholinguistics and the Teaching of Reading, Goodman och J. Fleming, (red.), Newark, DE: IRA, 1969, s. 25–33.
5. "The Interrelationships Between Language Development and Learning to Read," The Impact of Society on Learning to Read, Miriam Schleich, (red.), Hofstra University, 1970.
6. "Comprehension-Centered Reading Instruction," Proceedings of the 1970 Claremont Reading Conference, s. 125–135. Även i Ekwell, Psychological Factors in the Teaching of Reading, Merrill, 1972, s. 292–302.
7. "Psycholinguistics in Reading," Innovations in the Elementary School: An IDEA, enstaka tidning, Melbourne, FL, 1970.
8. "Urban Dialects and Reading Instruction," Kender, JP, (red.), Teaching Reading—Not By Decoding Alone, Interstate: Danville, 1971, s. 61–75.
9. "The Search Called Reading," Coordinating Reading Instruction, Helen Robinson, (red.), Scott Foresman, Glenview, 1971, s. 8–14.
10. "Barns språk och erfarenhet: En plats att börja", Coordinating Reading Instruction, Helen Robinson (red.), Scott Foresman, Glenview, 1971, s. 46–52.
11. "Linguistics and Reading," Encyclopedia of Education, Lee C. Deighton, (red.), Macmillan, 1971.
12. "Psycholinguistics and Reading," Proceedings of the Maryland Reading Institute, 1971.
13. "The Reading Process: Theory and Practice," Language and Learning to Read: What Teachers Should Know About Language, Hodges och Rudorf, (red.), Houghton-Mifflin, 1972, s. 143–59.
14. "Testing in Reading: A General Critique" Accountability and Reading Instruction, Robert Ruddell, redaktör, Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1973.
15. "Strategies for Increasing Comprehension in Reading," Improving Reading in the Intermediate Years, Robinson, H., (red.), Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman and Co., 1973, s. 59–71
Finns även som en separat monografi, Scott Foresman, 1974.
16. "The Reading Process", Proceedings of the Sixth Western Symposium on Learning: Language and Reading, Bellingham, WA, 1975.
17. "Miscue Analysis: Theory and Reality in Reading," New Horizons in Reading, Proceedings of Fifth IRA World Congress on Reading, Merritt, John E., (red.), Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1976, s. 15–26.
18. "Linguistically Sound Research in Reading," Improving Reading Research, Farr, Roger, Weintraub och Tone, (red.), Newark, DE: IRA, 1976, s. 89–100.
19. "What's Universal About the Reading Process," Proceedings of the 20th Annual Convention of the Japan Reading Association, Tokyo, 1976.
20. "Manifesto for a Reading Revolution", Malcolm Douglas, (red.), 40th Yearbook Claremont Reading Conference, 1976, s. 16–28.
21. "What We Know About Reading," Allen, PD och Watson, D., (red.), Findings of Research in Miscue Analysis: Classroom Implications, ERIC-NCTE, 1976, s. 57–69.
22. "The Goodman Taxonomy of Reading Miscues," Allen, PD och Watson, D., (red.), Findings of Research in Miscue Analysis: Classroom Implications, ERIC-NCTE, 1976, s. 157–244.
23. och Yetta M. Goodman, "Reading and Reading Instruction: Insights from Miscue Analysis," Watson, KD och Eagleson, RD, (red.), English in Secondary Schools: Today & Tomorrow, Sydney: English Teachers Association of New South Wales, 1977, s. 254–59.
24. och Carolyn Burke, "Reading for Life: The Psycholinguistic Base" Läsning av konferenshandlingar: Curriculum Demands-Towards Implementing the Bullock Report, London, England: Ward Lock Educational, 1977.
25. "Bridging the Gaps in Reading: Respect and Communication," Harste, J. och R. Carey, (red.), New Perspectives on Comprehension, Bloomington, Indiana University, oktober 1979.
26. med Yetta M. Goodman och Barbara Flores, "Reading in the Bilingual Classroom: Literacy and Biliteracy," Rosslyn, VA: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1979.
27. "Behövs för 80-talet: skolor som börjar där eleverna är," Behov av grund- och gymnasieutbildning på 1980-talet; Underkommitté för grundskole- och yrkesutbildning Representanthuset, 96:e kongressen, Washington: GPO januari 1980.
28. "El processo lector en ninos normales," Bravo Valdiviesco, Luis, (red.), El Nino con Dificultades para Aprender, Santiago de Chile: UNICEF/Pontificia Universidad Catolica, 1980.
29. "Linguistic Diversity, Teacher Preparation and Professional Development," G. Smitherman, redaktör, Black English and the Education of Black Children Youth, Center for Black Studies, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 1981, s. 171–89.
30. "Miscue Analysis and Future Research Directions," Huddleson, Sarah, (red.), Learning to Read in Different Languages, Linguistics and Literacy, Series: 1, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, 1981.
31. "Language Development: Issues, Insights, and Implementation" Goodman, Haussler och Strickland, (red.), Oral and Written Language Development Research: Impact on the Schools , NCTE & IRA, 1982.
32. "El processo de lectura: consideraciones a traves de las lenguas y del desarrollo," E. Ferreiro och M. Gomez Palacio, (red.), Nuevas Perspectivas Sobre Los Procesos de Lectura y Escritura, Mexiko Editorial Siglo XXI, 1982, s. 13–28.
33. "The Reading Process, A Multi-Lingual Developmental Perspective," K. Tuunainen och A. Chiaroni, (red.), Fullständig deltagande, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Reading, Joensuu Finland, 1982.
34. och Yetta M. Goodman "A Whole-Language Comprehension-Centered View of Reading Development," L. Reed och S. Ward, (red.), Basic Skills: Issues and Choices, Vol. 2, St. Louis: Cemrel, 1982, s. 125–134.
35. "On Research and the Improvement of Reading," M. Douglas, (red.), Forty-seventh Yearbook of the Claremont Reading Conference, Claremont Graduate School, 1983, s. 28–36.
36. "A Conversation with Kenneth Goodman," L. Rainsberry, (red.), och producent, Out of the Shadows, guide som åtföljer tre programvideoserier med samma namn, Toronto: TV Ontario, 1983, s. 17–20 .
37. och Y. Goodman "Allt du ville veta men inte hade möjligheten att fråga", L. Rainsberry, (red.), och producent, Out of the Shadows, guide som åtföljer tre programvideoserier med samma namn , Toronto: TV Ontario, 1983, s. 28–44.
38. "Unity in Reading," Olives Niles och Alan Purves, (red.), Becoming Readers in a Complex Society, 83rd Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, 1984.
Även i Singer and Ruddell, Theoretical Models & Processes of Reading, 3rd Edition, Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1985.
Även på portugisiska som "Unidad na Leitura", i Letras de Hoje, 12/1991, nr 86, s. 9–44.
Även på tyska som ”Lesen - ein transaktionaler ProzeB,” Konstruktionen der verstandigung, Luneburg: Universitat Luneburg, 1997, s. 103–132.
39. "Literacy: for Whom and for What," Makhan L. Tickoo, (red.), Language in Learning, Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 1986.
40. "A Holistic Model of Reading," Trondhjem, Redaktör, Aspects in Reading Processes, 12:e Danavox Symposium, Klarskovgard, Danmark, 1986.
41. "Förord" Making Connecting with Writing, Mary och Chisato Kitagawa, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1987.
42. "Teachers Detechnologizing Reading," Dorothy J. Watson, (red.), Ideas and Insights, Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1987, s. x-xi.
43. "Reading for Life: the Psycholinguistic Base," Reading Concerns: Selected Papers from UKRA Conferences 1972–1980, London: UKRA, 1988.
44. "Language and Learning: Toward a social-Personal View," Proceedings of the Brisbane Conference on Language and Learning, juli, 1988.
45. "Efterord", Jane L. Davidson, (red.), Counterpoint and Beyond, Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1988, s. 105–108.
46. "Language Development: Issues, Insights and Implementation," G. Pinnell och M. Matlin, (red.), Teachers and Research: Language Learning in the Classroom, IRA, 1989, s. 130–141.
47. med Yetta Goodman "Vygotsky in a Whole Language Perspective," Vygotsky and Education, Luis Moll, (red.), Cambridge University Press, 1990, s. 223–250.
48. "The Whole Language Curriculum," Hydrick, J och N. Wildermuth, (red.), Whole Language: Empowerment at the Chalk Face, New York: Scholastic, 1990, s. 191–211.
49. med Yetta M. Goodman "Our Ten Best Ideas for Reading Teachers," Fry, E., (red.), 10 Best Ideas for Reading Teachers, Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1991, s. 60–64 .
50. "Whole Language: What Makes it Whole," Power, B. och R. Hubbard, Literacy in Process, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991.
51. "The Teacher Interview" Toby Kahn Curry och Debra Goodman, En intervju av Yetta Goodman, Kommentar av Ken Goodman, Atwell, N., (red.), Workshop 3: The Politics of Process, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991 , s. 81–93.
52. med Yetta M. Goodman "Whole Language: A Whole Educational Reform," Schools of Thought, Pathways to Educational Reform, Cleveland, OH: North American Montessori Teachers' Association, Vol. 16:2, Våren, 1991, s. 59–70.
53. "Whole Language Research: Foundations and Development," Samuels, S. Jay och A. Farstrup, (red.), What Research Has To Say About Reading Instruction, 2nd edition, Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1992.
Även på japanska: Horu Rangegi, (red. & översatt) av Takashi Kuwabara, Tokyo: Kokudo sha, 1992, s. 112–157.
54. "A Question About the Future," Questions & Answers About Whole Language, Orin Cochrine, (red.), Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen, 1992, s. 137–40.
55. "Forward", Whitin, David J. och Sandra Wilde, Read Any Good Math Lately? Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1992, sid. xi-xii.
56. med D. Freeman "What's Simple in Simplified Language?", Simplification: Theory and Application, ML Tickoo (red.), Singapore:SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, 1993, s. 69–81.
57. "Ponencias Primero Conferencia", Memorias Del Primer Congreso de las Americas sobre Lectoescritura, Maracaibo, Venezuela: Universidad de Los Andes, 1993, s. 4–15.
58. "El Lenguaje Integral Como Filosofia Educativa", Memorias Del Primer Congreso de las Americas sobre Lectoescritura, Maracaibo, Venezuela: Universidad de Los Andes, 1993, s. 16–29.
59. med Yetta M. Goodman "Vygotsky desde la perspective del lenguaje total (helspråk)" Vygotsky Y La Educaci�n, Luis Moll (red.), M�ndez de And�s: Aique Grupo Editor SA, 1993, s. 263–292. Spansk översättning av "Vygotsky in a Whole Language Perspective" i Vygotsky and Education.
60. med Yetta M. Goodman "To Err Is Human: Learning about Language Processes by Analyzing Miscues," Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, 4:e upplagan, Robert B. Ruddell, Ruddell, MR, & Singer, H. (red.) , Neward, DE: International Reading Association, 1994.
61. "Reading, Writing and Written Texts: A Transactional Sociopsycholoinguistic View," Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, 4:e upplagan, Robert B. Ruddell, Ruddell, MR, & Singer, H. (red.), Newark, DE: International Läsföreningen, 1994.
62. "Universals in Reading: A Transactional Socio-Psychoinguistic Model of Reading, Writing and Texts," En sammanfattning av Patrick Gallo, Singapore: Report of the Regional Seminar on Reading and Writing Research: Impplications for Language Education, 1994, sid. 6.
63. "Forward: Lots of Changes, But Little Gained" Basal Readers: A Second Look, Patrick Shannon & Goodman, KS (red.), Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Publishers, 1994.
64. med Lisa Maras och Debbie Birdseye "Titta! Titta! Vem stal bilderna från bilderboken?" Basal Readers: A Second Look, Patrick Shannon & Goodman, KS (red.), Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen Förlag, 1994.
65. med Yetta M. Goodman "Preface," Leadership in Whole Language, The Principal's Role, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1995, pp.ix-xi.
66. med Kathryn F. Whitmore "Practicing What We Teach: The Principles That Guide Us," Whole Language Voices In Teacher Education, Kathryn F. Whitmore & Yetta M. Goodman (red.), York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, s. 1–16.
67. med Richard Meyer och Yetta M. Goodman "Continuous Evaluation in a Whole Language Preservice Program" Hela språkröster i lärarutbildningen, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, s. 256–267.
68. "Lines of Print," Whole Language Voices In Teacher Education, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, s. 134–135.
69. "Båten i källaren," Whole Language Voices In Teacher Education, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, s. 136–137.
70. "Nonsenstexter för att illustrera de tre signalsystemen: "A Mardsan Giberter for Farfie", "Gloopy and Blit" och "The Marlup," Whole Language Voices In Teacher Education, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, pp. 138–140.
71. "Real Texts to Illustrate the Three Cue Systems: Downhole Heave Compensator," Whole Language Voices In Teacher Education, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, s. 141–143.
72. "Real Texts to Illustrate the Three Cue Systems: Poison," Whole Language Voices In Teacher Education, York, ME: Stenhouse Publishers, 1996, s. 144–145.
73. "Principles of Revaluing" Retrospective Miscue Analysis, Katonah, NY: Richard C. Owen, 1996, s. 13–20.
74. med Yetta M. Goodman "Vygotsky em uma perspectiva da "linguagem integral" Vygotsky e an educa��ao, Luis Moll (red.), Porto Alegre RS, Brasilien: Artes M�dicas, 1996, s. 219–224 Portugisisk översättning av "Vygotsky in a Whole Language Perspective" i Vygotsky and Education.
75. "Preface" Studies in Miscue Analysis An Annotated Bibliography, Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1996, pp.iv-x.
76. "Oral and Written Language: Functions and Purposes" Many Families, Many Literacy An International Declaration of Principles, Denny Taylor (red.), Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1997, s. 43–46.
77. Med Yetta Goodman, "Forward" flera röster, flera texter, Dornan, R., Rosen, L, och Wilson, M. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers Heineman, 1997, s. ix-xi.
78. �Por qu� es importante el lenguaje? Una Historia Sin Fin. Crear Y Recrear Texto, Gabriela Yncl�n (red.), M�xico, DF, 1997, s. 15–17.
79. Med Yetta M. Goodman, "To Err Is Human: Learning about Language Processes by Analyzing Miscues,"Reconsidering a Balanced Approach to Reading, Constance Weaver (red.), Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1998, sid. 101-123.
80. "California, Whole Language, and National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)," Reconsidering a Balanced Approach to Reading, Constance Weaver (red.), Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 1998, s. 467– 491.
81. "The Phonics Scam: The Pedagogy of the Absurd," Perspectives on Reading Instruction, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998, s. 27–31.
82. "The Reading Process", Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volym 2, Viv Edwards och Corson, David (red.), Dordrecht, Nederländerna: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, s. 1–7.
83. Med Catherine Buck, "Dialect Barriers to Reading Comprehension Revisited," Literacy Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student, Newark: DE: International Reading Association, 1998, s. 139–145.
84. "Jag hittade inte hela språket," Distinguished Educators on Reading, Nancy Padak. . . (et al.), (red.), Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 2000, s. 2–19.
85. "Uppdatering: Forward 8 Years and Back a Century," Distinguished Educators on Reading, Nancy Padak. . . (et al.), (red.), Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 2000, s. 20–27.
86. Med Yetta Goodman och Prisca Martens, "Text Matters: Readers Who Learn with Decodable Texts" 51st Yearbook of the National Reading Conference, Oak Creek, Wisconsin: National Reading Conference, Inc., 2002, s. 186–203.
87. "Whole Language and Whole-Language Assessment" Literacy in America An Encyclopedia of History, Theory, and Practice, Vol. 2 NZ, Barbara Guzetti, (red.), Santa Barbara, CA: ABC Clio, 2002, s. 673–677.
88. Med Yetta M. Goodman, "To Err Is Human: Learning About Language Processes by Analyzing Miscues" Theoretical Models and Processes of Reading, 5:e upplagan, Robert B. Ruddell och Unrau, Norman J. (Eds.), Newark, DE : International Reading Association, 2004, s 620–639.
1. The Psychology of Language Thought and Instruction, läsningar av DeCecco i Journal of Reading, Vol. 11:8, maj 1968, s. 648–50.
2. "Research Critique: Oral Language of Kindergarten Children," Elementary English, Vol. 43:8, december 1966, s. 897–900.
3. Buros, "Reading Tests and Reviews," American Educational Research Journal, januari, 1971, s. 169–71.
4. Linguistics in Language Arts and Reading, Journal of Reading, november 1972.
5. Williams, Hopper och Natalicio, The Sounds of Children, Reading Teacher, Vol. 31:5, februari 1978, s. 578–80.
Medförfattare, Scott Foresman Lässystem: Scott Foresman, Levels 1-21 (Grades K-6), 1971–73. Levels 22–27, 1974. Revised Edition, Chicago: Reading Unlimited, Levels 1-27, 1976.
1. En studie av barns beteende vid muntlig läsning, slutrapport, projekt nr. S-425, kontrakt nr. OE-6-10-136, US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, Bureau of Research.
2. En studie av muntliga läsfel som resulterar i grammatiska omvandlingar, slutrapport, projekt nr. 7-E-219, kontrakt nr. OEG-O-8-070219-2806 (010), US Department of Health, Education och välfärd, Office of Education, Bureau of Research.
3. Teoretiskt baserade studier av mönster av misstag i muntlig läsprestanda, slutrapport, projekt nr 9-0775, bidragsnummer OEG-0-9-320375-4269, US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Education, Bureau of Research, maj 1973. Abstraherat i ERIC.
4. med William Page, Reading Comprehension Programs: Theoretical Bases of Reading Comprehension Instruction in the Middle Grades, Contract No. NIE C-74-0140, National Institute of Education, US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, augusti 1976.
5. Läsning av amerikanska barn vars läsning är en stabil, landsbygdsdialekt av engelska eller annat språk än engelska, bidragsnummer NIE-C-00-3-0087, National Institute of Education, US Department of Health Education and Welfare, augusti, 1978.
6. med Suzanne Gespass, Analysis of Text Structures as They Relate to Patterns of Oral Reading Miscues, Project NIE-G-80-0057, National Institute of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, februari 1982.
med Janet Emig och Yetta M. Goodman, Interrelationships of Reading and Writing, NCTE No. 7250R.
med Barbara Bonder och Jean Malmstram, Psykolinguistik och läsning, NCTE nr. 73276R.
och Yetta M. Goodman, Reading for Meaning: The Goodman Model, Sydney: Film Australia, 1977,
(16 mm film.)
med DeWayne Triplett och Frank Greene, The Right Not To Read, NCTE nr. 71311R.
med Yetta M. Goodman, Watching Children Reading, BBC, London, 1986.
What's Whole in Whole Language?, ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia, 1992.
med Constance Kamii, Constructivism & Whole Language, ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia, 1993.
Enstaka papper
Program i språk och läskunnighet
University of Arizona, Tucson
Nr 1 med Yetta Goodman, A Whole-Language Comprehension Centred View of Reading Development, februari 1981.
Nr 2 med FV Gollasch, Word Omissions in Reading Deliberate and Non-Deliberate: Impplications and Applications, mars 1981.
Nr 3 med Bess Altwerger, Studying Text Difficulty Through Miscue Analysis, juni 1981.
Nr 6 med Lois Bridges Bird, On the Wording of Texts: A Study of Intra-Text Word Frequency, mars 1982.
Nr 7 med Suzanne Gespass, Text Features as they Relate to Miscues: Pronomen, mars 1983.
Nr 8 Text Features as they Relate to Miscues: Determiners, juli 1983.
Nr 15 med G. Williams och J. David, Revaluing Troubled Readers, februari 1986.
Nr 16 med Brown, J. och Marek, A. Annotated Chronological Miscue Analysis Bibliography, augusti 1994.