John Smiths Cup

John Smiths Cup
York Racecourse York , England
Invigd 1960
Typ av ras Platt
Sponsor John Smiths
Hemsida York
Race information
Distans 1m 2f 56y
Yta Torva
Spår Vänsterhänt
Kompetens Tre år och uppåt
Vikt Handikapp
Handväska 60 000 £ (2020)
1:a: 37 350 £
John Smiths Cup
ROYAL BLUE, WHITE epaulets, BLACK cap Emerald green, yellow stripe, yellow cap Purple, light green stars, purple cap, light green star
Anmaat Achelois Intellogent
Tidigare år
Royal blue, white hoop, striped sleeves, white cap, royal blue star Light blue, beige cross belts, beige cap Pink, large white spots
Johnny Drama Cockalorum Hormuzsundet
White, red chevron, hooped sleeves, red cap Dark blue, large white spots, dark blue and white chevrons on sleeves, dark blue and white striped cap Yellow, large black spots and spots on cap
Sinjaari Viss pojke Femte positionen
Royal blue, white hoop, striped sleeves, white cap, royal blue star Royal blue White, royal blue stars, red and white diabolo on sleeves, white cap, red star
Pivoine Sätter segel Vad är historien
Yellow, dark blue stars, halved sleeves White, royal blue cross belts, royal blue and white striped sleeves Light blue and royal blue (quartered), royal blue sleeves, light blue stars, royal blue cap, light blue star
Euchen Glen Åskande blå Kynren
Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow cap, royal blue spots Black, orange seams and sleeves, black cap Red, black chevrons, grey sleeves, red cap
Balettkonsert Stort land Mistiroc
Dark blue, orange star and star on cap White, grey epaulets Yellow, orange star
Utbilda Elbereth Jordens trummis
Royal blue, maroon sash and star on cap Black, white seams, white sleeves, black spots, red cap Yellow, large black spots and spots on cap
Snickarmästare Kelinni Mount Logan
Yellow, black epaulets Royal blue, orange and royal blue hooped sleeves, royal blue and orange hooped cap Purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap, gold fringe
Farraaj Zain Eagle Djärv Sniper
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Yellow, royal blue epaulets Royal blue, yellow diamond, checked sleeves, royal blue cap, yellow diamond
Danchai Stenciv Tres Coronas
Purple, royal blue sleeves Dark blue, yellow diamond, striped sleeves, quartered cap Dark green, yellow sleeves
King's Warrior Mid Mon Lady Mediahype
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Pale blue, white and yellow check cap Royal blue
Grönt öde Modun Lost In the Moment
Pink, black chevron, quartered cap Pink, emerald green chevron, halved sleeves, quartered cap Mauve and purple check, mauve sleeves, white cap, purple diamond
Wigmore Hall Kings Gambit Rivning
Yellow, pink braces and sleeves, hooped cap Purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap, gold fringe Royal blue, light blue braces and sleeves, red cap
Sirvino Kingdom of Fife Albaqaa
Yellow, Maroon braces and sleeves, Maroon and Yellow hooped cap Red, White sleeves, Blue and White striped cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Flygande clarets Utrota Ezdiyaad
Yellow, red sleeves, yellow armlets, red cap Yellow, Maroon braces and sleeves, Maroon and Yellow hooped cap Light blue, orange epaulets
Charlie Tokyo Flygande clarets Indirekta skador
Emerald Green, Red sash, Yellow sleeves and cap White, Emerald Green epaulets and stars on sleeves, Yellow cap Emerald green, white chevron, white sleeves, emerald green armlets, red cap
Fairmile Bravo Maestro Bua
Dark Blue White and purple diamonds, purple and white diabolo on sleeves Red, black sash, red and yellow hooped sleeves, yellow cap
Mullins Bay Kråkved Realism
Beige and black halved, black chevrons on sleeves, beige cap Purple, gold braid, scarlet sleeves, black velvet cap, gold fringe Royal Blue, Pink hoop, armlets and cap
Arcalis Befordran Starry Lodge
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Red and yellow (halved), white cap
Far Lane Etesaal Persisk blixt
White, black star, white sleeves, black seams, black cap, white star Orange, emerald green sash Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves
Vintage Premium Kirovski Ledarskap
Yellow, blue diamond, diabolo on sleeves, diamond on cap Black, yellow cap Grey, dark blue chevrons, dark blue cap
Utrikesfrågor Man O'Mystery Golconda
Black, Red chevron, sleeves and cap Black, yellow cap Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap
Nykterhet Man O'Mystery Nooshman
Blue, white stars, chevrons on sleeves, star on cap White, dark blue armlets and cap Blue, yellow star, yellow sleeves, blue stars, blue cap, yellow star
Akilles Belägring Golconda
Dark blue, light blue cross sashes, striped sleeves, white cap White, light blue star Grey and pink stripes, black cap
Porto Foricos Pasternak Cardigan Bay
White, light blue star Yellow, black epaulets Maroon and royal blue check, yellow sleeves and cap
Pasternak Najm Mubeen Spelploj
Turquoise, Burgundy hooped sleeves, Gold cap Dark blue, orange diabolo on sleeves, star on cap Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star
Wilcuma Spirito Libro Arctiid
Yellow, large Purple spots and star on cap Black and white hoops, gold cap Yellow, black epaulets
Naken Välkommen Ringmästare Yoush
Royal blue Maroon, white spots, striped sleeves, spots on cap Black, cherry, yellow and green sash, yellow collar and cuffs, cherry cap, yellow hoop
Cezanne Midnattslegend Herr Förvirring
Dark blue, yellow chevrons and cap Dark blue, white sash and sleeves, quartered cap Red, blue chevron and sleeves, red armlets
Baron Ferdinand kung Athelstan Jazilah
Black, cherry, yellow and green sash, yellow collar and cuffs, cherry cap, yellow hoop Crimson, green cap Green, white sash, halved sleeves, quartered cap
Herr Förvirring Berätta inga lögner Steerforth
Orange, maroon disc and cap White, pink stars, white cap, pink star Pale Blue, White and Yellow check cap
Halkopous Norra Hal Stopp Tryck
Purple, orange sash, royal blue cap Orange, maroon disc and cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Utrota Halkopous Inaad
Scarlet, white chevron and cap GREEN, red epaulettes, green cap McAlpine tartan, gold armlets and cap
Icona Afriyd Rentvå
Yellow, light green seams, quartered cap Royal blue and pink stripes, pink sleeves, royal blue cap Orange, maroon disc and cap
Bråkig pojke Pelorus Ile De Chypre

John Smith's Cup ( känd fram till 1998 som Magnet Cup ) är ett platt handikapphästlopp i Storbritannien som är öppet för hästar som är tre år eller äldre. Det körs i York över en sträcka på 1 mil 2 furlongs och 56 yards (2 063 meter), och den är planerad att äga rum varje år i juli.

Det har sponsrats av John Smith's Brewery sedan det invigdes 1960, vilket gör det till den kommersiella sponsringen som har löpt längst i platt racing . Sedan Hennessy Gold Cup blev Ladbrokes Trophy är det nu det längsta kommersiella sponsringen i hela brittisk hästkapplöpning.


  • Vikter angivna i stenar och pund.
1960 Fougalle 3 7-00 N McIntosh P Beasley
1961 Stolt hövding 4 8-10 Harry Carr Dick Hern
1962 Nortia 3 8-04 Frankie Durr Dick Hern
1963 Raccolto 6 8-03 J Sime Sam Hall
1964 Space King 5 8-09 Edward Hide W Göm
1965 Dark Court 4 8-06 Scobie Breasley Gordon Richards
1966 David Jack 3 7-06 P. Robinson E. Lambton
1967 Copsale 4 7-13 LG Brun Ron Smyth
1968 Gårdsvandring 6 8-13 Johnny Seagrave P Beasley
1969 Min Swanee 6 9-07 Lester Piggott Bill Marshall
1970 Timon 4 7-04 G walesiska Doug Smith
1971 Framträdande 4 8-08 Geoff Baxter Arthur Budgett
1972 Framträdande 5 9-04 Geoff Baxter Arthur Budgett
1973 Peleid 3 7-09 Taffy Thomas Bill Elsey
1974 Ta ett rev 3 8-12 Geoff Baxter Bruce Hobbs
1975 Jolly bra 3 7-08 Willie Carson Bruce Hobbs
1976 Djärv pirat 4 9-03 Joe Mercer Dick Hern
1977 Air Trooper 4 9-06 Taffy Thomas Bill Wightman
1978 Stad och land 4 8-13 Willie Carson Dick Hern
1979 Tesoro Mio 4 8-03 Edward Hide J Etherington
1980 Fin sol 3 7-08 N Howe Sally Hall
1981 Amyndas 3 8-05 T Lucas Bruce Hobbs
1982 Buzzard's Bay 4 9-08 Mark Birch Hugh Collingridge
1983 Sovdags 3 7-09 Willie Carson Dick Hern
1984 Heterosexuell man 3 8-11 Steve Cauthen Dick Hern
1985 Chaumiere 4 9-07 Tony Ives Robert Williams
1986 Chaumiere 5 9-05 Tony Ives Robert Williams

1987 ( dh )

Modiga dansare Wolsey

3 3

8-08 8-06

Greville Starkey Willie Ryan

Guy Harwood Henry Cecil
1988 Bråkig pojke 3 8-02 Dean McKeown William Hastings-Bass 1012 12/1 2:11,23
1989 Icona 3 9-08 Tony Ives Michael Stoute 1012 12/1 2:07,41
1990 Utrota 5 9-04 Billy Newnes Peter Calver 1007,5 15/2 2:09,58
1991 Halkopous 5 7-03 Franny Norton Mark Tompkins 1003,5 7/2 JF 2:10,85
1992 Herr Förvirring 4 8-03 Ollie Pears Steve Norton 1008 8/1 2:12,06
1993 Baron Ferdinand 3 8-09 Ray Cochrane Roger Charlton 1004 4/1 JF 2:08,50
1994 Cezanne 5 9-12 Gary Hind Hilal Ibrahim 1004,5 ​​9/2 2:06,80
1995 Naken Välkommen 3 8-04 Darryll Holland Martin Fetherston-Godley 1006 6/1 2:10,12
1996 Wilcuma 5 9-02 Pat Eddery Peter Makin 1010 10/1 2:08,53
1997 Pasternak 4 8-03 George Duffield Sir Mark Prescott 1006,5 13/2 2:08,80
1998 Porto Foricos 3 8-03 Jimmy Quinn Henry Cecil 1006 6/1 2:06,50
1999 Akilles 4 8-11 Jason Weaver Karl Burke 1025 25/1 2:07,58
2000 Nykterhet 3 8-08 John Reid Fulke Johnson Houghton 1020 20/1 2:10.00
2001 Utrikesfrågor 3 8-06 George Duffield Sir Mark Prescott 1002,5 5/2 fav 2:10,15
2002 Vintage Premium 5 9-09 Paul Hanagan Richard Fahey 1020 20/1 2:08,24
2003 Far Lane 4 9-04 Michael Hills Barry Hills 1007 7/1 2:06,57
2004 Arcalis 4 9-02 Robert Winston Howard Johnson 1020 20/1 2:10,01
2005 Mullins Bay 4 9-07 Kieren Fallon Aidan O'Brien 1004 4/1 Fav 2:09,46
2006 Fairmile 4 8-12 Adam Kirby Walter Swinburn 1006 6/1 JF 2:07,66
2007 Charlie Tokyo 4 8-09 Jamie Moriarty Richard Fahey 1011 11/1 1:56,61
2008 Flygande clarets 5 8-12 Frederik Tylicki Richard Fahey 1012 12/1 2:17,61
2009 Sirvino 4 8-08 Neil Brown David Barron 1016 16/1 2:07.18
2010 Wigmore Hall 3 8-02 Martin Lane Michael Bell 1005 5/1 2:08,65
2011 Grönt öde 4 8-10 Adam Beschizza William Haggas 1006 6/1 2:09,74
2012 King's Warrior 5 8-09 Robert Havlin Peter Chapple-Hyam 1033 33/1 2:08,28
2013 Danchai 4 8-11 Andrea Atzeni William Haggas 1010 10/1 2:07,79
2014 Farraaj 5 9-11 Andrea Atzeni Roger Varian 1006 6/1 2:07,96
2015 Snickarmästare 4 9-04 Philip Makin Rod Millman 1014 14/1 2:08,28
2016 Utbilda 7 9-08 Thomas Brown Ismail Mohammed 1018 18/1 2:07,34
2017 Balettkonsert 4 9-03 James Doyle Michael Stoute 1008 8/1 2:10,16
2018 Euchen Glen 5 9-03 Alistair Rawlinson Jim Goldie 1020 20/1 2:09,50
2019 Pivoine 5 9-08 Rob Hornby Andrew Balding 1014 14/1 2:10,38
2020 Sinjaari 4 8-11 Stevie Donohoe William Haggas 1011 11/1 2:09,48
2021 Johnny Drama 6 8-13 Joshua Bryan Andrew Balding 1022 22/1 2:11,82
2022 Anmaat 4 9-08 Kevin Stott Owen Burrows 1005 5/1 JF 2:08,37

Se även

  • Paris-Turf:
    • "1983" . , "1984" . , "1986" . , "1987" .
  • Racing Post

  • [1] John Smith's Cup (ex "Magnet Cup").