Superlativa insatser

Superlativa insatser
Grupp 2 lopp
Julikurs Newmarket , England
Typ av ras Platt / Fullblod
Sponsor Bet365
Hemsida Ny marknad
Race information
Distans 7f (1 408 meter)
Yta Torva
Spår Hetero
Kompetens Tvååringar
Vikt 9 st 1 lb

ersättningar 3 lb för ston Straff 3 lb för G1/G2-vinnare
Handväska 97 000 £ (2022)
1:a: 56 710 £
Superlativa insatser
Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Royal blue Purple and white diamonds, purple sleeves
Isaac Shelby Segerdans Mörka trettio
Tidigare år
Royal blue White, emerald green hoops, dark blue sleeves and cap Light blue, yellow seams, light blue sleeves and cap
Native Trail Masekela Dhabab
Royal blue Dark blue, orange stars, sleeves and stars on cap Maroon, grey epaulets
Havets mästare Slugt företag Sjunde kungariket
Royal blue, white hoop, striped sleeves, white cap, royal blue star Yellow, large black spots and spots on cap Purple, white stars, white sleeves, purple stars, purple cap
Mystery Power Juan Elcano Maxi pojke
Royal blue Dark blue White, orange stars on sleeves, white cap, orange star
Quorto Godahoppsudden Neverland Rock
Dark blue Dark blue and yellow (halved), dark blue sleeves, yellow cap Yellow, purple hoops and armlets, hooped cap
Gustav Klimt Nebo Stor prospektör
Royal blue, white cap NEON PINK and GREEN diabolo, striped sleeves, PINK cap, GREEN visor Light blue, royal blue sleeves, white cap
Boynton Krigsdekret Herr Scaramanga
Royal blue Royal blue, orange disc, orange and royal blue striped sleeves and cap Light blue, royal blue sleeves, white cap
Björkträ Flygvicemarskalk Tony Curtis
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Black, white chevron, red sleeves, white stars, red cap, white star Beige, brown epaulets
Estidhkaar Aktabantay Nordens kuk
Red and black diamonds, red sleeves, black armlets and diamonds on cap Maroon, black epaulets Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Good Old Boy Lukey Något Washaar
Red, emerald green triple diamond, armlets and diamond on cap Emerald green, dark blue sleeves Red, white inverted triangle, halved sleeves
Olympisk ära fågelman Maxentius
Yellow, black chevron and sleeves, black and yellow hooped cap Red, emerald green triple diamond, armlets and diamond on cap Light blue, pink hoop, armlets and cap
Red Duke Chandlery Silverklackar
Mauve and pink check, white sleeves, pink cap Royal blue Red and yellow diabolo, chevrons on sleeves, quartered cap
Kung Torus Ekliptika Klammer
Royal blue, light blue stars on sleeves Grey and royal blue diamonds, grey sleeves Dark green, red cap, dark green diamond
Grekisk silver Roi De Vitesse Shakespearean
Yellow, Dark Blue stars, armlets and star on cap Orange, Black triple diamond, Orange cap, Black diamonds Yellow, black epaulets
Firth Of Fifth Weald Park Shaweel
Yellow, black epaulets Red, Black and Yellow hooped sleeves, Black cap, Yellow star Red, royal blue striped sleeves
Hatta Fort Krigsförklaring Ellmau
Black, white hollow box, diabolo on sleeves Royal blue, white sleeves, royal blue stars, dark blue cap Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap
Halicarnassus Han är en lockbete Admiraloftflottan
Dark blue Emerald green, black chevrons on sleeves Yellow, black epaulets
Horatio Nelson Leo Yasoodd
Royal blue Emerald green, yellow sleeves, white cap, yellow spots Mauve
Dubawi Henrik Wilko
Red, White cross belts, Red sleeves, White stars, Red cap, White star Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap
Kings Point Chester Le Street kung Hesperus
Pink, white striped sleeves, pink cap Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Yellow, red striped ca
Surbiton Magistretti Celtic Sapphire
Dark Blue, Light Blue sleeves, Purple stars, Purple cap, Light Blue star Blue, green braces and sleeves, quartered cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Rödrygg Terfel Imtiyaz
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Red, white epaulets, halved sleeves Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves, royal blue cap
Vacamonte Skugglös Bonnard
Dark blue Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Apricot
Thady Quill Fullt flöde Launfal
Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Yellow, black epaulets
Kommendör Collins Rhapsodist Dehoush
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Pink, dark blue stripes, pink sleeves and cap Black, white chevron hoop and cap
Baltiska staten Silent Tribute Arawak Cay
MAROON, light blue slvs, light blue cap, maroon diamond Royal blue, emerald green epaulets, halved sleeves, royal blue cap, emerald green diamond Pink, Purple stars, Pink sleeves, Purple cap, Pink star
Dunkel Boojum Enkel logik
Light blue and white hoops, dark blue sleeves, white cap Crimson, white sleeves, gold cap, crimson hoop Royal blue, dark blue epaulets, armlets and cap
Allierade styrkor Mons Duvfäste
Orange, black stripes on body, red cuffs, red and white striped cap White green cross-belts, yellow sleeves, green cap Red, white hoop, dark blue sleeves, white armlets, dark blue cap, white hoop
Fleet Hill Jottern Enhällig omröstning
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Black, white chevron hoop and cap
Bal Harbor Shepton Mallet Guvernör George
Dark blue, white cross-belts and sleeves, white cap, dark blue spots Royal blue, yellow chevron, yellow cap, royal blue spots Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Ardkinglass Vit krona Humam
Emerald green, royal blue sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Chocolate, gold braid and sleeves, quartered cap Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap
Dr Devious Ung senor Jammaayil
Black, white chevron hoop and cap Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap Yellow, royal blue epaulets, royal blue sleeves, yellow armlets and star on royal blue cap
Hokusai Jameelaty Jaffa Line
Dark green, white hoops, dark green sleeves, white cap Royal blue, white cross of lorraine and armlets, check cap Royal blue, gold sash, black cap
Var min chef Lång ö Balla Cove
Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Red, white sleeves, red armlets, quartered cap White, emerald green stripe, red sleeves and cap
Samoan Stenflinga Jacamar

The Superlative Stakes är en grupp 2 platt hästkapplöpning i Storbritannien öppen för tvååriga hästar. Den körs på julibanan på Newmarket över en sträcka på 7 furlongs (1 408 meter), och den är planerad att äga rum varje år i juli.


Evenemanget var tidigare känt som Bernard van Cutsem Stakes. Den fick sitt namn till minne av Bernard van Cutsem , en framgångsrik tävlingshästtränare som dog 1975.

Loppet döptes om till Superlative Stakes 1991 för att hedra Superlative, en fantastiskt tuff tvååring 1983, tränad av Bill O'Gorman och ägd av Mrs Poh-Lian Yong, som vann juli Stakes och Flying Childers Stakes , och "nådde ramen" i tre grupp 1-tävlingar - Prix Robert Papin (2:a), Middle Park Stakes (2:a), Dewhurst Stakes (4:a).

Under en period hade Superlative Stakes noterad status. Den uppgraderades till grupp 3-nivå 2003 och till grupp 2 2006. Den arrangeras för närvarande på den sista dagen av Newmarkets tre dagar långa julifestivalmöte.


Ledande jockey sedan 1986 (4 segrar):

  • Steve Cauthen Suhailie (1986), Samoan (1988), Be My Chief (1989), Hokusai (1990)
  • Pat Eddery Undercut (1987), Ardkinglass (1992), Bal Harbour (1993), Allied Forces (1995)
  • Richard Hughes Redback (2001), Kings Point (2003), King Torus (2010), Olympic Glory (2012)

Ledande tränare sedan 1986 (9 segrar):

  • Henry Cecil Suhailie (1986), Samoan (1988), Be My Chief (1989), Hokusai (1990), Ardkinglass (1992), Bal Harbour (1993), Allied Forces (1995), Baltic State (1997), Vacamonte ( 2000)

Vinnare sedan 1986

År Vinnare Jockey Tränare Tid
1986 Suhailie Steve Cauthen Henry Cecil 1:26,86
1987 Underskuren Pat Eddery Guy Harwood 1:24,98
1988 Samoan Steve Cauthen Henry Cecil 1:29,14
1989 Var min chef Steve Cauthen Henry Cecil 1:26,66
1990 Hokusai Steve Cauthen Henry Cecil 1:26,78
1991 Dr Devious Willie Carson Peter Chapple-Hyam 1:26,48
1992 Ardkinglass Pat Eddery Henry Cecil 1:26,07
1993 Bal Harbor Pat Eddery Henry Cecil 1:29,26
1994 Fleet Hill Frankie Dettori Mick Channon 1:25,41
1995 Allierade styrkor Pat Eddery Henry Cecil 1:27,84
1996 Dunkel Kevin Darley Mick Channon 1:26,64
1997 Baltiska staten Kieren Fallon Henry Cecil 1:26,96
1998 Kommendör Collins John Reid Peter Chapple-Hyam 1:25,74
1999 Thady Quill Michael Kinane Aidan O'Brien 1:25,87
2000 Vacamonte Richard Quinn Henry Cecil 1:26,95
2001 Rödrygg Richard Hughes Richard Hannon Sr. 1:26,63
2002 Surbiton Michael Hills Barry Hills 1:26,96
2003 Kings Point Richard Hughes Richard Hannon Sr. 1:24,42
2004 Dubawi Frankie Dettori Saeed bin Suroor 1:26,48
2005 Horatio Nelson Kieren Fallon Aidan O'Brien 1:26,40
2006 Halicarnassus Tony Culhane Mick Channon 1:26,02
2007 Hatta Fort Hugh Bowman Mick Channon 1:25,91
2008 Firth of Fifth Richard Kingscote Tom Dascombe 1:26,15
2009 Grekisk silver Michael Hills John Ryan 1:24,37
2010 Kung Torus Richard Hughes Richard Hannon Sr. 1:26,24
2011 Red Duke Kieren Fallon John Quinn 1:24,57
2012 Olympisk ära Richard Hughes Richard Hannon Sr. 1:32,19
2013 Good Old Boy Lukey Ryan Moore Richard Fahey 1:24,58
2014 Estidhkaar Paul Hanagan Richard Hannon Jr. 1:26,73
2015 Björkträ James Doyle Richard Fahey 1:23,33
2016 Boynton Adam Kirby Charlie Appleby 1:24,86
2017 Gustav Klimt Ryan Moore Aidan O'Brien 1:25,39
2018 Quorto William Buick Charlie Appleby 1:25,48
2019 Mystery Power Oisin Murphy Richard Hannon Jr. 1:23,59
2020 Havets mästare William Buick Charlie Appleby 1:23,95
2021 Native Trail William Buick Charlie Appleby 1:25,37
2022 Isaac Shelby Sean Levey Brian Meehan 1:25,13

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