Lista över folkrättsliga tidskrifter
Denna lista presenterar anmärkningsvärda lagöversikter som rör internationell rätt och relaterade områden.
- American Journal of International Law
- Indian Journal of Law and International Affairs
- Asian Journal of International Law
- Berkeley Journal of International Law
- Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
- Chicago Journal of International Law
- Chinese Journal of International Law
- Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
- Cornell International Law Journal
- European Journal of International Law
- Florida Journal of International Law
- Fordham International Law Journal
- George Washington International Law Review
- Georgetown Journal of International Law
- tysk rättstidning
- German Yearbook of International Law
- Göttingen Journal of International Law
- Harvard International Law Journal
- Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
- Houston Journal of International Law
- International Association of Labor Law Journals
- Melbourne Journal of International Law
- Minnesota Journal of International Law
- North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
- Stanford Journal of International Law
- Temple International and Comparative Law Journal
- Texas International Law Journal
- Handel, juridik och utveckling
- Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law
- University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law
- Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
- Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
- Virginia Journal of International Law
- Washington International Law Journal
- Washington University Global Studies Law Review
- Yale Journal of International Law