Lista över USASA-anslutna ligor
United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA) är en nationell organisation och sanktionsorgan för amatörfotboll i USA. Den består av 54 statliga organisationer samt regionala och nationella ligor.
Det finns många vuxenligor som är anslutna till USASA. Dessa ligor är för det mesta oberoende av varandra, och divisionsrankningarna kan inte på ett tillförlitligt sätt jämföras mellan statliga eller lokala organisationer. Det finns anslutna ligor och nationella ligor, där de nationella ligorna driver ligor byggda av lokala konferenser, medan multi-statliga och regionala ligor drivs ligor som fokuserar på konkurrens med mindre betoning på nationella attraktionskraft. USASA har över 250 000 vuxna medlemmar inom sina ligor och lag.
Nationella medlemsförbund
- National Premier Soccer League (NPSL)
- United Premier Soccer League (UPSL)
- USL League Two (USL2)
- Women's Premier Soccer League (WPSL)
Ligor i flera stater
- Gulf Coast Premier League
- Eastern Development Program (EDP U23 och U20)
- United damfotboll
- West Coast Soccer Association (WCSA)
Elit amatörligor
Elitligans medlemsprogram är till för att främja de bästa USASA-ligorna över hela landet. Dessa ligor är en del av USASA-strukturen som nationella ligor, regionala ligor eller medlemmar i en USASA-statlig förening.
Regionala ligor
Region I
Den första regionen av de fyra USASA-regionerna är lag i nordöstra och mittatlantiska regionerna i USA. Regionen inkluderar följande statliga fotbollsförbund:
- Connecticut State Soccer Association
- Adult Soccer League i Connecticut
- Connecticut Adult Recreational Soccer League
- Connecticut Soccer League
- CSSA U-23 Summer Soccer League
- Shoreline Adult Soccer League (30+)
- Southern New England Adult Soccer League (40+)
- Delawares fotbollsförbund
- Eastern New York State Soccer Association
- Eastern Pennsylvania Soccer Association
- Maryland State Soccer Association
- Massachusetts Adult State Soccer Association
- Metropolitan DC-VA Soccer Association
- New Hampshire fotbollsförbund
- New Jersey fotbollsförbund
- Pennsylvania West Soccer Association
- Rhode Islands fotbollsförbund
- Vermont State Soccer Association
- West Virginia Soccer Association
- Western New Yorks fotbollsförbund
Region II
- Central Illinois Soccer League
- Chicago Champions SL
- Chicago SL
- Illinois Women's SL
- Kankakee Premier SL
- Metropolitan AH SL
- Metropolitan SL
- National Soccer League
- Polska Highlanders SL
- polska SL
- Premier SL Chicagoland
- Vuxen- och ungdomsfotbollsförbundet
- Southern Illinois Adult Soccer League
- Tricounty SL O40
- Westside Premier SL
- Windy City Wanderers FC
- World Soccer League
- Central Indiana Adult Soccer League
- Central Indiana Women's Soccer League
- Med. Wayne Adult Soccer League
- Latino Americana Sport Club
- Northwest Indiana Women's League
- Northwest Indiana Old Boys League
- Premier Soccer League
- Lafayette Soccer League
- Cedar Valley Adult Soccer Association
- Central Iowa Co-ed Soccer League
- Dubuque fotbollsklubb
- Latinamerika fotbollsliga
- Latino Unidos
- Liga Latina de Futbol
- Dodge City
- Trädgårdsstad
- Kansas City
- Leavenworth Adult League
- Johnson County Adult Soccer League
- Kansas Rush Adult Soccer League
- Kansas Soccer League Wichita
- Lawrence Adult Soccer League
- Emporia Soccer League
- Greater Louisville Soccer League
- Kentucky Amateur Soccer League
- Latino's Soccer League
- Lexington amatör
- Lexington Women's Soccer League
- Louisville Soccer Amateur League
- Organisation de Futbol Independent Soccer League
- Woodford Adult Soccer League
- Ann Arbor Premier Development League
- Ann Arbor fotbollsförbund
- Blossomland Soccer League
- Great Lakes Women Soccer League
- Kalamazoo Area Soccer League
- Metro Detroit Soccer League
- Michigan United Soccer League
- Michigan Premier Soccer League
- Mid-Michigan Soccer League
- Midland Soccer Club Adult League
- amerikanska Champions League
- Duluth Amateur Soccer League/Duluth Women's Soccer League
- Minnesota Amateur Soccer League
- Minnesota Recreational Soccer League
- Minnesota Women's Soccer League
- Southern Minnesota amatörfotbollsförbund
- Nebraska fotbollsliga för män
- Omaha Latino Soccer League
- South Omaha Soccer League
- Akron Premier League (APL)
- North Ohio Amateur Soccer Association (NOASA)
- North Coast Soccer League
- Northwest Ohio Champions League (nedlagd)
- Northern Ohio Soccer League (NOSL)
- WSL-major
- WSL U23
- WSL First Division
- Wisconsin Primary Amateur Soccer League (WPASL)
Region III
- Central Florida Soccer League
- Florida Gold Coast League
- Florida Suncoast Soccer League
- ISLANO (International Soccer League Association New Orleans)
norra Carolina
- Triangle Adult Soccer League
- Metrolina Adult Soccer League- Charlotte
South Carolina
- Charleston Soccer League
Region IV
Alaska State Soccer Association
- Fotboll Alaska (Anchorage)
- Fairbanks Soccer Association (Fairbanks)
- Capital City Soccer League (Juneau)
Arizona State Soccer Association
- Arizona Women's Soccer League
- Sierra Vista Soccer League
- Sierra Vista Women's Soccer League
- Tucson Metro Soccer League
- Tucson Women's Soccer League
California Soccer Association - North
- Alameda County Over 35 Soccer League
- Albany Soccer League
- Central California Soccer League
- Fiji US Sports Soccer League
- Fraternidad Soccer League
- Golden Gate damfotbollsligan
- Interamerica Soccer League
- Marin Soccer League, CA
- Monterey Peninsula Soccer League
- North Coast Soccer League, CA
- Papy Soccer League
- Peninsula Soccer League
- San Francisco fotbollsliga
- Sacramento Adult Soccer League
- San Joaquin Soccer League
- San Joaquin Valley Soccer League
Kaliforniens fotbollsförbund - södra
- Adult Soccer League i Simi Valley
- City of Hawaiian Gardens Soccer League
- City of Victorville Adult Soccer League
- Coachella Valley Premier Soccer League
- Coast Soccer League
- Golden Valley Soccer League
- La Gran Liga de Oxnard
- Laguna Niguel fotbollsförbund
- Los Angeles City Municipal Sports League
- Los Angeles Premier League
- Orcutt United Adult Soccer League
- San Diego County Soccer League
- Alltså Cal Premier League
- South Western Adult Soccer League
- Tri Counties Soccer League
- United Premier Veterans Soccer League
Colorado State Soccer Association
- Colorado Mountain United Soccer League
- Denver Kickers Sport Club League
- High Plains Coed Soccer League
Hawaii fotbollsförbund
- Co-ed Soccer Association of Hawaii
- Hawaii Ranger Soccer League
- Major Island Soccer Organisation
- Islands fotbollsorganisation för män
- Kauai COED
- Kauai fotbollsförbund
- Maui fotbollsförbund
- Valley Isle COED Soccer League
Idaho State Soccer Association
- Idaho Falls Adult Soccer Association
- Lega Azteca
- Liga de Fot-Bol Valle Magico
- Primetime Co-Ed Soccer League
- Southern Idaho Soccer League
Utahs fotbollsförbund
- Co-ed
- Men's Open (GSLSL)
- Herrar över 30 (FSL)
- Herrar över 35 (VSL)
- Herrar över 40 (OHSL)