Keith Vaughan

John Keith Vaughan (23 augusti 1912 – 4 november 1977), var en brittisk målare.


A Barrack-room (1942) av Keith Vaughan

Vaughan föddes i Selsey i West Sussex och gick på Christ's Hospital -skolan. Han arbetade på en reklambyrå fram till andra världskriget , då han som en avsiktlig vapenvägrare anslöt sig till St John Ambulance ; 1941 blev han inkallad till den icke-stridande kåren . Vaughan var självlärd som konstnär. Hans första utställningar ägde rum under kriget. 1942 var han stationerad på Ashton Gifford nära Codford i Wiltshire, och målningar från denna tid inkluderar The Wall at Ashton Gifford ( Manchester Art Gallery) .

Under kriget bildade Vaughan vänskap med målarna Graham Sutherland och John Minton , med vilka han efter demobiliseringen 1946 delade lokaler. Genom dessa kontakter ingick han i den omedelbara efterkrigstidens nyromantiska krets. Vaughan utvecklade dock snabbt en idiosynkratisk stil som flyttade honom bort från nyromantikerna. Genom att koncentrera sig på studier av mansfigurer blev hans verk allt mer abstrakt.

Vaughan arbetade som konstlärare vid Camberwell College of Arts, Central School of Art och senare på Slade School .

Vaughan är också känd för sina tidskrifter, urval från vilka publicerades 1966 och mer omfattande 1989, efter hans död. En homosexuell man som besväras av sin sexualitet, han är till stor del känd genom dessa tidskrifter. Han diagnostiserades med cancer 1975 och dog av självmord 1977 i London, och skrev ner sina sista ögonblick i sin dagbok när överdosen drog i kraft.

Hundraårsminnet av Keith Vaughans födelse firades med en utställning på Pallant House Gallery i Chichester, "Keith Vaughan: Romanticism to Abstraction" (10 mars till 10 juni 2012).

Hans auktionsrekord på £313 250 sattes på Sotheby's, London, den 11 november 2009, för oljan på duk Theseus and the Minotaur , tidigare i samlingen av Richard Attenborough (som köpte den 1967).


Keith Vaughan: Gouaches and Drawings , Alex Reid och Lefevre Gallery , London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Alex Reid and Lefevre Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , George Dix Gallery, New York
Paintings, Gouache: and Monotypes , Alex Reid and Lefevre Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Instituto de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires
Gouaches , Redfern Gallery, London
Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Alex Reid and Lefevre52 Gallery, London
Retrospective Exhibition , Redfern Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan – Drawings for Rimbaud: Une Saison en Enfer , Hanover Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Durlacher Bros, New York
Keith Vaughan: Paintings , Leicester Galleries, London
Vaughan: Gouaches, London , Leicester Galleries, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Durlacher Bros, New York
Keith Vaughan: New Paintings , Leicester Galleries, London
Keith Vaughan: Retrospective Show , Hatton Gallery, Newcastle
Keith Vaughan: Traveling Retrospective , Vaughan : Retrospective Show, Hatton Gallery, Newcastle), Arts Council
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Durlacher Bros, New York
Keith Vaughan: Paintings , Leicester Galleries, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Gouaches , Iowa State University Keith, Ames,
IA Vaughan, Leicester Galleries , London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Gouaches and Drawings , Matthiesen Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Retrospective Exhibition , Whitechapel Gallery, London
Drawings, Bienal de Sao Pa Paulo 196
Keith Vaughan: , Marlborough New London Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Gouaches , Bear Lane Gallery, Oxford
Keith Vaughan: Recent Gouaches , Marlborough Fine Art, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings , Durlacher Bros, New York
Keith Vaughan: Retrospect , Tib Lane Drawings Gallery , Manchester
Keith Vaughan: Gouaches , Rex Evans Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Keith Vaughan: New Paintings , Marlborough Fine Art, London
Keith Vaughan: Gouaches and Drawings 1942–46 , Hamet Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Retrospective Gallery , Mappin Gallery , Sheffield
Keith Vaughan: Drawings , Tib Lane Gallery, Manchester
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Gouaches and Drawings , Bear Lane Gallery, Oxford
Keith Vaughan: Gouaches and Drawings , Hamet Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Retrospective , University of York,
Vaughan: New Paintings , Waddington Galleries, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings in Gouaches , Victor Waddington Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: New Paintings and Gouaches , Waddington Galleries, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Gouaches and Drawings , Tib Lane Gallery, Manchester
Keith Vaughan : Paintings and Gouaches and Drawings , Compass Gallery, Glasgow
Keith Vaughan: Memorial Exhibition , Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield
Keith Vaughan: Images of Man: Figurative Paintings: 1946–1960 , Geffrye Museum, London and Birmingham City Museum and Art Gallery
Keith Vaughan: Drawings and Paintings , New Grafton Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Early Drawings and Gouaches , Thomas Agnew & Sons, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Drawings , New Grafton Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Gouaches, Watercolors and Drawings 1936 –76 , Austin/Desmond Fine Art, Sunninghill
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings , Mercury Gallery, Edinburgh
Keith Vaughan: Works on Paper , Garry Anderson Gallery, Darlinghurst
Keith Vaughan , Austin/Desmond Fine Art, London
Keith Vaughan: Gouache , Drawings, Notebook Sketches , Redfern Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Retrospective , Thomas Agnew & Sons, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Drawings, Gouaches , Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Drawings of the Young Male , St Jude Vaughan, London
Keith Vaughan : Drawings , Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan: Works on Paper , Redfern Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Les Illuminations de Rimbaud, an Exhibition of 42 Drawings , Deka, London
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Drawings and Anthony Hepworths Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan: Gouaches and Drawings , Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan: Paintings, Gouaches, Drawings and Lithographs , Julian Lax, London
Keith Vaughan: Retrospective, Olympiaden, London Fine Art and Antiques
Keith Vaughan: Drawings , Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan: Figure and Landscape , Victoria Art Gallery, Bath
Keith Vaughan: A Selection of Early Work from the Collection of Peter Adam, Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan: Paintings and Drawings , Osborne Samuel Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Drawings, Abbott and Holder , London
Drawings and Sketches for Paintings 1945–1960 , Austin/Desmond Fine Art, London
Keith Vaughan: Four Decades of Drawing , Gallery
2011 ,
Keith London Vaughan: Gouaches, Drawings and Prints , Osborne Samuel Gallery, London
Keith Vaughan: Works on Paper , Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan , Thomas Agnew & Sons, London
Keith Vaughan: Works on Paper from the Estate of Keith Vaughan , Anthony Hepworth Fine Art, Bath
Keith Vaughan: Romanticism to Abstraction , Pallant House Gallery, Chichester
Keith Vaughan , Osborne Samuel Gallery, London
  • Keith Vaughan. Journals & Drawings , 1966, publicerad i London av Alan Ross, 219 sidor.
  •   Keith Vaughan: Journals 1939–1977 , ed Alan Ross, 1989, publicerad i London av John Murray, 217 sidor, ISBN 0-7195-4732-6 .
  •   Keith Vaughan, His Life and Work , Malcolm Yorke, 1990, publicerad i London av Constable, 288 sidor, ISBN 0-09-469780-9 (Inbunden)

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