Joseph Edward Billings
Joseph Edward Billings var en arkitekt i Boston , Massachusetts , i mitten av 1800-talet. Bland hans affärspartners var hans bror Hammatt Billings och Charles Frederick Sleeper. Han tjänstgjorde i Massachusetts Volunteer Militia och tillhörde Boston Artists' Association .
- JE Billings
- Church of the Messiah, Florence St., Boston, 1847
- Ingraham School, Sheafe St., Boston, Massachusetts, 1847
- Odd Fellows Hall, Boston
- Skorsten, Boston Navy Yard , 1857
- Fakturering & Fakturering
- Temple Club, West St., Boston
- Boston Museum
- Grace Episcopal Church, Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1851
- Cathedral Building, Boston, 1873
- Thayer Library, Braintree, Massachusetts, 1874
- College Hall, Wellesley College, 1875
- Billings & Sleeper
- National Theatre , Boston, 1852