Ian Tyrrell
Ian Robert Tyrrell (född 1947) är en australisk historiker som är känd för sitt arbete med amerikansk exceptionalism och transnationell historia . Tyrrell var Scientia-professor i historia vid University of New South Wales , Sydney fram till sin pensionering i juli 2012 och är nu emeritusprofessor i historia där. Han är författare till tolv böcker, inklusive True Gardens of the Gods: Californian-Australian Environmental Reform, 1860–1930 och Historians in Public: The Practice of American History, 1890-1970 . Hans huvudsakliga forskningsområden inkluderar amerikansk historia , miljöhistoria och historiografi . Han var bland de första historikerna som populariserade idén om transnationell historia.
Född i Brisbane , Queensland , avslutade Tyrrell en BA Honours Degree vid University of Queensland och en doktorsexamen vid Duke University , där han var Fulbright Scholar och James B. Duke Fellow. Tyrrell var redaktör för Australasian Journal of American Studies från 1991 till 1996 och ordförande för Australian and New Zealand American Studies Association från 2002 till 2006. Tyrrell är stipendiat vid Australian Academy of the Humanities och belönades med en Commonwealth of Australia Centenary Medalj 2003. Han har varit gästprofessor vid Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales i Paris och Joyce Appleby (besökande) professor i USA:s historia vid University of California , Los Angeles, hösten 2009. Han var Harold Vyvyan Harmsworth professor i amerikansk historia vid University of Oxford 2010-11 och utsågs till professorsstipendiat vid The Queen's College, Oxford University .
- Sobering Up: From Temperance to Prohibition in Antebellum America, 1800-1860 . Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press . 1979.
- The Absent Marx: Class Analysis and Liberal History in Twentieth-Century America . Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press . 1986.
- Woman's World/Woman's Empire: The Woman's Christian Temperance Union in International Perspective, 1880-1930 . Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina Press . 1991.
- Deadly Enemies: Tobacco and its Opponents in Australia Sydney: University of New South Wales Press , 1999.
- True Gardens of the Gods: Californian-Australian Environmental Reform, 1860-1930 . Berkeley: University of California Press . 1999.
- Alcohol and Temperance in Modern History , red. Jack Blocker, David Fahey och Ian Tyrrell, 2 vol. Santa Barbara, Kalifornien: ABC-CLIO. 2003.
- Historiker i allmänhet: The Practice of American History, 1890-1970 . Chicago: University of Chicago Press . 2005.
- Transnationell nation: USA:s historia i globalt perspektiv sedan 1789 . Basingstoke, Eng.: Palgrave Macmillan . 2007.
- Reforming the World: Skapandet av Amerikas moraliska imperium . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press . 2010.
- Crisis of the Wasteful Nation: Empire and Conservation in Theodore Roosevelts America . Chicago: University of Chicago Press . 2015. Nominerad till General History Prize, New South Wales Premier's History Awards 2015.
- Empire's Twin: US Anti-imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism , redigerad med Jay Sexton. Ithaca: Cornell University Press 2015.
- River Dreams: The People and Landscape of the Cooks River , NewSouth Publishing, 2018.
Utvalda artiklar och bokkapitel
- "Women and Temperance in Antebellum America, 1830-1860," Civil War History , Vol. 28 (sommaren 1982), s. 128–52.
- "Dryck och nykterhet i Antebellum South: En översikt och tolkning," Journal of Southern History, Vol. 48, november 1982, s. 485–510.
- "Internationella aspekter av kvinnans nykterhetsrörelse i Australien: The Influence of the American WCTU, 1882-1914," Journal of Religious History , Vol. 12, juni 1983, s. 284–304.
- "American Exceptionalism in an Age of International History," American Historical Review , Vol. 96 oktober 1991, s. 1031–55; 1068–72.
- "Prohibition, American Cultural Expansion, and the New Hegemony in the 1920s: An Interpretation," Histoire Sociale/Social History , Vol. 27 november 1994, s. 413–45
- "Perifera visioner: Kalifornien-australiska miljökontakter, c. 1850-1910," Journal of World History , vol. 8 september 1997, s. 275–302.
- "The US Prohibition 'Experiment': Myths, History, and Impplications," Addiction , Vol. 92 nr 11, 1997. s. 1405-1409.
- "Making Nations/Making States: American Historians in the Context of Empire," Journal of American History , Vol. 86 dec. 1999. s. 1015–44.
- "The Limits of Persuasion: Advertising, Gender and the Culture of Australian Smoking," Australian Historical Studies , nr 114 april. 2000. s. 27–47.
- "Den stora historiska Jeremiad: Problemet med specialisering i amerikansk historiografi," History Teacher , Vol. 33 maj 2000. s. 371–93.
- "Beyond the View from Euro-America: Environment, Settler Societies and Internationalization of American History," i Thomas Bender, red., Rethinking American History in a Global Age . Berkeley: University of California Press . 2002. s. 168–92.
- "Modern Environmentalism", i Roy Rosenzweig och Jean-Christophe Agnew, red., The Blackwell's Companion to Post-1945 American History . Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 2002. s. 328–42.
- "Rethinking American Empire i ljuset av händelserna den 11 september," Australasian Journal of American Studies , 21 december. 2002. s. 76–82
- "Utmaningen att avprovincialisera USA:s historia under andra världskriget", i "Internationalizing US History", red. Dirk Hoerder, Amerikastudien / American Studies 48.1 (våren 2003), s. 41–59
- "Acclimatization and Environmental Renovation: Australian Perspectives on George Perkins Marsh," Environment and History . 10, nr 2, maj 2004. s. 153–66.
- "Historiker och allmänheten i den tidiga TV-åldern: Akademiker, film och uppkomsten av TV på 1950- och 1960-talen," The Maryland Historian , 30, våren 2006. s. 41–60.
- "The Nature of Environmental History: New Views from the Pacific," i Pierre Lagayette, red., Nature et Progrès: Interactions, exlusions et mutations . Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne. 2006. s. 11-31.
- "American Exceptionalism and Anti-Americanism," i Brendon O'Connor, red., Anti-Americanism: History, Causes, and Themes. Vol. 2: Historiska perspektiv . Oxford: Greenwood World Publishing . 2007. 99–117.
- "American Exceptionalism and Uneven Global Integration: Pushes Away from the Global Society," i Bruce Mazlish, Nayan Chanda och Kenneth Weisbrode, red., The Paradox of a Global USA . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press . 2007. s. 64–80.
- "Public at the Creation: Place, Memory and Historical Practice in the Mississippi Valley Historical Association", Journal of American History , 94, juni 2007. s. 19–47.
- "Confronting the 'E' Word: American Empire and Transnational History," Australasian Journal of American Studies , vol. 26, juli 2007. s. 41-53.
- "Charles and Mary Beard," i Darity, William A., Jr., International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences , 2:a upplagan. 9 vol. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. 2008. Vol. 1. s. 268–269.
- "Looking Eastward: Pacific and Global Perspectives on American History in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries," Japanese Journal of American Studies , nr 18, 2007. s. 41–57.
- "Environment, Landscape and History: Gardening in Australia," Australian Historical Studies , nr 130, oktober 2007, s. 389–97.
- "Transatlantic Progressivism in Women's Temperance and Suffrage," i David Gutzke, red., Britain and Transnational Progressivism . Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. s. 134–48.
- "Empire in American History", i Alfred W. McCoy och Francisco A. Scarano, red., Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American State . Madison: University of Wisconsin Press . 2009. s. 541–56.
- "The Scholarly Odyssey of an Activist Historian: Alan Dawley in Historiography," Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era , 8 (nr 1, 2009), 29–49.
- "Reflections on the Transnational Turn in United States History: Theory and Practice", Journal of Global History , 3 (november 2009), s. 453–474.
- "Woman, Missions, and Empire: New Approaches to American Cultural Expansion," i Barbara Reeves-Ellington, Kathryn Kish Sklar och Connie Shemo, red., Competing Kingdoms: Women, Mission, Nation, and American Empire, 1812–1960 . Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2010. s. 51–83.
- "Continuities in American Empire: The Nineteenth-Century Heritance and the Return Of History" i Priscilla Roberts, Mei Renyi och Yan Xunhua, red., China Views Nine-Eleven: Essays in Transnational American Studies . Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2011. s. 95–110.
- "Historical Writing in the United States," Oxford History of Historical Writing , vol. 5, ed. Axel Schneider och Daniel Woolf. Oxford: Oxford University Press . 2011. s. 473–95.
- "America's National Parks: The Transnational Creation of National Space in the Progressive Era," Journal of American Studies 46, nr. 1, januari 2012. s. 1–21.
- "The Space and Time of Transnational History," Keynote Address, German American Studies Association Annual Conference, i Udo Hebel, red., Transnational American Studies, American Studies Monograph Series . Heidelberg: Universitätverlag Winter, 2012. s. 75–96.
- "Missionary Movements", i The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History . New York: Oxford University Press . 2013. s. 698–704.
- "The Myth(s) That Will Not Die: American National Exceptionalism," i Gérard Bouchard, red., Constructed Pasts, Contested Presents . New York: Routledge . 2013. s. 46–64.
- "Anti-Americanism Historicized," Reviews in American History , 41, september 2013. s. 445–450.
- "From the Wet and Mud of Newcastle: Reflections on ANZASA and US History in Australia, 1974-2012," Australasian Journal of American Studies , 32, juli 2013. s. 62–79.
- "Recensionsuppsats: Bernhard Gissibl, Sabine Höhler och Patrick Kupper (redaktörer), Civilizing Nature: National Parks in Global Historical Perspective," ENNZ: Environment and Nature in New Zealand , 8, nr 1 november 2013, s. 49–58.
- “Die US-amerikanische Missionsexpansion und der Aufstieg des amerikanischen »Empires« im späten 19. Jahrhundert,” In Judith Große, Francesco Spöring, Jana Tschurenev (red.) Biopolitik und Sittlichkeitsreform Kampagnen gegen Alkohol, Drogen und Prostitution 19580 – 19580 . Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag. 2014. s. 49-81.
- "Débat autour d'un livre," (Reforming the World: the Creation of America's Moral Empire av Ian Tyrrell) med Rebekka Habermas, Rui Kohiyama, Mark Elliott, Monde(s), nr. 6, november 2014. s. 148–168.
- med Jay Sexton, "Introduktion", i Ian Tyrrell och Jay Sexton, red., Empire's Twin: US Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism . Ithaca: Cornell University Press , 2015. s. 1–18.
- med Jay Sexton, "Whether American Anti-imperialism in a Post-Colonial World?" i Ian Tyrrell och Jay Sexton, red., Empire's Twin: US Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism . Ithaca: Cornell University Press . 2015. s. 219–42.
- "Resource Use, Conservation, and the Environmental Limits of Anti-Imperialism," i Ian Tyrrell och Jay Sexton, red., Empire's Twin: US Anti-Imperialism from the Founding Era to the Age of Terrorism . Ithaca: Cornell University Press . 2015. s. 167–84.