Héctor Libertella
Héctor Libertella (1945–2006) var en argentinsk författare .
Verk publicerade
- The Road of the Hyperboreans , roman , Ed, Buenos Aires, 1968.
- Adventures of Miticistas , roman, Ed Monte Avila, Caracas, 1971.
- People Fighting Pose , roman, Ed Corregidor, Buenos Aires, 1975.
- New Latin American Writing, Essay , Ed Monte Avila, Caracas / Buenos Aires, 1977.
- Grottmänniskor! Berättelser Abbat Per Ed, Buenos Aires, 1985.
- The International Tour of the Wicked , novella, Latin American Publishing Group, Buenos Aires, 1990.
- Tests or Tests on a Tight Network , essäer, Latin American Publishing Group, Buenos Aires, 1990.
- Pathografia. Diverted Games Literature, Conversations , Latin American Publishing Group, Buenos Aires, 1991.
- The Sacred Writings, Critical Essays , Ed Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1993.
- Memoirs of a Demigod , roman, Ed Profile, Buenos Aires, 1998.
- The Tree Saussure, Story- Utopia , Ed Adriana Hidalgo, Buenos Aires, 2000.
- Literal 1973-1977 , (red.), Buenos Aires, Santiago Arcos redaktör, 2002.
- The Bookseller Argentina, Cordoba, redaktör Alcyone, 2003.
- The Legend of Jorge Bonino , Córdoba, redaktör Alcyone, 2010