Föreningen för biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig utbildning
Bildning | 1900 |
Typ |
icke- vinstorganisation |
Syfte | "Främjar innovation och spetskompetens inom forskning, undervisning och service för utbildare och forskare inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap och besläktade discipliner internationellt genom ledarskap, samarbete, opinionsbildning och spridning av forskning." |
Hemsida |
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) är en amerikansk ideell organisation för att främja god praxis inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i utbildningsinstitutioner.
ALISE är efterföljaren till Association of American Library Schools (AALS) som grundades 1900. AALS ersatte American Library Association (ALA) Roundtable of Library School Instructors (1911-1915), men var inte ansluten till American Library Association fram till 1953. Organisatoriskt hade AALS och ALA många kopplingar, särskilt under de första 30 åren av AALS existens. Donald G. Davis spårade ansträngningarna inom ALA för att förbättra biblioteksutbildningen.
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science ( JELIS) är en akademisk tidskrift som publiceras kvartalsvis av ALISE sedan 1960. Den fungerar som den primära informationskällan om frågor som är relevanta för LIS-utbildare.
Föreningens ordförande
- 2019/20 Stephen Bajjaly, Wayne State University
- 2018/19. Heidi Julien, University at Buffalo
- 2017/18. Dietmar Wolfram, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- 2016/17. Louise Spiteri, Dalhousie University
- 2015/16. Samantha Hastings, University of South Carolina
- 2014/15. Clara Chu , University of North Carolina i Greensboro
- 2013/14. Eileen Abels, Simmons College
- 2012/13. Melissa Gross, Florida State University
- 2011/12. Lynne C. Howarth, University of Toronto
- 2010/11. Lorna Peterson, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
- 2009/10. Linda Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- 2008/09. Michele V. Cloonan , Simmons College
- 2007/08. Connie Van Fleet, University of Oklahoma
- 2006/07. John Budd, University of Missouri - Columbia
- 2005/06. Ken Haycock, San Jose State University
- 2003/05. Louise S. Robbins , University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2002/03. Elizabeth Aversa, University of Tennessee
- 2001/02. Prudence Dalrymple, Dominikanska universitetet
- 2000/01. James M. Matarazzo , Simmons College
- 1999/00. Shirley Fitzgibbons, Indiana University
- 1998/99. Shirley Fitzgibbons, Indiana University
- 1997/98. Toni Carbo, University of Pittsburgh
- 1996/97. Joan C. Durrance, University of Michigan
- 1995/96. June Lester, University of Oklahoma
- 1994/95. Charles Curran, University of South Carolina
- 1993/94. Timothy W. Sineath, University of Kentucky
- 1992/93. Adele M. Fasick , University of Toronto
- 1991/92. Evelyn Daniel, University of North Carolina vid Chapel Hill
- 1990/91. Phyllis Van Orden, Florida State University
- 1989/90. Miles M. Jackson, University of Hawaii i Manoa
- 1988/89. Leigh Estabrook, University of Illinois
- 1987/88. Kathleen M. Heim (Kathleen de la Peña McCook), Louisiana State University
- 1986/87. Ann Prentice, University of Tennessee
- 1985/86. Norman Horrocks , Dalhousie University
- 1984/85. Jane B. Robbins, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1983/84. Robert D. Stueart, Simmons College
- 1982/83. F. William Summers, University of South Carolina
- 1981/82. Harold Goldstein, Florida State University
- 1980/81. Charles A. Bunge, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1979/80. Genevieve Casey, Wayne State University
- 1978/79. Gary R. Purcell, University of Tennessee
- 1977/78. Margaret K. Goggin, University of Denver
- 1976/77. Guy Garrison, Drexel University
- 1975/76. Kenneth E. Vance, University of Michigan
- 1974/75. Elizabeth W. Stone, katolska universitetet
- 1973/74. R. Brian Land, University of Toronto
- 1972/73. Thomas Slavens, University of Michigan
- 1971/72. Margaret Monroe, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1970/71. Patricia B. Knapp, Wayne State University
- 1969/70. Pastor James J. Kortendick, katolska universitetet 1968/69 Samuel Rothstein, University of British Columbia
- 1967/68. Virginia Lacy Jones , Atlanta University
- 1966/67. LeRoy C. Merritt, University of California
- 1965/66. L. Dorothy Bevis, University of Washington
- 1964/65. Jesse Shera , Case Western Reserve University
- 1963/64. Wayne Yenawine, Syracuse University
- 1961/62. Martha Boaz, University of Southern California
- 1960/61. Edward A. Wight, University of California, Berkeley
- 1959/60. David K. Berninghausen, University of Minnesota
- 1958/59. Esther Stallmann, University of Texas
- 1957/58. Lowell A. Martin, Rutgers University
- 1956/57. Frances N. Cheney, Peabody University
- 1955/56. Harold Lancour, University of Illinois
- 1954/55. Louise LeFevre, Western Michigan University
- 1953/54. Carl Melinat, Syracuse University
- 1952/53. C. Irene Hayner, University of Minnesota
- 1951/52. Rose B. Phelps, University of Illinois
- 1949/50. J. Periam Danton, University of California, Berkeley
- 1948/49. Rudolph H. Gjelness, University of Michigan
- 1947/48. George C. Allez, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 1946/47. Florrinell F. Morton, Louisiana State University
- 1945/46. Anne M. Boyd, University of Illinois
- 1944/45. Alice Higgins, New Jersey
- 1943/44. Frances H. Kelly, Carnegie Institute of Technology
- 1942/43. Leon Carnovsky , University of Chicago
- 1941/42. Herman H. Henkle, Simmons College
- 1940/41. Lucie E. Fay, Columbia
- 1939/40. Tommie Dora Barker , Emory
- 1938/39. Louis Round Wilson , Chicago
- 1937/38. Harriet E. Howe, Denver
- 1936/37. Ethel M. Fair, New Jersey
- 1935/36. Ralph Munn, Carnegie Institute of Technology
- 1934/35. Phineas L. Windsor, Illinois
- 1933/34. Sydney B. Mitchell, Kalifornien
- 1932/33. Arthur E. Bostwick, St. Louis Public
- 1931/32. Clara E. Howard, Emory
- 1930/31. Charles C. Williamson , Columbia
- 1929/30. Charles C. Williamson, Columbia
- 1928/29. June R. Donnelly, Simmons College
- 1927/28. Josephine Adams Rathbone , Pratt
- 1926/27. Phineas L. Windsor, Illinois
- 1925/26. William E. Henry, Washington
- 1924/25. Susie Lee Crumley, Carnegie (Atlanta)
- 1923/24. Harriet P. Sawyer, St. Louis Public
- 1922/23. Ernest J. Reece, New York Public
- 1921/22. Phineas L. Windsor, Illinois
- 1920/21. Josephine Adams Rathbone , Pratt
- 1919/20. Frank K. Walter, delstaten New York
- 1918/19. Alice S. Tyler, Western Reserve
- 1917/18. Sarah CN Bogle, Carnegie Institute (Pittsburgh)
- 1916/17. June R. Donnelly, Simmons College
- 1915/16. James I. Wyer, delstaten New York
- ^ ALISE. Expanding our Horizons: Strategic Directions, 2011-2014 "Strategic Directions" . Arkiverad från originalet 2014-09-03 . Hämtad 2014-08-29 .
- ^ ALISE. Expanding our Horizons: Strategic Directions, 2011-2014http://www.alise.org/strategic-direction Arkiverad 3 september 2014, på Wayback Machine
- ^ Om ALISE. https://ali.memberclicks.net/about-alise-2
- ^ Shove, RH "AALS före 1915." Journal of Education for Librarianship 1960, 1 : 81–86.
- ^ Shirley Fitzgibbons. Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences , tredje upplagan. Taylor och Francis: New York, Publicerad online: 9 dec 2009; 328-340.
- ^ Davis, Donald Gordon. 1974. Association of American library schools, 1915-1968: an analytical history. Metod: NJ
- ^ ALISE JELIS. (nd). Hämtad från http://www.alise.org/jelis-2