David William Cohen
David William Cohen (född 2 juni 1943) är professor emeritus i historia och antropologi vid University of Michigan . Han är specialiserad på Östafrika ( Kenya , Uganda ) och är ledande inom det framväxande området historisk antropologi . Han är hedersforskare, Archive and Public Culture Initiative, University of Cape Town.
Cohen tog sin doktorsexamen från University of London . Han undervisade vid Johns Hopkins University och var senare professor i antropologi och historia och chef för programmet för afrikanska studier vid Northwestern University .
Med ES Atieno Odhiambo skrev han om de många utredningarna av Kenyas utrikesminister Robert Oukos försvinnande och död 1990 .
- The Historical Tradition of Busoga: Mukama and Kintu (Oxford: Clarendon, 1972).
- Neither Slave Nor Free: The Freedmen of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World , redigerad med Jack P. Greene, med en introduktion av David William Cohen och Jack P. Greene (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972).
- Womunafu's Bunafu: En studie av auktoritet i en afrikansk gemenskap från 1800-talet (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977). Repr. New York: ACLS History E-Book, 2004.
- Towards a Reconstructed Past: Historical Texts from Busoga, Uganda (London: The British Academy and Oxford University Press, 1986).
- Siaya: A Historical Anthropology of an African Landscape (London: James Currey; Nairobi: Heinemann Kenya; Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1989), med ES Atieno Odhiambo.
- Burying SM: The Politics of Knowledge and the Sociology of Power in Africa (Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann; London: James Currey, 1992), med ES Atieno Odhiambo.
- The Combing of History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994).
- Riskerna med kunskap: undersökningar av Hon. Minister John Robert Ouko i Kenya, 1990 (Oxford, Ohio: Ohio University Press; 2004), med ES Atieno Odhiambo.
- African Words, African Voices: Critical Practices in Oral History (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2001), red. med Luise White och Stephan F. Miescher.
- "The Pursuits of Anthrohistory: Formation against Formation," i Edward Murphy, David William Cohen, Chandra Bhimull, Fernando Coronil, Monica E.Patterson, och Julie Skurski, red., Anthrohistory: Unsettling Knowledge, Questioning Discipline (Ann Arbor: University of MichiganPress, 2010), 11-33.
- "Memoriesof Things Future: Future Effects in "The Production of History", i Sebastian Jobs och Alf Lüdtke, red., Unsettling History: Archiving and Narrating in Historiography (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2010), 29-48.
- "UnsettledStories and Inadequate Metaphors: TheMovement to Historical Anthropology," i Eric Tagliacozzo och Andrew Wilford, red., CLIO/ANTHROPOS: Exploring the Boundaries between History and Anthropology (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2009), 273-94.
- "The Strange Career of African Voice", i Denis Laborde, red., Désirs d'histoire: Politique, mémoire, identité (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009), 203-19. "Constituting Sacred Spaces, Producing Heretical Knowledge," med Michael Kennedy, introduktion till Responsibility in Crisis: Knowledge Politics and Global Publics (Ann Arbor: Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library, 2004), redigerad, med Michael Kennedy.
- "Sacred Spaces and Heretical Knowledge: National Universities and Global Publics," ett positionsdokument, med Michael Kennedy och Kathleen Canning, Responsibility in Crisis: Knowledge Politics and Global Publics (AnnArbor: Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library, 2004), redigerad , med Michael Kennedy.
- "The Uncertainty of Africa in an Age of Certainty," i Responsibility in Crisis: Knowledge Politics and GlobalPublics (Ann Arbor: Scholarly Publishing Office, University of Michigan Library, 2004), redigerad, med Michael Kennedy. "The Fate of Documentation: The Ethics of Property in the Work of Visual Representation," Kronos (Special Issue: Visual History), 27 november, 2001, 293-303.
- "Recension: Richard Price, The Convict and the Colonel," HistorischeAnthropologie, 9, 3, 2001, 478-81. Trans. Alf Luedtke. "Introduktion: Voices, Words, and African History," (med Stephan F. Miescher och LuiseWhite), i Luise White, Stephan F. Miescher och David William Cohen, red., African Words, African Voices: Critical Practices in Oral History (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2001), 1-27.
- "I en nation av vita bilar. .. One White Car, eller 'A White Car,' Becomes a Truth,” i Luise White, Stephan F.Miescher och David William Cohen, red., AfricanWords, African Voices: Critical Practices in Oral History (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2001), 264-80.
- "Robert Ouko's Pain: The Negotiation of a 'State of Mind'," i Michael S. Roth och Charles G. Salas, red., DisturbingRemains: Memory, History, and Crisis in the Twentieth Century (Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2001) ), 17-36.
- "African Historians and African Voices: Bethwell Allan Ogot and the ChangingAuthority of the African Voice", i ES Atieno Odhiambo, red., African Historians and African Voices: Essays present to Professor Bethwell AllanOgot (Basel: P. Schlettwein, 2001) 47-55.
- "Reading the Minister's Remains: Investigations into the Death of the Honorable Minister John Robert Ouko in Kenya, februari 1990," med ESAtieno Odhiambo, i Della Pollock, red., Exceptional Spaces: Essays in Performance and History (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1998), 77-97.
- "Further Thoughts on the Production of History," i Gerald Sider och Gavin Smith, red., Between History and Histories: The Making of Silences and Commemorations (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), 300-310.
- "Silences of the Living, Orations of the Dead: The Struggle in Kenya for SM Otienos kropp, 20 december 1986 till 23 maj 1987," med ESAtieno Odhiambo, i Gerald Sider och Gavin Smith, red., Between History and Histories: The Making of Silences and Commemorations (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), 180-98.
- "The Luo of Western Kenya, 1500-1800," med ES Atieno Odhiambo, i EJ Alagoa, red., Oral Tradition and Oral History in Africa and the Diaspora: Theory and Practice (Lagos, Nigeria: Center for Black and African Arts och Civilization, National Library Press, 1990 [copyright],1997? [publicerad].
- "Historisk antropologi: att urskilja spelets regler," FOCAAL, 26/27, (1996), 65-7.
- "Att läsa ministerns kvarlevor: undersökningar av den ärade ministern John Robert Oukos död i Kenya, februari 1990," Passages, 7, 1994, 14-18.
- "The Constitution of International Expertise," ii: The Journal of the International Institute, Winter, 1994. 6, 8.
- "The Cwezi Cult," Journal of African History , ix, 4 (1968), 651-57.
- "Luo History Without Court Chronicles," Journal of African History , ix, 3 (1968), 480-82.
- "A Survey of Interlacustrine Chronology," Journal of African History , xi, 2 (1970), 177-201.
- "Agenda för afrikansk ekonomisk historia," The Journal of Economic History , xxxi, 1 (mars, 1971), 208-21.
- "Prekolonial historia som samhällets historia," African Studies Review , 17, 2, (1974), 467-72.
- "Trender i afrikanska historiska studier," American Anthropologist , 80 (1978), 101-105.
- "The Political Transformation of Northern Busoga: 1600-1900," Cahiers d'Études africaines , 23 (3-4), 87-88 (1982), 465-88.
- "Ayany, Malo och Ogot: Historiker på jakt efter en Luo Nation", med ES Atieno Odhiambo, Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines , 107-108, xxcii-3-4, 1987, 269-286.
- "The Cultural Topography of a `Bantu Borderland': Busoga, 1500-1850," Journal of African History , 29, 1, 1988, 57-79.
- "The Undefiniing of Oral Tradition," Ethnohistory, 36, 1, Winter, 1989, 9-18.
- "Luo Camps in Seventeenth Century Eastern Uganda: The Use of Migration Tradition in the Reconstruction of Culture," SUGIA: Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika , 5 (1983), 145-75.
- "Natur und Kampf--Uberfluss und Armut in der Viktoriasee-Region in Afrika von 1880 bis zur Gegenwart," SOWI: Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen fur Unterricht und Studium , 14, 1 (mars) 1985, 10-22.
Han har också sammanställt
- Selected Texts, Busoga Traditional History , 3 vols., begränsad xerox och inbunden upplaga deponerad i Africana-samlingar i Nordamerika, Europa och Afrika: 1969, 1970, 1973)
och skrivit avsnitten
- "The River-Lake Nilotes från det femtonde till det nittonde århundradet," Zamani: A Survey of East African History, red. BA Ogot och JA Kieran (Nairobi och New York: Longmans, New Edition, ed. BA Ogot, (Nairobi: Longmans, 1974).
- "Peoples and States of the Great Lakes Region", i JFA Ajayi, red., General History of Africa, VI: Africa in the Nineteenth Century fram till 1880-talet (London: Heinemann; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), 270- 93).1968);
Han bidrog också med kapitel till många samlade verk, samt skrev ett antal essäer och bokrecensioner.
externa länkar
- Verk av eller om David William Cohen i bibliotek ( WorldCat- katalogen)