Darley Stakes

Darley Stakes
Grupp 3 lopp
Rowley Mile Newmarket , England
Invigd 1987
Typ av ras Platt / Fullblod
Hemsida Ny marknad
Race information
Distans 1m 1f (1 811 meter)
Yta Torva
Spår Hetero
Kompetens Tre år och uppåt
8 st 13 lb (3 år); 9 st 3 lb (4yo+)

Tillägg 3 lb för ston och ston Straff 7 lb för grupp 1-vinnare * 5 lb för grupp 2-vinnare * 3 lb för grupp 3-vinnare * * efter 31 mars
Handväska £80 000 (2021)
1:a: £45 368
Darley Stakes
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap royal blue, black cap royal blue, white cap
Alflaila Osmanska flottan Kungliga flottan
Tidigare år
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap royal blue, white cap Yellow, large black spots and spots on cap
Mostahdaf Beduinens berättelse Finaste ljudet
Red, black seams, red cap, black star Royal blue White, dark green diamond, diamonds on sleeves, white cap, dark green diamond
Lady Wannabe Drömslott Episk hjälte
Dark blue, white chevron, white and mauve striped sleeves, dark blue cap, mauve star Red, black star, white sleeves, red armlets, red cap, black star Yellow, large black spots and spots on cap
Feliciana De Vega Verkligen Prins Eiji
Dark green, beige stars on sleeves Emerald green, white cross belts, orange sleeves, royal blue cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Euginio Skogsvaktare Gabr
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Peacock blue, white cap Dark green, pink braces, quartered cap
Monarchs Glen Robin av Navan Tändstift
Dark blue, large yellow spots Royal blue Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap
Muffri'Ha Fortsätt Deryck Johannes Vermeer
Black and red check, red sleeves Black, white hoops, royal blue cap, white star Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Energia Davos Utrikesskuld Mutakayyef
Yellow, black sash, white sleeves, black and white quartered cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Black and light blue check, black sleeves, light blue cap
Berkshire Mutakayyef Luftpilot
Purple, light blue chevron, light blue cap Mauve and pink check, white sleeves, pink cap Yellow, royal blue stars, yellow cap
Highland Knight Berättelser om Grimm Kapitel sju
Royal blue, emerald green chevron and sleeves, white cap, emerald green spots Pink, white hooped sleeves, white cap Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves
Mull Of Killough Saigon Föreskriva
Emerald green, yellow cross belts, hooped cap Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Emerald green, black chevrons on sleeves
Bubble Chic Dux Scholar Frågande
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Orange, dark blue triple diamond, dark blue sleeves, orange stars, orange cap, dark blue diamond Royal blue, Red cap
Tazeez Steele Tango Herravälde
Orange, dark blue triple diamond, dark blue sleeves, orange stars, orange cap, dark blue diamond Pale blue, white and yellow check cap Red and yellow (halved), white cap
Steele Tango Glas harmonium Palavicini
Purple and red check, yellow sleeves, red and yellow quartered cap Light blue and grey (halved), sleeves reversed, black cap Royal blue
Charlie Farnsbarns Bankbart Kirklees
Royal blue, white cap Royal blue, white epaulets, black cap Royal blue
Windsor Knot Mashaahed Blå Ksar
Pale Blue, White and Yellow check cap Royal blue Pink, Black epaulets, Black sleeves, Pink armlets
Scengåva Windsor Knot Bahia Breeze
Grey and Royal Blue stripes, Red sleeves and cap Dark blue Purple
Enforcer Mullins Bay St Andrews
Chocolate, Gold braid and sleeves, quartered cap Royal blue Black, Light Blue chevron and sleeves
Höstens ära Sevärdheter På Guld Babodana
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Grey, pink epaulets, quartered cap Purple, Gold hoop and armlets, Black cap
Far Lane Pantmäklare Kolla upp det
Orange, brown seams, brown sleeves, orange seams, orange cap, brown spots Royal blue Orange, black hoop, white cap
Gyllene Silca Mästerlig Beauchamp Pilot
Eton Blue Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap Blue, orange striped sleeves, orange cap
Högra vingen Flin Lagudin
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Straw
Albarahin Sommarvy Duck Row
Light blue, red cross belts, red cap Royal blue Purple, yellow cross of lorraine, emerald green sleeves, yellow cap, emerald green star
Indian Lodge Maidaan Siden St John
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Royal blue Red, white sash, royal blue cap
Haami Mudeer Illusion
Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap Pale blue and yellow diamonds, pale blue sleeves, quartered cap
Fahris Mitt i Albadu Ordentlig blå
Pink, green star and seams on sleeves, star on cap Green, white halved sleeves and star on cap Green, red armlets and cap
Tarawa Nijo Skogsbock
Yellow, black diamond and sleeves, red cap White, yellow epaulets and cap Red and white hoops, striped sleeves and cap
Omstrukturera Varv Av Lyx Wijara
Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap Yellow, green sleeves, red armlets and cap Pink, black disc and sleeves, diamonds on cap
Ökenskott Mistle Cat Mellottie
Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Maroon, light blue sleeves, light blue cap, maroon diamond Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap
Kaj Amazing Feat sovjetiska linjen
Pink, black disc and sleeves, diamonds on cap Green, pink sash and cap, white sleeves Blue, orange striped sleeves, orange cap
Mellottie Rainbow Corner Ringer Collect
Grey, blue stripes on body, blue cap Black, gold cross and stripe on cap Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star
Susurration Hjärta av mörker Militärt mode
Grey and red hoops, grey sleeves, red cap Royal blue, white chevron, light blue cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Raj Waki Teatercharmör Tabdea
Red, white sash, royal blue cap Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star Chocolate, blue sleeves, pink cap
Princess Accord Sabotage Morgonens ljus
Royal blue, yellow sash, yellow cap, royal blue spots Brown, beige chevrons, brown sleeves and cap Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap
Media Starguest Organza Alwuhush

Darley Stakes är en grupp 3 platt hästkapplöpning i Storbritannien som är öppen för hästar som är tre år eller äldre. Den körs på Rowley Mile på Newmarket över en sträcka på 1 mile och 1 furlong (1 811 meter), och den är planerad att äga rum varje år i oktober.


Evenemanget startade 1987, men den inledande löpningen övergavs på grund av kraftiga vindar och strukturella skador. Under en period hade loppet listad status, och det flyttades upp till grupp 3-nivå 2003.

Darley Stakes arrangerades tidigare under Newmarkets Champions' Meeting i mitten av oktober. Det blev en del av en ny match som heter Future Champions Day 2011.


Mest framgångsrika hästen:

  • ingen häst har vunnit detta lopp mer än en gång

Ledande jockey (4 segrar):

  • Richard Hills Fahris (1997), Haami (1998), Albarahin (2000), Tazeez (2010)

Ledande tränare (3 segrar):


År Vinnare Ålder Jockey Tränare Tid
1987 ingen ras
1988 Media Starguest 4 Ray Cochrane Luca Cumani 1:55,67
1989 Princess Accord 3 Frankie Dettori Luca Cumani 1:50,70
1990 Raj Waki 3 Ray Cochrane Guy Harwood 1:53,22
1991 Susurration 4 Willie Carson John Gosden 1:48,35
1992 Mellottie 7 John Lowe Mary Reveley 1:48,62
1993 Kaj 3 Pat Eddery Henry Cecil 1:53,15
1994 Ökenskott 4 Frankie Dettori Michael Stoute 1:50,63
1995 Omstrukturera 3 Paul Eddery Julie Cecil 1:50,23
1996 Tarawa 4 Richard Hughes Neville Callaghan 1:51,91
1997 Fahris 3 Richard Hills Ben Hanbury 1:55,43
1998 Haami 3 Richard Hills John Dunlop 1:50,54
1999 Indian Lodge 3 Kieren Fallon Amanda Perrett 1:47,40
2000 Albarahin 5 Richard Hills Marcus Tregoning 1:53,87
2001 Högra vingen 7 Pat Eddery John Dunlop 1:57,44
2002 Gyllene Silca 6 Ted Durcan Mick Channon 1:50,52
2003 Far Lane 4 Richard Hughes Barry Hills 1:51,60
2004 Höstens ära 4 Steve Drowne Geoff Wragg 1:54,96
2005 Enforcer 3 Martin Dwyer Willie Muir 1:53,38
2006 Scengåva 3 Ryan Moore Sir Michael Stoute 1:53,69
2007 Windsor Knot 5 Ted Durcan Saeed bin Suroor 1:52,38
2008 Charlie Farnsbarns 4 Ryan Moore Brian Meehan 1:47,78
2009 Steele Tango 4 Liam Keniry Roger Teal 1:49,55
2010 Tazeez 6 Richard Hills John Gosden 1:49,74
2011 Bubble Chic 3 Olivier Peslier Giuseppe Botti 1:50,85
2012 Mull of Killough 6 Joseph O'Brien Jane Chapple-Hyam 1:51,37
2013 Highland Knight 6 David Probert Andrew Balding 1.51.21
2014 Berkshire 3 Jim Crowley Paul Cole 1:53,40
2015 Energia Davos 7 Jamie Spencer Jane Chapple-Hyam 1:51,76
2016 Muffri'Ha 4 Pat Cosgrave William Haggas 1:51,71
2017 Monarchs Glen 3 Frankie Dettori John Gosden 1:51,71
2018 Euginio 4 Hayley Turner Richard Hannon Jr. 1:50,78
2019 Feliciana De Vega 3 Harry Bentley Ralph Beckett 1:54,38
2020 Lady Wannabe 4 Jamie Spencer Fozzy Stack 1:53,65
2021 Mostahdaf 3 Jim Crowley John & Thady Gosden 1:52,03
2022 Alflaila 3 Jim Crowley Owen Burrows 1:48,16

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