1930 Singapore Open

1930 Singapore Open
Datum 5 juli – 27 september 1930
Mötesplats SVC Drill Hall
Plats Stadshuset, Singapore
Herrsingel Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass
Herrdubbel Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng Seah Eng Liat
1929 1931

1930 . Singapore Open , även känt som 1930 Singapore Badminton Championships , ägde rum från 5 juli – 27 september 1930 i SVC Drill Hall i City Hall, Singapore Oavgjort spelades under några månader, den första omgången spelades den 5 juli och den sista oavgjort (finalen i herrdubbel) spelades den 27 september. Det hölls inga kvinnorelaterade tävlingar på grund av bristen på anmälningar.

Försvarsmästaren i herrsingel vann EJ Vass sin andra titel i rad efter att han besegrade See Gim Hock i en spännande kamp i tre set om att vinna singelfinalen för herrar. Lim Chek Heng och Seah Eng Liat blev tävlingens första mästare i herrdubbel när de besegrade Lim Boon Guan och Wee Eng Siang i ytterligare en tresetter.

Slutliga resultat

Kategori Vinnare Tvåa Göra
Herrsingel Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgSe Gim Hock 15–11, 12–15, 15–13
Herrdubbel Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLim Chek Heng & Seah Eng Liat Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLim Boon Guan & Wee Eng Siang 21–2, 16–21, 21–13



  1. Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass (Champion)
  2. Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Se Gim Hock (final)
  3. Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Yeo Kian Ann (semifinal)
  4. Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Seah Eng Liat (semifinal)
Första omgången Andra rundan Tredje omgången Kvartsfinal Semifinaler Slutlig
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgGan Hock Seng 2 7
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgKoh Keng Siang 11 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Keng Siang 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Swee Wah 8 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass 9 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgWee Hong Hai 15 12 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Wee Hong Hai 15 13 17
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgKoh Yew Keng 13 18 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Wee Hong Hai 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Soo Chye 7 1
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Soo Chye 15 18
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgQuan Siew Chye 6 14
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLim Chek Heng 12 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgCharlie Chua 6 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Charlie Chua
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng 15 5 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Boon Kwang 9 15 4
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Boon Kwang
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Boon Kwang 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgEe Cheng Leong 8 8
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ee Cheng Leong
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass 15 8 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgSeah Eng Liat 8 15 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Seah Eng Liat
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Seah Eng Liat 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgChia Kim Guan 5 6
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Chia Kim Guan
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Seah Eng Liat 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Hood Hin 4 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Hood Hin
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Hood Hin 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgOng Hock Poh 13 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ong Hock Poh
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Seah Eng Liat 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLim Boon Guan 10 10
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan 15 12 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Hock San 3 15 4
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLee Kim Seck 2 13
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lee Kim Seck 14 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Wee Hong 17 4 7
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgKoh Beng Swee 3 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Beng Swee 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgA. Sujak 12 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Beng Swee 17 5 18
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLim Chin Lam 14 15 16
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chin Lam 9 15 18
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Eng Tee 15 10 13
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass 15 12 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgSe Gim Hock 11 15 13
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Beng Tian Yew
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Beng Tian Yew 15 5 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTugga Keow Chin 8 15 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tugga Keow Chin
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Beng Tian Yew 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgWee Eng Siang 9 7
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Wee Eng Siang
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Wee Eng Siang 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgWee Cheng Siang 4 6
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Wee Cheng Siang
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgBeng Tian Yew 3 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Yeo Kian Ann 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Cheng Moh 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgMH Syed 10 0
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Cheng Moh 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgAG Hussain 3 8
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg AG Hussain 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgArthur Lim 2 11
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgKoh Cheng Moh 14 13
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Yeo Kian Ann 18 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Yeo Kian Ann 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgAdam Mohamed 3 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Yeo Kian Ann 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgYeo Sim Kang 4 12
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Yeo Sim Kang 15 12 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgAng Eng Kim 3 15 6
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgYeo Kian Ann 14 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Se Gim Hock 17 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Miang Cheng 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgIbrahim Karim 5 4
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Miang Cheng 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Kim Swee 2 10
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Kim Swee 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgKoh Leng Hoo 6 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Miang Cheng 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgLJ de Souza 12 11
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg LJ de Souza 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgHT Jabar 1 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg LJ de Souza 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgEe Sim Mong 7 7
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ee Sim Mong 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgSeet Kim Cheng 4 11
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgTan Miang Cheng 1 10
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Se Gim Hock 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ho Eng Kwee
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ho Eng Kwee 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgJ. de Souza 10 10
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg J. de Souza
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgHo Eng Kwee 2 2
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Se Gim Hock 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Kwek Chip Siang
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svgKwek Chip Siang 4 7
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Se Gim Hock 15 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Se Gim Hock


Första omgången Andra rundan Kvartsfinal Semifinaler Slutlig
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass L. J. de Souza
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass L. J. de Souza
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Eng Tee Koh Joo Hock
1 4
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Eng Tee Koh Joo Hock
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg EJ Vass LJ de Souza
3 11
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng Seah Eng Liat
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng Seah Eng Liat
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg J. de Souza Michael Tan
0 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng Seah Eng Liat
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Charlie Chua Yeo Kian Ann
4 14
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Charlie Chua Yeo Kian Ann
21 9 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg R. Kanaisan Lee Kim Seck
13 21 18
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng Seah Eng Liat
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Keng Siang Se Gim Hock
14 6
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Keng Siang Se Gim Hock
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg AG Hussain Ibrahim Karim
2 4
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Keng Siang Se Gim Hock
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Cheng Moh Lim Chuan Geok
8 14
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Cheng Moh Lim Chuan Geok
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Gan Hock Seng Låg Liang Quee
5 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Koh Keng Siang Se Gim Hock
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Beng Tian Yew Khoo Eng Poh
18 13
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Beng Tian Yew Khoo Eng Poh
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Adam Mohamed A. Sujak
5 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Beng Tian Yew Khoo Eng Poh
21 18 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Tian Wan Tan Wee Hong
14 21 12
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Tian Wan Tan Wee Hong
w / o
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ho Eng Kwee Koh Beng Swee
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chek Heng Seah Eng Liat
21 16 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan Wee Eng Siang
2 21 13
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chin Lam Tan Miang Cheng
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tugga Keow Chin Koh Yew Keng
7 8
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chin Lam Tan Miang Cheng
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Hock San Wee Cheng Siang
12 9
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Hock San Wee Cheng Siang
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg K. Vallipuram Thambapillai
11 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chin Lam Tan Miang Cheng
21 21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Chia Kim Guan Koh Lock Nam
13 23 3
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Chia Kim Guan Koh Lock Nam
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Chia Kim Guan Koh Lock Nam
24 16 23
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Arthur Lim Yeo Sim Kang
19 21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Arthur Lim Yeo Sim Kang
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Chin Lam Tan Miang Cheng
7 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan Wee Eng Siang
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Kwek Chip Siang Tan Hood Hin
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Mohamed Syed Tan Boon Kwang
13 5
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Kwek Chip Siang Tan Hood Hin
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Swee Wah Yap Tian Beng
14 10
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Tan Swee Wah Yap Tian Beng
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Ong Hock Poh Chan Keng Hong
13 14
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Kwek Chip Siang Tan Hood Hin
13 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan Wee Eng Siang
21 23
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lee Yan Chin Wee Hong Hai
21 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Quan Siew Chye Ang Eng Kim
17 15
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lee Yan Chin Wee Hong Hai
3 21 8
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan Wee Eng Siang
21 17 21
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg C. Missson R. Tan
7 19
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg
Flag of the British Straits Settlements (1925–1946).svg Lim Boon Guan Wee Eng Siang
21 21